Why do tanks have such a big ego?

I’m doing some low level SM runs on my mage and the tank in my group is a prot pally whose pretty geared for his level and our group for the most part is very AoE-centric, SM is also incredibly old content and our healer was more than capable of healing the tank through large pulls.

Our tank instead of pulling multiple packs and clearing the rooms faster just decides to go a single pack at a time which is incredibly slow and frustrating.

I call the tank out and he goes off on me about how the tank sets the pace of the dungeon and how we have to play by his rules/etc.

Not only does he have the gear, we have an AoE group and our healer was getting tired also of single pack pulls but the tank literally despite being geared himself would not pull past a single pack so I ended up dropping out of the group half way and the healer left right after me including the Warlock we had.

The tank has the audacity to whisper me after talking about how i’m not a good DPS and how I have some sort of ego for making him pull more than a single pack, he also ignored me right after sending me his whispers just so I wouldn’t get a chance to respond lol.

I get that DPS players can be bad at times but my god, tank players act like they’re some sort of god’s gift to parties when in reality they’re only wanted due to a massive shortage because of how boring they are to play.

Being a tank doesn’t make you special or unique, tank players need to curb their ego.


ya u r toxic


I guess the whole party is toxic cause no one wanted to deal with a single pull tank in 15 year old content that we overgeared.

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It is the tanks job to set the pace. Yes being the tank gives you that right. A good tank can set the pace to not wipe you. A great tank can set the pace to the group. In his case sounds like was only a good tank not a great tank which is fine esp in a leveling instance.

He picked a pace he was ok with as it would also be on him if a overpull happened and the group coulden’t handle it. You would likly be the first complaining from that wipe.

Just since hes geared dosen’t mean hes able to play that class well or able to control large groups yet with that char.

It comes down to it if you don’t like how someone is doing there job and after mentioning it they don’t want to you have the option to

A) if your the group leader replace them
B) if your not ask the group leader to
C) If the group leader wont replace them deal with it.

As the group leader din’t want to replace him he was doing the correct thing his job. You complaining about how hes doing his job esp in a pug is asking to start a agruement. Esp given how your post it I doubt you asked him nicely. Esp as you say you “called him out on it” not asked him to go faster or if possible can you.

You droping out was fine and in your rights but def sounds like the reason the group fell apart is you started a issue where there was no issue. The was no need to “call him out on it”, you could of just mentioned the group can prob handle more and he can prob pull more leaving the call to him as it is his call. Or asked the healer if he is fine and wants the tank to pull more as most tanks will follow the healer over the dps.

The person here by how you present your story that seams to be the source of the issue is you. While the tank might of been able to handle it better honestly sounds to me like his action was likely a warranted response based on how you presented the story + how the story is norm made to favor the one telling it. Even with it favoring you I get the feel your in the wrong so likely was quite a bit in the wrong, before the tank went of on you.


As someone who mained a tank for years, I get his annoyance. But unfortunately many tank’s (because they are so needed) are a little more pretentious than they should be. They feel the need to control EVERYTHING. It is their responsibility to lead the group but a good tank understands the needs and strengths of a group.

Ill admit I do get power hungry sometimes as a tank when a dps annoys me but its very rare and only if they keep pulling when im not ready or haven’t planned on it yet.

Unfortunately its just apart of the game, just as life when you run into controlling managers at work


The problem I have with this whole ordeal is that the tank is getting far more support than he should.

Prot pally is a 3 button spec and he had plenty of gear to tank multiple packs, the healer also asked him to pull more and so did the other DPS and they asked him that right after I did when he blew up on me so in this situation the entire party wanted the tank to do something that he felt like he had the right not to do.

I do not believe any role has more power over the other ones, if anything the party decides the pace of the run not the tank.

No the tank picks the pace. ITs quite literally in the definition of the role if you look at blizzard’s definition. This can be seen on retail in the role selection and summary screen.

While the group leader can replace them if there pace dose not work for the group or ask them to go faster its ulti on the tank to set that pace.

The vary fact you are brining up “its a 3 button spec” which btw its not the 69 rotation alone has 5 buttons not to mention everything else and there is a fair bit. Shows just how much of a buthole you likely came of as. Which yes doesn’t justify the tank being one back but def makes it understandable. While shows what the real issue was, you. If you cant commutate without starting a issue your best to not speak. As you cause more problems than you solve. The run would of got complete at his pace, after a argument the run din’t get done or you waste more time arguing vs if you just kept pulling.

As mentioned he may of been new to the role and as such that pace was all he was able to handle. The group being able to handle more means little if he cant. As such as part of his job to set the pace is to understand he cant and move at that pace.


This could be why.

People can be sensitive. Developing proficiency at delivering criticism in a constructive manner is a valuable skill :slight_smile:


I play Prot also, at his level it literally is a 3 button spec. No I did not call him out for playing a 3 button spec poorly, all I did was call him out on doing single pack pulls. Right after I did, so did everyone else and in the world we live in when a majority of the people are telling you that you’re wrong there’s a very good chance that you need to evaluate your gameplay.

Me leaving the party led others to leave, they could’ve easily replaced me but they left because even in whispers they were telling me the tank was the one being rude about a simple request.

