Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

And do you also realize something in common? They are all really popular and new and well known

Let me explain it another way.

if someone kept giving everyone 100 euros per day and complimenting you, you would like that person and he would be seen as a good popular celebrity. and wouldnt think ill of them unless you were paranoid

Ah yes,

New game Baldurs gate released in 21 December 1998.

Very fresh and new game!

Some of these games literally released in the 90s. Jesus christ inform yourself before you talk.

Baldur’s Gate series

uh… What? That’s not new.

Though i don’t know how easy it is to change your stats in BG, but any older RPG I can think of allows changing, it’s just limited or hard.

Nice quick edit to try and save your skin.

So now every single thing on this planet that is complimented is actually bad and were pandered to by crybabies?

Man you are pathetic

And might want to check when the first cooperative and later on online rpgs and how they started, dnd today is an excellent example of old rpg adventures for multi player.
Something that is clear the devs have been delving in.

But hey, let’s ignore that and focus on certain popular video games.

Baldurs Gate literally follows the DND ruleset.

literally 3 decades worth of rpg video games



Lmao, you do realize for me to have that feeling I must be desperate right, or more importantly that is what you want to believe about me since it helps your case.

Havent played all of them, know most of them and they are not what I would call hardcore rpgs, especially when most are popular and if they were popular they needed to be pretty casual simple enough for the average player to play without feeling everything is complicated, a comment we ve seen about covenants.

Oh now all rpg video games allowed you to change specs and loadouts on the fly for 3 decades, damn talk about jumping on those serious arguments xD

Baldur’s gate literally has permanent companion death and is based entirely off DnD 2e IIRC, it is a hardcore cRPG.

Damn, who does that remind me of?

Aren’t you a casual player that wants to have some good simple fun?

Awesome, then surely you are with us for Covenants then.

Glad we sorted that out!

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It’s almost like what consumers wanted changed over the years

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This ended this conversation for me. We have two camps here: one thinks covenant spells should be decoupled from the RPG-ish story-based transmoggy Covenant choice, and one that thinks not picking (and being locked into) the story and world of a Covenant means you’re a meta slave and something of value is lost.

I don’t really see how these conflict, honestly. To Tjphess’ point, “non-meta slaves” (Ralph’s position) can still make a meaningful, impactful decision in their RPG by picking some storyline and getting locked into the xmog of their covenant choice, and disconnecting covenant spell choice from that doesn’t impact them, but significantly helps players that care more about high end mechanics than the RPG nature.

The answer is clear to me. Disconnect these two things and everyone can go on playing the game they want to play. I don’t care if Ralph doesn’t want to do high end raiding, or if Timbaeslice only wants to do that. If you disconnect the spells/kit from the Covenants, it is wins all around, nobody loses anything. Why are we even still talking about this?


The question I’ve been asking myself since the account wide essences honestly.

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It is almost as pandering to a really desperate for ego boost majority in a capitalistic world where few survive and most simply struggle through the daily suffering therefore desperate to feel personal achievement and self worth via the illusion of skill and challenge is a popular strategy.

What are you gonna say next, that if we keep removing regulations corporations will take advantage of that and become even more immoral and money hungry?

No strawmanning please and thank you!

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Don’t really see how you can disconnect soul-binds from the covenants honestly, think they’ll just allow you to be in two at a time or similar, one for power, one for quests and cosmetics.

And just like master loot, blizzard is pretty set on one direction : )

What has this got to do with the thread?

One horrible blizzard decision definitely doesn’t excuse another.