Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

Oh I am sorry, I forget many Gamers TM have no idea about the reality or real world issues as they hide in vidya all day, my mistake, wont bother talking about complicated things with ya as an analogy

I didn’t make this thread to discuss reality or real world issues.

Maybe you should get a grip.

Or is this just how you slink away from a losing argument? Snake.

Yea remember when Blizzard was set on one direction for Artifact weapons, artifact power, and legendaries in legion?

Yea, remember when they made a full 180 on that 6 months into the expansion?

Remember when Blizzard added a legendary item vendor mid expansion, when being set on not adding one?

Same, I remember too

Remember when Blizzard was set on Azerite being a solid replacement for what we had lost in Legion? Yea, they went back on that only 3 months in this time around.

Oh, right, they also doubled down on their new direction by iterating YET AGAIN on azerite in 8.2

WAIT! They doubled down not two but THREE times!!! By giving every spec the best traits on the raid pieces in 8.3

Hold up, Essences were a thing too! Remember when Blizzard were set on not making them account wide? That happened…

See a pattern?

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That was at the tail end of the expansion.

Master loot removal was a great change, thankfully I wasnt doing mythic back then but I can only imagine the drama and disgusting feeling that would be caused if some guild leader STOLE your loot to give it to someone else.

Now at least if you get an ilvl upgrade or bonus roll, that loot is YOURS, and nobody can steal it and I am happy I never had to go through such terrible experiences.

Not really. I am in the dislike BFA crowd but find these covenants interesting. It seems to be putting RPG back into MMORPG. Something to me that has been lacking.

Less than ideal gameplay? yeah it can happen. Work with what you got. or stop min/maxing and go more flexible on the build.

Pretty sure the top guilds will be all up in beta and day 1 patch your fearless leaders or the people you read/watch their stuff daily will tell exactly what you need to do. So lemming away…

WoW went from having:
Personal loot or Master too
Personal loot only.

I thought you were against making the game more casual?

Didn’t you want hardcore game?

Nope. Patch 7.3.5, Vendor added that sells an item which gives a random legendary. BFA came out 8 months later.

You can’t steal something you never had. The removal of master loot just trashed some fun of raiding for me. Looking at the loot that dropped and then seeing who would win it was a huge part of the social feel of raiding to me.


7.3.5 is the tail end, like, Antorus had been cleared at that point. The expansion was basically over.

Mid expansion is like 7.2 at the latest.

But wait! There’s more… Folks will work out which ones are superior, pile into those, fun will be detected, those will be nerfed and cool stuff done to the ones nobody picked. That’ll be patch 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3. Then by patch 9.3.5 they’ll introduce a way for people to change covenants and run away.

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Full repeat of Legion and BfA

I wonder if 10.0 will be a repeat of Shadowlands as well :thinking:

That will never hap-

Echoing void damaged reduced by 50%.



Oh you are right, forgot the loot would only go to the leader. Either way it would feel disgusting to be passed over for loot for weeks possibly for X popular person.

Yeah I absolutely wouldnt ever want to do that, because I can accept /rolls since it is RNG, but many times there would be a leader/council giving pieces to people they choose, and those can easily be influenced

So I am very happy when I get or dont get loot by personal loot because I know it is rng and there’s no injustice involved.

Hey. Don’t dodge! I want your take on this situation!

Sounds like you want a casualised homogenised experience.

I don’t think you want a hardcore RPG at all.

Aren’t you the one who argued modern day DND? Isn’t there a group decision of when loot drops? Or do you ask the DM to let you roll for personal loot?

Only the hottest takes from Admiral Greenparse.

Madea thread about this, Cant wait for the meta slaves to cry so I can link them this month old topic :3

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Loot from personal loot is just no fun, and I enjoy all the crap I’m forced to take so I get less chance of getting things I actually want, so f’ing fun.

Do you just purposely ignore comments when you realise you’ve lost an argument?

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