Imagine If

Abrasiveness in communication denotes a person acting in an aggressive manner often being overly harsh and dismissive. I don’t view most people as abrasive because I assume good intent as a baseline.
Not everyone communicates the exact same so giving some charitability helps to smooth conversation and reach worthwhile outcomes.
If you go into an argument assuming bad intent you are setting your self up to never get anything done.

Bad moments does not a bad experience make. I’ve had numerous instances where I’ve done stuff that got me hurt but had fun doing it so the pain is part of the total experience and that experiences was good. You remain the only person who I view as having provided me a bad experience, but hey keep arguing with me and letting me have fun and maybe on the whole I’ll start calling it a good experience.

Tanks, and all players really, will start running lower end content as quickly as possible to save time as they get better gear. This has existed since vanilla and is a fundamental outcome of gear. If you want the gameplay of strategically killing packs then push higher content.

Blizzard removed the first 10 levels of M+ and elevated M0 to the difficulty the former +10 and heroics to M0. The stated reason for doing so was because heroics had been made redundant and give other players more difficult dungeon content without the anxiety of a timer. They also said that the key levels bellow +10 were largely ignored by players who play M+ as a primary form of content so they felt removing them was and overall good. It wasn’t bad design it was just not as good as the new system.

And? I still find it funny that some one read all of this BS and wanted to send them a little salute. It wasn’t about you silly billy.


I want the game to be better. If I find a suggestion that would bring a bigger detriment to the game than what its supposed to fix (frostreaper) im going to call it out. People see that as abrasive and just being contrary. What happened when Frostreaper was introduced in SL? People complained because Obliterate was nerfed. Most even said it was an “unneeded nerf” yet it was 100% needed.

People also shouldnt assume that people are just going to pat them on the back because of a bad idea or an idea that have larger negative consequences than what is being fixed.

Really? Figued burning or getting cut would be a bad experience.

That shouldnt be the case.

Content getting easier is the outcome of getting better gear, not going to lower forms of content. In Wrath for example, people were not going into normal dungeons because they got better gear, they still did the highest form of dungeon while doing their raids. Going into dungeons was borderline a requirement through the entire game, you could ignore them if you wanted, but then you would be behind because you didnt get at least 14 extra current tier emblems.

Thats the point of M+. Thats the point of Fractals of the Mists which M+ is based on.

So they removed a lot of difficulties,

Good. A lot of people dont like timers.

Because they are stepping stones early on. Once you have higher gear you dont have to start back at 0 and climb the latter again.

It sounds like that is just bad design. Content being made redundant, levels 2-9 serving no purpose, forcing people into competing against timers when they dont want to… sounds like a lot of it was bad design to me.

And? Likes mean nothing on these forums. I highly doubt people are even reading stuff which happens a lot of times when people are even in the conversation.

Not sure how to respond to this TBH you seem to mostly agree with me. Unless I’m supposed to read large portions of this as sarcastic.

I felt I had to define what abrasive meant to me and how it isn’t inherently a part of discourse because you just kept insisting it had to be. Which is wrong.

I never assumed you don’t want the game to be good and then some off topic stuff bout shadowlands. Don’t care.

people almost never expect to get zero push back they just don’t like when people like you act poorly towards them.

Minor to moderate physical injury doesn’t sour and overall experience for me and most adults. Neither does the occasional insult or bad take on the forums. I find you far more annoying than a moderate injury, but I have changed my view on interacting with you to just be a fun time arguing with a person I don’t like.

Shouldn’t doesn’t matter. We have decades of data that shows players will optimize the fun out of content so as soon as people get the gear to plow through content they no longer find challenging they will.
I never said anything about people getting gear making them go into lower content. No clue what that or the Wrath tangent was about.
Patches exist on gear curves and as the majority of the player base moves up the curve all content bellow the mid curve gets run through as quickly as possible even by people lower on the curve in order to catch up.
Your issue with people blasting dungeons is a direct consequence o the gearing process, and not tanks being built to be able to self sustain.

Uhh… Obviously? Why are you trying explaining so much about M+ to some one who is more experienced with the topic than you are? Do you think I got to a point where I start getting portals week two of a patch by not understanding how M+ works and how blizzards changes to the system will affect players? It’s coming off as a miss placed sense of superiority you silly bo billy. It’s cute TBH.

I was recommending that if you want the content of slow and steady dungeon content that you should try M+ Maybe even learn to tank so you can control the pace and be the guy whos actually considerate about DPS mechanics. The difference between an okay tank and a great tank is consideration for your party after all.

Honestly don’t get why you care so much anyways. You’ve said before you don’t like dungeons. Unless you meant only timed dungeons in which case you can be happy M0 is the space for you to be challenged after the new changes, but even that will be filled with players boosting friends because of gear curve, and not because of tanks.

