I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

Dude Garmuck is a known troll who makes 10-15 posts a day on the WOTLK classic threads…

Legit just mute the thread…

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You should know the fights/your level of skill before engaging in Mythic level content.

:slight_smile: :point_down:

Ok let’s do an experiment, I have a public profile. Find a single troll thread I made.

Jokes on you, I made the group so if we wiped and you gave me attitude for calling you out on a bad pull, I’d have you replaced in 2 minutes. See how your attitude can go both ways? :slight_smile:

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Lol. Hey bud you know DF came out literaly a week ago. Plus its a Mythic 0 thats the best place to start learning. You dirty troll / troll ha

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Not really? It’s your party, your rules. I will stand by my opinion regardless.

Yeah it’s kinda sad, i’m sure half of these people buy KSM runs which is why they have hidden RaiderIO profiles.

And? Go do Heroics to learn the dungeons, Mythics is not the place to learn it’s the place to practice what you learned to advance your skill level. No one will hold your hand.

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Can’t learn mythic mechanic when doing heroics fool. Plus you arent on a timer on a mythic 0. If you complain about mythic + I would consider about your complaint. But all i see is a man child whining about the sky is to blue

They had made another post/thread about how their guild threatened to kick them. I wonder why xD

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Post on your main you giant wimp

Don’t think half of those worthless garbage can even afford a KSM run lol. Dogs who are afraid of any amount of effort and difficulty in a video game generally don’t tend to go much further in real life either.

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Plenty of YouTube videos and guides you can learn from too.

Be careful they’ll use “woke” words like Toxic to make the truth seem less real.

Yeah yelling slogans in a large group is about the only thing these people can do well. Which circles back to my original point that it’s kinda pointless to post on here, to these people. I have a lot more fun in class Discords, there you can find people who actually care about pushing progression.

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interesting! what kind of dps is vdh doing right now?

But here’s the thing and I’m sorry if it comes off a tad harsh. Your time doesn’t matter. When you play with a group everyone figures out the pace together if the healer isn’t that good you go slower if the tank isn’t good you go slower. That’s life no one owes u “top tier healing or dps”

You sound super entitled.

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Man, some people put way too much emphasis on “Performance” and “skill” on this game. Wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t an excuse to Just go around belittling people who don’t play their way.

After a work shift, I like to take my time and relax. Mind you I will keep up the pace in a dungeon when I DPS, but I’ll not spend my time having some faceless jerk on the internet tell me how I should enjoy the game. I’ll gladly take the vote kick in that case, hell might just leave myself.

Thank you for reminding me why I stay away from “end game” group content.

“My team this, my team that. My time, my needs, my performance”.

Yes the true virtues of a team player right there. But here you are posting on a lvl 10 alt to drop a written turd on people. But you do you, we’ll likely never cross paths in game anyways.

Then you have clowns like this who are so far up their own rear end they can make assumptions like they know everyone. The hell do you know about people outside these forums or the game? Like playing this game was some kind of life achievement, get over yourself.

You want to go push end game, good for you, I hope you have fun. But please, rear in the holier than thou attitude, nobody likes a jackass.

That’s my two cents on it. Take it or leave it.



Nah we kicked healer and moved on, saved us a lot of time. If you don’t care about others time, YOU are the entitled one kiddo.


Crazy how reading is a lost art these days. As I said you figure out the pace AS A GROUP. And it seems ur issue solved itself when ur group decided to kick the healer. So the question is why post on the forums complaining about it?

If you don’t go as absolutely blisteringly fast as possible that’s 100% fine.

Just don’t complain when good players lose interest in gaming with you. That’s their choice, as well. You are not entitled to a group.


Judging by the responses in this post, this healer isnt the only one who thinks like that.