In-game ignore...let's make it better!

Could’ve ended the post here and it would have increased its accuracy and truthfulness immeasurably.


You can’t possibly know that. You have no idea what the future will bring. Not a huge fan of what you are wanting, it will just make folks wisper their garbage and put folks on Ignore even more like the grown children they are.


In my 17 years of playing wow and being in many guilds i think i had to ignore like 5 people maybe, and i didnt log into like all my toons to ignore them lol , not sure what yall doing lol

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This is something I wanted to comment on. The friend list we currently have is still the same coding as when it was implemented in 2004, like many IM systems there was no accepting/denying friends then. This needs to change and when we choose to remove a friend the connection is lost both ways.

There is an addon, not gonna name it those who know know and I won’t help stalkers, that is still current and used by players that, when I last used it years ago, marked your friends on the map, the exact spot where they were. So even if have someone on ignore, the fact you are still on their friend list means they can get to your exact location.

ETA: If both people were using the addon, which just about everyone was because it was that helpful and that popular.

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This might be the most incorrect line on the whole forum. You are literally the ONLY person who actually believes that it’s “perfect”. It’s actually sorta sad that you can continue to push this nonsense.

I’m sure one of your alts is already on my ignore list which is further proof that the forum ignore needs improving too. That way I wouldn’t have to continue seeing you troll this thread.

Thank you for the additional bump and proof that the forums AND game need better ignore systems! We all appreciate your efforts to prove how broken things really are :slight_smile:


Yes, in a “perfect” world, that would be amazing. Unfortunately, that doesn’t negate the awful things that happen to people in-game because the ignore system is so basically flawed. I know that you don’t really care what happens to others in-game or on the forums, you just post your own silly reasons for why YOU think everything is “perfect”, but that’s not the reality of it.

I’m glad you found one other person who agreed with you. That’s great. That doesn’t nearly represent all the posts I’ve read over the years in CS where people were maliciously hounded over and over due to the broken ignore system.

It’s okay that you’re wrong about it. I still love your bumps, even if they’re ridiculous.

The ignore system in-game is garbage. So is the one on the forums. I’ll add this alt of yours to ignore now too. I’m sure you’ll conveniently move to another further proving how broken the system is.

Don’t pretend to be my friend either. It’s creepy. Very creepy.


Asked for these very things 10 years ago and was met with only backlash and vitriol. Glad to see the community has improved massively in that time. I supported this then, and still support it now.


If you’re lookin for trouble, you won’t get it from me.


Most of these things wouldn’t affect me. But god, when the same player you have already declined (or kicked from your group) is able to keep applying to your group, it’s really freaking annoying.


I don’t see any negative to a true account wide ignore in game the only thing that is preventing it I assume is the fact the ignore function was coded back in like 2002-2004 so its probably hard wired to have each character on our accounts have their own ignore lists.

The old complaint used to be “but what if they want to appologize?”

Fam, they never want to apologize. And it shouldn’t be up to them anyway. When you block someone, they should not have the power to simply walk around whatever boundary you just put up to continue harassing you. And yes, it’s harassment. If you did this in real life you’d be arrested.

Blizz put a little too much faith in the good will of their players and it bit them in the butt.

One interesting side effect of preventing an ignored person from joining a group would be that if enough people found someone disruptive and unpleasant, they’d eventually have nobody left to group with. The game would police itself. Problem is… I don’t think Blizzard wants that outcome.

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Because they don’t actually believe it. They’re trolling. But they’re playing the "look how polite I’m being in informing you that the sky is purple and you are incorrect about it being blue, I hope you have a wonderful day :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: " game to rile people up and try to fly under the radar of “trolling” when a message is looked at as an island instead of as part of a larger pattern.

Yet another reason why ignoring one person should ignore all their alts on the forums!


I’ve got them on ignore now anyway, but the way they pretend to be “friendly” by calling people “friend” while telling them how “wrong” they are and all that nonsense. It’s SUPER fake and gross.

I’m sure that another alt will pop-up that I’ll need to ignore again because the system is so broken. But at least this person helps prove HOW broken the system is :slight_smile:


It is simply not as large an issue as its made out to be.

You don’t see trolls or sockpuppets ruling these forums like its their own personal fiefdom.

So, apart from this thread getting necro’d, you want in game account wide ignore like everyone wants on the forums? :man_facepalming:

This is for the in-game ignore. And I mean, an issue doesn’t need to be massive to still call for a QoL improvement. I mean, most of the requests for the improvements are not because people want to ignore a ton of people, but because people want to ignore one or a few specific people who go out of their way to be a problem, and with the limits on the ignore feature, it does help keep things simple that way.

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They got their previous character suspended already, and the goof hasn’t learned.


No they didn’t :rofl: the overall owner of the forums Blizzard chooses to operate on made some changes, but they had nothing to do with Blizz or these forums specifically


Well unfortunately what you think is safe to say doesn’t mean much. Sorry.

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