Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

Sorry mate, you picked Venthyr you can’t get Severe that’s with Night Fae

CLF Is with Necrolord can’t use it

Shoulda gone with Kyrian if you wanted access to Blaster Master

This is Shadowlands is looking to me, and it’s scary.

If you honestly think covenants as a package will be within 1-2% different in DPS you are outta your mind.


Pick whatever makes you happy!

Feb 27 2021 Update:

I am changing this comment because they were not as well-balanced as I’d hoped and it feels truly disappointing. I changed my covenant, and now, I’m doing almost 40% more damage overall in mythic plus keys. If I could go back to the past and tell myself that “Hey guy you should probably listen to the Mythic raider who has Beta access!” I totally would. I was wrong, sorry everybody.



Furry Goat people. Done! I don’t care what you do, can I take one home with me?


Is this analysis based on your alpha access?


hm, today i found out im “out of my mind”, weird… thought it’d be more chaotic. boring


I don’t think a choice between aesthetics/lore and gameplay power is fun in a social mmo.


Only if you promise to feed it and give it lots of headpats.


I’m just gonna say screw meta and go with the one that fits the theme of my characters. So night fae for all my elves and trolls, maybe venthyr for this character, I haven’t looked into it enough. Necrolords would work great for Warlocks and DKs I think, Kyrian for Paladins and other light users, maybe warriors?

Won’t it be a kick if it ends up the ones that are “best” for a given class don’t line up with that classes theme, like, at all? That’ll be the proverbial crapshow I’m sure.


This makes the most sense to me.


Folks would have been much less salty if they could respec their Covenant to get Twilight Devastation instead of having to pray to RNG until 6 months later.


It is a little disappointing, I agree. I can’t predict what they will do with SL, but I feel like the game is even more fun when you build your character and get to see them shine! I know that Marks is like the third lowest DPS spec or something right now, but I love it and I’m still having tons of fun :slight_smile:


I see your a sham. why did you not pick a shadow priest for dps? clearly that is the much better option to choose. Covenants are the exact same choice. you choose what is more fun for you to play.

No one is going to not invite to groups because of a covenant choice. you want the vampire teleport? well I will just suck down this invis pot and get to the spot when keeping the necro lords.


You know what burns my oats? There’s a 460 TD1 piece in the AH, dude keeps relisting it for 10-20k more every time, I keep hitting his old price points, but it’s always out of reach. Considered mailing him an offer even. At least three sellers this week could’ve sold me something decent but it’s like they look at my balance and post it at +10k, then when I make that, it’s relisted for even more. Sheisse.

Also out of your mind if you believe this.


I’d say you’re out of your mind if you think those covenant abilities are going to make it to live in their current incarnations. Making a mountain of a mole hill.


The fact it even went up as a draft into alpha is cause for concern.


I’ll pick the covenant with the strongest abilities for my main. The other three I take in will go to the others just to unlock transmogs and mounts so I’m not as concerned with the covenant abilities for them.


Somehow you’re choice of class and race didn’t bench you. And still you think picking the wrong covenant will? Are you upset that your shaman can’t pick lockboxes? Can’t teleport? Can’t cheat death. I could go on and on. You’re not using any logic, you’re just mimicking a Preachy youtuber.


I’m raid leader for a 12/12M guild if my mages decided to play Arcane or rogues went Sub they’d be benched.

Stop comparing rented power systems with what i picked at the character select screen.


That sounds like an awesome scenario!
I think you might be overthinking it some though.
Check out what has been datamined.
Most of the customization comes from things seemingly agnostic to covenant choice.

There will be powerful choices made on the large scale level, but it seems like WAY more small scale decisions will be what ultimately goes down as the bulk of our class power decision.

The only concern will be for people who are not preparing themselves.
I know Blizzard is attempting to give them a chance to test their choices, but realistically, it will never be enough.

You will need a third party website to do the research mandatory, and many people will not do that then come here upset with their choice.

Tough to deal with, but a problem for sure.