The tank can set his own pace in the open world, but when you play with others the bare minimum is to actually help your fellow party members out and do what they want otherwise you will find that a lot of groups are not going to run with you.

You turning this into me being the problem when the entire party also felt the same way kinda shows your bias toward a spec which I also play and know is that not that difficult.

I didn’t call him out in the traditional sense of insulting him, I meant it more like calling out the fact that we can do more packs and the team can handle it.

A lot of tanks have an ego because they’re the frontline of the party and they’re a role that’s in high demand, at least in dungeons.

That said, I have to agree that the tank sets the pace here. It doesn’t matter if you think they could have pulled more, they might not be comfortable doing so. Which if they had done that and ended up not holding threat because they weren’t comfortable, you’d be complaining about how bad the tank was.

and having played this game since 2004, there is no “this is so easy nobody could mess it up”. Somebody will always be able to mess it up no matter how easy you think it is.

That’s why the tank sets the pace with one and only one caveat: They should never pull more than the healer can handle(which sounds like this wasn’t an issue).


I get that of you and the others wants the tank to pull more mobs, but that may be out of his comfort zone to pull more mobs regardless of being a pally tank or not…

I think the tank was doing fine if he literally was in his comfort zone of pulling one pack at a time. As im sure itll be a different fuss if he did pull multiple packs which yall wind up wiping because of it :joy:

Like some tanks are careful and wanting to assure the party successfully lives with no one dying. On the other hand there are tanks thatll blaze through pulling nomstop until mana needed to be restored or etc.

I used to tank as a offspec back then but eventually stopped after being out of my comfort zone. So yeah i get that the dps/healer wants the tank to pull more but if the tank aint comfortable with pulling extra, then just deal with it or leave the group as yall have did lol.


No its not a 3 button spec. The fact you are still saying that after literally mentioning the rotation tells me either you don’t know how to play your pally or you dont have your buttons even bound.

AS HOR Cons HS oh look im already over 4 buttons and I haven’t even finished the rotation. I have mained a pally since org tbc and can say for a fact in wrath, which we are in it is not a 3 button spec.

The vary statement is rending your point void. As you are showing how much of a buthole you are and in fact is the CORE of this issue.

You not calling him out in the run there is not the issue. The fact you are doing it here is telling us all we need to know about how you communicate and as such giving us all the info we need about the situation and how you handled it.

Not bias at all to the spec. The rest of the party leaving means nothing. After the argument people likely din’t care to finish the run as not worth replacing one mid run. This is not a indication of anything. What matters here is what caused the issue at hand which is the interaction between YOU and the TANK. What we know for sure so far is that YOU have a vary condensing tone and your presentation of the situation is showing that you vary likely starting it.


Ah, yeah well idk know then. People can be sensitive.

Well if he said that then it wouldn’t be an issue, he didn’t say he wasn’t comfortable pulling more he just straight up resorted to power tripping the moment I criticized his single pack pulls.

The rest of the party said that same things I said until we all left because he legit couldn’t understand why people do not want to spend an hour in a 15 year old dungeon that everyone was overgeared for.

I think tanks can feel important all they want but they should put a note saying they will take 30 min longer because they’re new, maybe they will find more patient teammates and it won’t be that much of an issue but many of them won’t say anything and start power tripping.

I’m not going to argue with you over prot pally when i’ve probably played it longer than you, it’s not a difficult spec much like every paladin spec and especially at low levels there isn’t much maintenance when you overgear the dungeon and have an overgeared healer whose telling you to pull more.

You can call me a butthole or whatever if that makes you feel better but in reality he no longer had a party by the end of it because 4 other people decided not to waste their time on someone who doesn’t care about anyone but himself.

A tank’s ego is centered around the shortage of people willing to play such a boring spec, the ability to feel like you’re special or unique is a player created idea and to most other people they would rather abandon the run and go quest than deal with a tank who constantly power trips and tries to act like he runs the show.


this. tank drives the bus. dont like it, leave or roll your own tank. no need to parse in sm, even single pulling i doubt it takes longer than 15 min


Yep the whole party left, i’m sure he found some other group but I think people don’t really care much about a tank’s ego compared to before. It’s low level dungeons that got released over a decade ago, you should put in your note that you like to run slow if that’s your speed but don’t expect every group to just sit there and waste their time.

Ahhhh i see. Well, then some fault lies with the tank then if hes just being quiet about it and resumed to tanking one pack at a time. I would say he might not have understood but based on him going off on you after you left the group, idk why he aint said anything about hes not comfortable pulling more then 1 pack.

I highly doubt you have played it better than me. Longer means little to nothing but thats even unlikely. But I have mentioned how long I have played it.

While I have given irrefutable evidence its not a 3 button spec. By the simple fact the rotation itself is more than 3 buttons.

The vary fact you are still saying that is really showing everyone all we need to know here.

You “cant” be wrong even when you are outright proven wrong. You double down on your errors and stick to the “know in all” stance. Ya I can say for a near certainty your where likely 80%+ at fault for this case.

Low level means nothing hes learning the spec which has more than 3 buttons to play with and learn. If thats the pace he can handle thats the pace he should be using.

Starting with “calling him out” is not a good move and only invites issues.


Play a tank and find out.

Lol right and tbc pve lock was not a 1 button spec right cuz they hit summon sometimes