I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

Very true, people should practice in heroics honestly. If you can’t fast pace those, why do you think you can fast pace a mythic?
There isn’t much of a difference in difficulty, just more ‘one shot’ mechanics and less room for errors.

Gear helps, yes. But right now, it’s mostly a skill issue. Unpracticed players are wanting to jump right into 0’s while not being fully competent with their spec. Like yea… 0’s are good practice, but also. It’s week one. All the raiders and key connoisseur are in them right now prepping.

When I know I can do 35k+, 80-100k+ aoe at 360 and players of equal/higher ilvls in the same specs are pulling 10-20k then complaining about going too fast… that’s when it bothers me lol. But again, week one.

After saying what I said, I guess it goes both ways.
Casuals want to participate and go at their own pace, the preppers do as well.

Not in my groups, you can go to do that in Heroics/LFR where people would rather stare at the scenery than finish the run. M0/Mythics are not for this type of player.

Better yet, go watch YT videos and streams to brush up on your skills.


While in Azeroth, do your best to:

  • Connect with other players and make friends! Being courteous in group content can help you and your teammates have the best time possible. Sending a friendly hello message can help set your group up for success.

  • Play as a team with your fellow players - whether in dungeons, raids, battlegrounds, arenas, or out questing in the world. Do your best to support your team through your communication and behaviors so that you can all celebrate your success together.

Sorry you can’t even read.

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“Educate the uneducated?” Wow you’re the epitome of elitism. I wonder if you ever go outside or just play this game 24/7. Not everyone is going to be perfect. Helping others instead of just kicking them isn’t being a “bleeding heart.” It’s just being a normal human being and not an elitist dbag.


Call me whatever you want, but there’s thousands of hours of educational content at the tip of your fingers. You choose not to do any research and join Mythics and sandbag the group with your lack of understanding and then cry about getting kicked after, that won’t work for you anywhere including real life.

Take initiative or don’t, either way my parties are for those who want to climb and be good.

I have an aversion to UNREASONABLE authority.

You are not authority.

You are a bully.


I am the party leader AND the tank, objectively regardless of your belief about me this does give me authority. If you don’t like that, you can move on.

It’s hard to see how many people fell for this. Maybe hard isn’t the right word. Disappointing. Twas a good troll with that starter post.

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And what authority do you think you have in game? You don’t own the game, you do not set the rules of the game, so what authority you think you really do have?

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My party, my rules. Sorry :person_shrugging:

Peak cringe tryhard.

So, queue with friends or your guild then. Don’t be a jerk to others in a dungeon.

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I’ve never “sandbagged” anyone. You’re missing the point here. You assume those players who may be having a hard time didn’t research. They may just not be familiar with the mechanics and may need some help. Yet you’re a cold hearted elitist who takes the game too seriously, so you don’t care. Step outside and breath some air once in a while. The game will always be here.

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Nothing is more “peak cringe” than just saying that…

I mean you can’t force people to be who they’re not lol, I just don’t have time or patience for people who don’t know what they’re doing. Not sure what’s so wrong with that, i’m sure there’s plenty of others who have that sort of time.

To me, if it’s clear that the group leader is prepping for m+ content ASAP, they should be screening for like-minded individuals prior to the invite, run with friends, or their guild. Otherwise, you are at the mercy of pugging.

That way everyone is on the same page from the beginning.


He did say “good tank”, so he’s speaking of tanks he admires.

Unfortunately it’s hard to do that right now with no scores. Heck if you forget to update your io, it won’t even show your scores properly from last season.
And all the returning players.

It’s hard to screen without being overly judgmental. I don’t get a lot of invites on my alts, but I can usually beat out most of the dps I am grouped with even 20ilvls under.
So judging on that also isn’t fair.

The system is far from perfect.
It’s easier to expect people to go into mythic content with a bare minimum mentality.

It’s week 1 dude, plus it’s M0 not M+. No rewards for time. It takes 25min to do a M0 if you pull multiple packs, 30 if you don’t. It’s 5 minutes difference to not be a jerk to people that aren’t comfortable with bigger pulls. It probably takes you more time to get the new person in the dungeon than it does to just pull one pack at a time.

He doesn’t want to screen people. He likes the arbitrary “authority” he gets to enforce upon people who have no idea what type of ignorant bs they’re signing up for and then criticizes them for not playing like he does and then hides behind a victim complex to post stupid nonsense like they’re not keeping up to his standards when they gave no obligation to do so.

Textbook mindset of a bully.

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