I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

This reminds me of another thread the OP made:

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Surprisingly it took less time to replace than deal with a whiny healer.

Uh I’m having dungeons where as brewmaster I am doing more damage than 2 DPS combined. This is what is wrong with WoW class design and the talent trees. They make the gameplay too complex for average players

It would be more productive spending your time and energy networking with the players you liked playing with.

Is it in normals? Because you can pull really big in normals which seems to give tanks more dps because they lead the pulls. In heroics and M0s I see DPS beating tanks by a good chunk. I’ve had a normal where a 61 blood DK was pulling everything right before each boss and stopping to solo it while dps died because they were taking enough dmg to die in 1 gcd. Really bad mentality for the tank because he couldn’t keep threat on all of it, but I guess I can’t blame him since he could do it and not die.

Eeeeh I disagree. They gave a default talent tree as baseline. Just reading goes A LONG way.
My friend forgets this constantly. She forgets to read tooltips or talents and misses half of what they do.

It’s very clear a lot of people flat don’t read what their abilities do. Between bm hunters not using multishot for aoe… evokers not using azure strike for aoe…


I’m not pulling that big. I know guardian Druids usually pull big and then pop a lot of cooldowns but I’m pulling 5-7 at a time and topping meters significantly. No excuse really as a DPS to be being beat by the tank that badly. I blame the talent trees though being too complex because people don’t know which talents to take and it furthers the skill gap between players

Is it in normals? Because normals are funky due to how scaling works. Maybe tanks get better scaling in normals or something. Because like I said, I only see tanks beating DPS in normals. Really common. But 61s beat mythic geared 70s in dps in normals too. That’s why I’m asking.

It was normals. I think I was level 66, could be details being weird

Yep already looking to find a guild, LFG is unplayable.

Nah normals are just a really bad place to do DPS comparison because of how scaling works. If those DPS are a higher level than you they are also going to have less DPS than you. I am not sure if this is intended or something they plan on fixing eventually.

Just add people you like running with to your friends list. Set notes for their roles if you can’t remember. It’s what I did during Legion when I was going hard with M+ and raids, but not in a guild. If you group with randoms all the time you get random results.

Yea I do not like the excessive amount of scaling in this game.

Yeah I need to do that.

The reason I think it’s done is so that when you do content you always get a reward from it. Without scaling you can outlevel a dungeon before you have a chance to run it from doing sidequests, so you get no xp or gear upgrades from doing a dungeon. Then you can outlevel story quests and get barely any XP from them until they catch up to your level.

Wow… so you had a new healer and instead of helping him you ran him off and now he’ll probably only play dps… sigh… stop shooting yourselves in the foot.

We replaced the healer within minutes and completed the run along with more runs after.

My good people, the OP is bait. :dracthyr_heart:


My first time doing M0 Neltharus, the tank jumped right into the middle of the Forgemaster encounter as soon as we ran up the stairs and pulled both packs on the side with the boss. I thought we were going to wipe but we did it and got the Ready for Raiding achievement, so I didn’t say anything. However if I wasn’t geared enough to handle such a massive pull week 1 and we died because my gear wasn’t letting me keep people up even with CDs, I would have said something. Would you have kicked me if I was your healer in this situation, and the pull failed? Because maybe the healer you had just noticed he was barely healing the pulls you were doing, and didn’t want to stress himself out the whole run.

I hate when people try to mass pull in Ruby life pools and there are back to back fireballs everywhere