This is like saying propeller planes were a bad design now that jets exist. Having the data and testing directly lead to the current iteration. bad and not as good aren’t the same thing, but I can see how a person as negative as you would see it that way.

Second verse same as the first. Maybe they read it maybe they didn’t. If they did or do then it may give them a chuckle, and its still not about you silly bo billionaire. :kissing_heart:

I use both, he was just saying he has a hard time finding his cursor so i recommended the @player one.

You implied it.

Yes, they do when they have the tools to do so like addons and such. But going into lower difficulties they havent done. There is no reason to.

I didnt say you did. You did however say that tanks and all players will start funning lower end content as quickly as possible to save time as they get better gear. Lower end content is lower difficulty. M+ (+20 at the time) is top end content. Why go lower? Unless you mean lower end content as something else which I dont know what that would be.

Its not.

Just because you do M+ doesnt mean you understand M+. Many people drive cars every day yet dont know where to put their oil.

I have no sense of superiority. Thats the people that come into the conversation talking about “im better than you” as you did before.

You just play Cata content. The dungeons are long, too long, but the pace allows for people to actually play the game even when you are geared enough. I should technically be in raids at the moment but im a little behind and people tend to be ilvl elitists.

I know how to tank. Ive done it since Wrath, I dont particularly like it anymore.

I know. Ive done it before. Dont turn enemies towards your dps else they get parried since parries can only happen from the front, conal attacks happen so another reason to not face enemies towards the group, minimal movement and create death balls. Its all basic stuff that has been lost on the population.

I dont like M+. I like dungeons, M+ however I cant stand.

Its not the same. Do propeller planes still serve a purpose? They do. Do heroics serve a purpose? No. Did the lower brackets of M+ serve a purpose? Maybe limited but overall no. Many people just said to skip to +10 and go from there.

Nah. You assumed it for some reason. I have no idea how what I said could be taken that way when I repeatedly stated I prefer to assume good intent.

Then why bring it up at all?

So did I misunderstand your issue or are you claiming that the gear curve doesn’t incentivize players to run content bellow the curve faster while also having access to players on or ahead of the curve to make doing so easier?
At the start of any Season I will play with numerous friends lower in skill and lower on the gear curve and make there dungeon runs almost twice as fast. Numerous people do this and it is IMO the primary cause of lower content getting run through quickly.

Correct but in this case its like explaining rode rules to a person who has a CDL. The chances of me not knowing are so slim that its weird to assume you needed to explain it. Especially when the devs already did and I wrote what the devs said., You Silly Willy Bo Billionaire.

Suuuure you don’t. You come off that way to me though.
I am objectively better at this game than you. I already said I was acting poorly when I said so to get under your skin. I don’t think It makes me morally or intellectually superior to you to be good at a game though. It does however make my perspective broader in terms of how and where the stress points of the game exist.

I don’t want to play Cata. The older versions of the game are too simple for me and I find them boring. I like retail.
Also I did play cata when it was current and I blasted those heroics for the daily rewards even faster than I do lower keys when I run them with friends. They were easy back then and the only reason I stopped chain pulling was because it was faster to let dps do damage then to just do the dungeon my self, but I did big pulls and fast pulls.

Well I’m glad they have classic and a better difficulty curve of non timed dungeons for you then. Just like I said before.

I said its LIKE not a 1 to 1 example. Can you not see what I meant? Its all about how the system was implemented WAS good and the needs and skill of the player base evolved around it and now they are updating it to accommodate more players.
The current Version of dungeon tiers would have gone over very poorly in Legion because the player base wasn’t ready for it. Ergo it wasn’t bad design its just outdated.

Guess were just gunna move on from this without you acknowledging you projected a meaning onto disagreement that isn’t there and tried to convince me I felt ways I don’t?
It’s okay I’m sure you have enough Ls to hold already.

What have I said that makes me think I’m superior?

Reiterative PSA:

Stop feeding the resident troll > block > enjoy relative peace on the forums.

Assuming you meant “Makes you think”

Explaining what was made clear in what the devs said as if I needed you to do so. It comes across as you assuming I’m an idiot who cant parse common English and needed you to do so on my behlaf.

Giving up on the rest of what I said or just don’t have the energy to keep going?

I’m having fun. Once I decided there was no convincing them it became sport. Unless you meant me as well. Which yeah fair enough Me and Kelliste have derailed this post real bad.

No, I meant what I said. What have I said that shows me thinking I am superior?

You are the only one bringing up other people’s play, saying you are better and everything yet somehow I think I’m superior?

And no I skipped everything else because I skimmed the post prior to starting work. Quickest thing to respond to at the time.

