Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

Dirty dodger… smh

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Actually shaking my head rn

RNG is RNG, there is no justice or injustice.

In master loot the possibility for injustice is high, you might like the whole social aspect but I dislike it, sucking on officers to have a good image but the last thing I care about is trying to be popular socially, which should be pretty clear based on my forum posts xD

I much rather have rng gods decide, I trust them a billion times more than another player

I judged her hopeless and ignored her if that is what you mean based on vew hidden replies thing popping between posts, I dont bother even reading what people I have deemed hopeless say since they will never say anything of value.

Attacking someone because they didn’t respond to all of your questions instantly isn’t helping the conversation.

Theres a difference between doing that and outright dodging lost arguments.

Ralph froths from the mouth when the group didn’t give him claws of attack in DND :’(


There are better and more effective ways to get your questions answered and truly see if you’ve won or not. You just look like a jerk.

I don’t need to wait for a respond to know Ralph has no leg to stand on, you must be new here or only started reading the thread in the last 3 posts.

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And i’d rather have the choice of ml, you see, it should be a CHOICE

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That’s just cringe as hell so let’s move on

I would like to remind you that Blizzard, being set on a specific vision they had, went back on it for every system they’ve introduced since Legion.

Covenants will be no different. We’d like to avoid waiting a full year for that to happen though.

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You dont get a choice, another person or people most likely gets a choice THAT INFLUENCES YOU, a human person who has flaws and can be manipulated and like most average people, is influenced by culture, society, people around them.

By definition that person is unable to be unbiased unlike the RNG gods which are unbiased.

You don’t want ML, you join a PL guild, simple.

We were robbed of that.


Yeah, at the end of the expac.

I wont mind if they force that hard covenant choice till the last patch or even middle fo the expac, similar to flying

And how many pl guilds existed back then? Master loot was the norm for mythic raiding so you wouldnt find many that were also decent.

The norm around master looter robbed people who wanted pl from that option.

THe world isnt as simple as I want something, it exists, norms, culture, human behavior screw that simple minded idea, it is like people going “everyone can eb a billionaire” when the vast vast majority of billionaires comes from inheritance and few that dont had already pretty privileged lives and family to loan them a ton of money.

Reality=/=everyone has a choice

So basically no matter what he responds what so ever he is wrong. Meaning this isn’t a debate or a conversation even. Its just you shouting at the top of your lungs at attacking anyone who disagrees.

First time dealing with Ralph i see.


They went back on Azerite 3 times in BFA, once every major patch.

They went back on Essences a month after 8.3.

They went back on Legion’s artifact power and improved Legendaries drop rates massively 7 months into the expansion.

It’s a constant issue where they keep going back on their original direction, because they realize it was an awful direction to begin with.

I don’t even have enough fingers to count the blue posts or interviews that began with “We understand issue x affects a lot of players, thus here is a fix you asked for since day 1”.


Because they admitted that was a failure, especially due to the lack of testing, which covenants had a lot of time : )

Last patch

Improved drop rate=/=making them purchasable which they didn, in the last patch

Even if you don’t believe the person to be in the same camp as you in terms of ideas you should give them a fair shot. You never know who you can convert through civil means, not just assuming they are wrong, and valid debate. Who knows they might come up with the best idea if they are not assaulted every step of the way. Also no you can’t assume they won’t unless you can see the future and no, not wow’s future.

The entire problem is that none of it makes anyone happy.

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What’s funny is, at the start of bfa during qa’s they were already saying that they realized Azerite wasn’t working but didn’t know how they would fix it… and it took til 8.2

Can we take a moment to remember BFA launched with no Azerite vendor.

The population took a nosedive on my server when BFA released. It did permanent damage to the OCE scene and i don’t think OCE Horde will ever recover.

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