"Just Cleanse it Bro" Shaman Busted 3 Electric Boogalee

Just cleanse it bro

Make or break point for sod is this next week class tuning which isn’t going to come.



no u just don’t understand bro, he got insanely lucky bro, it only has a 5% chance to be instant cast bro, nevermind that it spreads to 4 other targets in a team fight and then it goes up to 25% chance on instant BRO PLEASE DON’T NERF ME IT’S TOTALLY FAIR BRO


thats really unfortunate, also really unfortunate you didnt press bubble… and down goes venruki…

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bubble, selfheal cast an exorcism for 200 damage, the shaman goes away and kite, bubble ends, another 2 shot and the paladin is dead again.


I think judgement of the crusader should do 6000 damage over 4 seconds. After all its cleanseable.

Warriors, rogue, etc etc will also have no problem bubbling it.

I only got 3 gcds that fight. Should have opened with cleanse maybe bubble 2nd. None of that even remotely justifies the shaman class however. Bubble was on GCD.

If shaman aren’t exclusively wearing robes and healing in p4 its DOA.


That’s literally the entire reason to play Ele shaman: Power Surge proc fishing. It’s a 5% proc chance, so grats on being the 5%.

Also why didn’t that paladin press repentance? HoJ against a tauren? Cleanse the flame shock? Guy had a lot of time to react and did nothing.

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What’s a boogalee?

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You should of known he was going to 2 shot you!! First thing you should of popped is bubble. Heal to full and start attacking him again. You wont do much though because he has just as much armor as you. When he starts to 2 shot you again make sure you dont use any spells so you dont get globaled and cast Lay on hands! You will be at 100% HP now and he will be down to atleast 90%!! Oh wait he is full mana and you are completely oom. Ok he is ramping up for his next 2 shot, hope you have a major healing potion! Now youve used everything including consumes, he is at 80% and you at 50%. Still full mana though, how is this possible? Nevermind that, shamans arent overpowered at all. Skill issue. Last option left is to pray you have 2 alliance friends come and join the fight. Shamans will scream they are weak because it takes 3 alliance to kill them.


They appear to be Holy spec.

Hard to say if they were in range of HoJ whilst on mobile, however they only had a single GCD between 75% and dead, which in fact they do use on Cleanse.

Can’t really see the 1st GCD they use, 2nd was Holy Shock, then they had a Cleanse buffered which goes off as they immediately drop from ~75-80%, then they are dead before the next GCD comes off (I assume a WoE off cd Earth Shock).

I’m not entirely sure they “had a lot of time”, although maybe they should have expected to lose 75% of their health in one GCD after all the changes?
At best they Cleanse on the 2nd GCD instead of Holy Shock, but considering Flame Shock tick rate they already had Surge procced.

It obviously included a fair bit of luck for Overload, Surge etc. But either way they were at a major advantage.
Even with Cleanse all they needed was a Grounding drop to prevent HoJ and wait for the FS cd.
Unless the pally literally holds GCDs to cleanse FS chances are the Shaman gets the crit LvB since if I recall correctly it is guaranteed on cast not hit.

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you forget to bubble or stun???repent

Might as well quit the game right now then. Will be nice to see fewer nerf shaman threads. And I say that as someone with a 50 of: paladin, shaman, priest, hunter and warlock.

Shamans are OP but the nonstop 24/7 nerf shaman threads are the most obnoxious things in existence. We don’t need 100 threads of this crap. If you’re that upset roll a shaman or quit the damn game.

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I had 3 gcd’s. They were used on exo, holy shock, and cleanse. Can make arguments on what should have been done differently. Holding a GCD for cleanse or purely for defensives. All of that really misses the point. A lot of classes don’t have any defensive’s. Its normal to open up with a few offensives so thats already OP. Hammer and repentence are more used to get heals off rather than openers.

ahhh the old if youre upset about the game being broken, make it even more broken! Has to be an incursion enjoyer


Good job on having your first GCD be incorrect. Nice Ret brain.

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well Pallies and shamans are on in the same spot at the moment you can’t nerf one without the other. Bubbling was fine before you gained like 5 other attacks now, you’re like a rogue that can delete 2 people with 0 counters. At least with shamans you can do something to them.

Lets make it so shaman die in 3 globals to paladins and have to play perfectly everytime and I expect you to be totally ok with it.

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You have 3 GCDs, stop making intentional mistakes and blaming the game. Your opponent played it right, and you didn’t, you lost, better nerf so you STILL lose because you STILL won’t press your buttons correctly.

You’re just simply dishonest. People like you are the reason we have wars, and atrocities etc IRL. Cling so desperately to their ideals that they would do anything to perserve them.

At any rate i’m advocating for a complete reversal. Shaman should need to focus gcds only on defensives and if they fail they should get insta clapped. Do you have any objection to this since its totally fine according to you?

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He doesn’t want his faceroll class to take a brain to play. BIG NOOMBERS. Honestly I would be bored of it if its so one sided in my favor.


remember this if/when the servers go from Medium to Low pop

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