Both times I have said it comes off as superior. As in I read it as such. You good man? Having trouble following conversation?

I’ve only said I am superior in things that can be proven and directly said I don’t think being superior at a game makes me better than you. Maybe get the full context instead of skimming before rushing out a response so you don’t make half baked response like these.

So you injected intent… why?

Pushing your ego that you continued to do behind a block.

It wasnt half baked, it was full baked and the truth came out. In no instance have I suggested or said I was superior to anyone else and it was you injecting that intent into what was being said to argue.

So do you not understand the difference between saying it seems like something and claiming it as fact?

I have at no point claimed you think you are just that you act in ways that imply so to me.

It was half baked and if it wasn’t then you failed to grasp what was said.

I know the point, but if it seems like something why bother saying it like you did.

When I said I dont have a sense of superiority you said that.

How do you know? Im not playing DF, and I wouldnt push anything on this DK anyways because of people like you. Until you guys learn that play doesnt equal knowledge ill continue to use characters on the forum that dont do anything. Not to mention you dont actually make a good case for doing anything? Why would I want to run into people like you that tell other people “im better than you”?

No it doesnt, because this argument mean you have to do the content to have a day. Its a fallacy through and through. I didnt need to do mythic anything to know KM rank 2 was going to bring an Obliterate nerf. I dont need to do mythic anything to know that Pillar being a 45 second CD is going to desync stuff to the point its not going to feel good to play even the spec is tuned properly. I dont have to do mythic anything to know cleaving strikes is a detriment, I dont have to do mythic anything to know a bunch of stuff yet you elitists always act like you do.

You have. See the above quote.

So what about how you act? You literally think you are superior. You have said as such. I really dont care who is better than me. Though I think that is something that is wrong with this whole WoW community because you guys place scores onto people and if that score isnt good enough to you then anything that person says is moot. You constantly look at others characters and try to discredit whatever they say because they arent up to your standards. “I have looked at this character, I have looked at that character and *insert whatever reason their opinion doesnt matter”.

Most people just want to play a fun game, they dont want people like you parse shaming them which is what WoW players do and it drives people away. If your goal is to dwindle the WoW playerbase through elitism then congrats you are achieving that goal.

Here is some more evidence to back up what I am saying.

This is why people post from characters they dont play. 100%. There are plenty of people that do this because people like you try to shame others due to their gameplay instead of what they are actually saying.

It was easy enough to take down that other guy with what he has been saying you dont need to bring up his “level of play”. You are just being elitist at this point.

I was very shocked to see that someone would call disagreement abrasive – while posting to a discussion forum…

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Once again me saying you come across to me as acting superior and you actually thinking you are aren’t the same thing, and me having some cheek about it doesn’t change anything.

I know I’m better because raider IO has your progress for multiple expansions. So unless you are hiding your power level and actually a mythic raider posting from an alt. In which case cool you’re objectively better at this game, but I doubt it.

Take the chip off your shoulder. Not being as progressed as other doesn’t make you a worse person. It does however make it so you see less levels of play because while I can and do play with lower skill people and see/hear about their issues by not playing higher up you lose out on some perspective. I for instance don’t mythic raid so I don’t have that perspective.

My response to the guy in the other post is entirely me making fun of him because he’s acting like a major doof. How I choose to feed the trolls is up to me.

Yet you said I think I do because you didnt believe me when I said I dont. Did you not see that part?

Then why do you constantly bring it up? Because you are saying “you are worse your opinion doesnt matter”. Thats exactly what you are doing.

That doesnt mean that you cant though. Thats the thing. People havent been to a black hole but they can have the perspective of falling into one. Some peoples brains work in a way that they dont have to do the thing to understand the thing they can play something in their head and figure out the flaws.

Let me put it in another way. When you do a dungeon do you trial and error it the first go though or do you take hints thoughout in how bosses might be and what you would plan on doing? Ignore the dungeon journal, just you are seeing the boss blind. How do you handle it?

So you explain the idea of extrapolating based on prior experience and data. You can do that and it can lead you to mostly correct conclusions. It doesn’t however confirm things the same way doing the content does and it also has blind spots.
I can tell you right now that by doing the content I was exposed to information that I did not have before getting better at the game. Not least of which was due to getting to interact with more types of players.

Me not mythic raiding directly means I do not have the perspective of a person who does. I can extrapolate based on what they tell me about it but they cant communicate that level of data via words or even video. There is so much data lost in terms of qualia by not having done it your self.

Coming across as bitter with a big chip on your shoulder. I brought it up once to get under your skin. Which I think it did, and every time after that I recall I’ve been responding to you talking about it.

What timeframe from the prior experience and how much data?

I do not understand what you mean by this or how it is relevant. Please expound on your point.