Imagine If

What is the timeframe for the prior experience and how much data do you need?

Someone had to think of it right? Or even several people thought of it.

Tell me this, what content did I have to do to know that DW with Shattering Blade can return to 5 stacks of RI in 1 global? I know exactly what it takes and how its done. So what content did I have to do to get this information?

What does that have to do with the current topic. I still donā€™t get how time frame is relevant to what Iā€™ve been saying obviously information becomes outdated and less relevant to speculation.

I wasnā€™t exclusively talking about new people introducing new ideas to me much of the information I gained was through just my own observations and testing.

All you would need to understand class mechanics is to have played it or the knowledge of several interconnected class functions. Itā€™s honestly a lot of info for an uninitiated person to take in and speculate from without hands on testing.

All of that aside as its a bad example because its significantly less complex than an entire pillar of play which includes all of the specs roles and hundreds of mechanics.

The whole point is that second hand knowledge is inherently less valuable. Which may be why you have wierd ideas about tanks being the sole case for dungeons going ā€œfasterā€. Which I find odd because Iā€™ve played since Vanilla and have seen and been blasting dungeons well before active mitigation and tank self sustain, if thatā€™s why you are talking about time frame its irrelevant to my point as gear curve as a reason for people running dungeons faster has been repeated ever expansion or season there by reupdating my information.

Why are you asking this?

There isnt a more simple way to ask it.

So that whole thing was just pointless and a stroke of egoā€¦ -.-

Played it where? To what extent?

Hands on testing where? Within the content? Just leveling? Target Dummies? Where is this stuff taking place?



Suuuure you were.

Not the reason why. For someone who talks about these concepts you have a really hard time grasping something as simple as how long to you have to play to have prior experience and how much data do you need?

Do you need to play for 5 minutes or 5 years? What kind of content? Do you need to just do leveling content, or do the hardest difficulty? People have been trying to defend this dumb position of doing the content = unparalleled knowledge of the class. If thats the case why do so many people just get things fundamentally wrong. Oh and this thread topic is about class mechanics not being the same as that of another class that has it ā€œeasierā€. If greener grass is elsewhere go to the greener pasture. If you live in a desert and can see a bountiful forest, its only your fault that you stay in the desert.

Oh good. You had been acting almost normal and I was getting bored, but were right back to abrasive!

Frist off I was asking because you communicated it in a way that didnā€™t make sense to me. I wanted clarification. There may or may not have been a simpler way to communicate what ever you were going for but there was certainly a better way as you can always get a person to understand things if communicating well.

Secondly. What part of me saying I learned a lot from improving at t he game by simply observing things is an ego stroke? OMG I have eyes arenā€™t I the best?

Thirdly your example was how fast Razor Ice stacks up to be used by shatter. Anywhere that it stacks at all would work so literally any combat content could be enough hands on content if they were actively trying to figure it out. If not they would have to gather a lot of data and do math.

This is obvious. Having first had experience provides additional layers of context for information.

I make an argument. You say, Nuh UH! Truely an intellectual titan.

I have a really hard time grasping exactly which topic we are talking about because you keep drifting from one to another bringing up random tangents about wrath that introduce new topic and now you are referring back to the original topic of the post? Buddy weā€™ve clearly moved through so many topics and arent on Class mechanics atm.

The most recent topic was your take that tanks have bean designed over time to be too fast and need to be slowed back down to levels similar to Cata so they arenā€™t making the rest of the game less fun for DPS players, and my counter to that was/is everyone moves through content as fast as possible when given the gear to do so.

Hereā€™s a new example on that topic. Back in Cata when I would do my daily heroics by the mid point of dragon soul I would tank dungeons as frost to make them go faster and I wasnā€™t alone in doing similar stuff.

Are you not following the conversation because its been going on for so long and your forgetting? You keep coming back with responses that feel incredibly disconnected.

The people that say this are 100% correct.

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So you are just trolling, got it.

Sort of, but Iā€™m doing so by charitably and honestly engaging with the topics you bring up. Because I think you cant stand on your ideas but absolutely must have the last word.
Notice how I used ā€œI thinkā€ Iā€™m not telling you what you actually feel Kelliste, donā€™t try and tell me I did again.

I assume from the ever increasingly incoherent and silly responses you cant come up with an actual counter to the ideas Iā€™ve been presenting? Iā€™ll be charitable and offer that maybe youā€™re just tired of the topic? Thatā€™s fine. If you want me to stop responding just ask me to without adding anything I will feel compelled to engage with, or just donā€™t respond.

Welcome to the ignore.

I count this as a win. You still couldnā€™t come up with a better response than just saying no to my arguments.