In-game ignore...let's make it better!

You didn’t look very hard…

Post 76 of this thread


I missed that one then. Will start ignoring people to improve LFR experience.

What’s the point of ignoring the player? If all servers are full of trolls.

Oh, here we go again. I always groan when someone raises this hoary idea. It’s just so damned horrible a notion, yet it still gets said. Blizzard would never, ever permit players to block an entire server because they don’t happen to like something about that server. And the add on that tried to do that was banned.

Just…no. There are as many potential bad players on any other server, do you plan to block all of those as well? It may get lonely out there…

Unlimited ignore, someone will find a way to ignore everyone below X ilvl.

Now, LFR in peace. Still limited to 50.

And if that was done by an add on, Blizzard would ban/block that as well.

How are they going to block something that’s publicly accessible? Like does it with m+ rating. (A textfile that you download.)

More like Blizzard shouldn’t expand the ignore limit to unlimited.

Before Blizz m+ rating was a thing, that’s how you kept track.

Both of those are relatively inconsequential vs hiding people from LFG that you’re in or other such things. Even those are frankly questionable.

They can’t harrass you if you can’t see anything they are doing. You don’t have the right to police what they say about you; if it is offensive to other people they will report it as such. Blocking all communication between you leaves the other party unable to see what you are saying about them in any space that they may even usually have access to, and that’s not ok. There’s no intrinsic judgement on the other party because you blocked them; it’s equally likely that you’re the cause than they are.

If you don’t want them to see what you say, don’t talk in spaces they are likely to do so. You have full control over your own actions, ignore is there to give you the capacity to ignore those of people you don’t.

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I’ve not suggested that in any way. They can still say anything they please (as long as they keep within the rules), but neither party needs to see each other’s chat.

So if someone is harassing me or stalking me, I should be the one to have to stay out of a public channel so that they can’t see what I’m saying? That doesn’t make sense. Neither party should be required to stay out of a public channel when the system can simply make it so that both parties can no longer see each other’s chat.


Actually that’s not exactly how it works. Here’s what I’ve found from testing.

  • If you are on Server A and ignore a character from Server A, all characters on that player’s account on Server A are ignored (they can’t message you, and any attempt to do so they are told that you have them on ignore)
  • However, if that person you ignored has characters on Server B, they can login to those and message you (as the account wide ignore was done before the ability to message people across servers).
  • If you are on Server A and ignore a character on Server B, it does ignore them, but when they attempt to message you, instead of getting a message saying they are being ignored, they get a message saying “Character not found” But they can just switch to another character on Server A or B and message you still.

So they did initially make it work, but as I found from my testing (and I have a thread in the bug report forums on it), it only works for characters on a single server (and you have to be on the same server)). So not too hard to work around sadly. Hopefully it will some day be fixed and be truly account wide.

For me, I use a personal addon to share / sync my friends and ignore list (and I auto remove people from ignore after 14 days to keep below the limit, as by than they’ve usually moved on, though I do have the ability to extend specific characters beyond that limit (I have a few))

Your right as long as they stay withing wow’s coc they have the right to say what they want . However they don’t have the right to be heard by those that choose not to listen to them . This actualy goes for everyone in game.

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What Vrak meant was you can still join a group, in group finder, with the ignored person if you or the ignored person was not the listee.

Right now, you can only ignore up to 50 people. There are hundreds of people that do LFR, right? That seems pretty far fetched.

How does someone know when that person is queueing? What are the chances you’d be put in the same LFR group in the first place? I would imagine there would be more than 1 group running LFR at a time.

I think ignore should be account wide. When you ignore someone, it ignores them on all your toons. Right now it is easily possible to facilitate this with an addon, but an addon shouldn’t be required for this.


I support universal account-wide ignores, in the game client, and on the forums. My goal is not to ignore an individual character or forum avatar, my goal is to ignore the player. Ignoring another player’s character from one of your characters should ignore all characters on that account from all characters on your own account

I do not, however, support so-called ‘two-way ignores’. One player ignoring another should not force the ignored player to reciprocate, though it should prevent the ignored player from directly addressing the ignorer.


Except that if it made it the case that neither party could see each other, it could be used substantially more easily to harrass people by means of ignoring someone prior to saying whatever you like about them in a public area without them being able to see it and respond.

You putting someone on ignore is not evidence of them stalking or harassing you. If you think they are behaving in a manner that needs global policing then report them as such. You putting them on ignore is a means for you to avoid them, no more than that.

You don’t have to stay out of public channels; you just have to live with the fact that they can see what you type even if they cannot in any way respond or interact with you. If that is not ok with you, you have the option to leave that space.

Nor did I say they do; you putting them on ignore means you can’t hear them. It doesn’t, and shouldn’t, mean that they don’t hear you if you are talking in a space they have access to - that is your action and your problem if you want to avoid it.

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Suspended your blue drakthyr. didn’t they? Lesson not learned? Proof we need some changes.


A good ignore is very cheap for Blizzard, so much cheaper than having to deal with reported bickering, and having someone go through chat logs, possibly on many characters. I think that Blizzard should make the improvements you mentioned because it can reduce their costs.

I would like to add that AI can be used to parse the tone of messages. In a world where GPT-4 and other advanced natural language processing models exist, this is something I think Blizzard could handle. If someone says something determined to be rude, the game could simply ask you “X said something which appears to be inflammatory. Would you like to ignore them? [yes] [no, don’t show message] [no, show message]” no punishments needed because there is no harm done if nobody sees it :tipping_hand_woman:


To everyone you have put on ignore a hand animation blocks their face and everything they are doing.

I support OP fully.


Thanks for the 6-day-later bump! It must have taken some important digging for you to find this thread again! I’m glad it’s as important to you as it is to the majority of us :slight_smile:

I’d like to thank you for your reply. It’s pretty clear, based on this thread alone yet the many that have come up since, that you’re not just in the minority, but also wrong in thinking that no change is needed.

Thanks for your input though!