In the current meta whos the most op?

i can say with the little ive pvped today in this “meta” hunters are doing quite well :smiley: .

Did you lose your vanish/shadow step/blind/trinket buttons or something? You kill most of the classes in the game within a kidney shot by just pressing mutilate, lmao. Def a skill issue here.

Can’t vanish cuz of Farie Fire, no point sapping dunno why you listed that, don’t need to trinket anything. They just instantly kill me.

It could be my crappy weapon though.

Nice gaslight.

Yeah I dunno, not much of an issue in my rogue. Not sure what you are doing honestly.

Spriest is easily the most OP spec in SoD. I feel like a god both in PvP and raid.

its a question that sheds some light on who actually is the most op.

people kneejerk and say shaman because of past “metas” when it wasnt the case in the 1-3 shot “meta” and might not even be top 3 in the current one.

just to prove a point.

Depends on the scenario bgs or non, if open world Probly rogue or sp. if in bgs shaman, hunter, sp are all good. Rogues kinda fall off here as it requires some brainpower to play rogue in bgs in terms of spins, negating healers etc…

unfortunately i dont report people .

its ok. get it all out.

you can cry more if you like.

maybe beat up a pillow?

I can’t see your gear or what you’re doing, who you’re attacking, the circumstances, you’re just saying “hur dur me good, you bad”. Nice conversation there bro.

they arent op, just cleanse their dots and they become weak versions of boomkin

No I was genuinely curious… I play rogue as well. Not an insult, and I did not use any context that would indicate that.

Yes, I know. Obviously if you have good weapons you don’t have problems killing people, I don’t really have good weapons, hence why I have trouble killing people.

Instead of getting this information, people just go “hur dur me good you bad” with no information whatsoever lol.

Yeah that was not my intention.


good night yall.

maybe the little bugger will tucker themself out.

Only people who hide their main are people who parse pink and below :joy:

I guess Bowzo wins the argument by default because they at least have their toon public.

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how many shamans have you vsed in BGs but?

Well, I’m horde so I hope you can figure that out on your own.

Imo they need the damage nerf for ranged. Leave melee how it is and then increase healing by 20%.

Ranged can’t drop a healer? Dang that sucks, find a Mortal Strike buddy.

most OP class is hunter and the devs clearly play favorites because they hardly ever nerf them