In the current meta whos the most op?

This tier list is so bad and wrong we can only assume you’re terrible at wow. Hunter at the bottom? LOL

The most people it upsets the more accurate it is. Seems to be extremely accurate so far with all this shaman seething.

Shaman has the best toolkit in the game right now.

shamans so much better why are there like 8k more ally on raid logs?

Because all the big streamers rolled alliance at the start.

Why though???

If you are right and theres more people playing alliance, why would horde BG queue times be 50x longer than alliance? If everything is balanced.

Because horde are the bad guys in the lore, and don’t have any pretty races.

my male orc shaman is plenty pretty.

take that back!

LOL catch me on sod/cata/retail then and well see whos 1200 :rofl:

enhance was op pre blanket DR. i dont play sod anymore other than raidlogging rn so idc what they are @ rn

iirc from previous forums, you are some 1550 noob who hides behind forum on alt toons never post on your mains on any version of WoW-forums. pitiful i even give you a reply. 100% ur a nobody and a pleb

its courtesy to post on on sod toon on sod forum, cata on cata toon and retail on retail toon. anyone who doesnt legit is 10/10 hiding a noob afraid to be checked. it is what it is

or they dont want to be harassed in game like i was.

i know you dont see that but it happens.

Bandwagoners, plus when people saw pallies were OP in P1, they couldnt see the bigger picture. Then because they did so many alts in P1 on alliance , a lot of them have dug their heels in and stuck with the P1 Bandwagon, and now crying that their pallies arent 1 shotting people anymore.

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Bro dont be mad about getting stomped in the open world, we are talking about BGs

running into melee a spriest, all that needs to be said of this players pvp skill hahahaha

HAHAHAHAHA Vlakus hahahahaha wow, should’ve known you’d be this much of a sook to skitzo post on forums haha

im not vlakus sorry, probs purge and ground better next time aye. The fact you dump everything 5 seconds in for no reason shows how good you are

run into melee without tremor thats how you beat a spriest

heh so i was right that spriest and ranged hunter are top?

who knew?

maybe do a hunter pvp vid next time?

boomkins the best imo

but if i had to make a list
s tier boomkin ele sham
a tier rogue spriest mm hunter enh
dont care about the rest

s: shaman
no experience with sod pally but probably a or s

a: priest dru
b: mage

edit: for nonwsg. for wsg only classes that matter are priest dru rogue hunter

NE can’t be warlocks.

No wonder you are soo clueless lol.

Shaman enahncement is by a good amrgin the strongest class/sepc rn btw, you being bad at it wont change this fact.