I'm sure Death Knights must be seething

I like how you think.

This would add a level of skill to using Death’s Grip.

Hey Sard this you?

The guy that comes after a dev because they didn’t get what they wanted talking about civility is pretty ironic.


You must be confusing me with someone else. I’m not going to baby you and try and be some kind of peacemaker and say you are valid when you’re just dead wrong. You feel attacked because your arguments (or what is meant to resemble them) are baseless and indefensible and instead of thanking me for my wisdom and insight and teaching you, you instead want to persist on trying to deflect like I’m some kind of monster because I’m not coddling you.

Make an actual counter argument against my actual points. Nothing is to be gained or learned with you constantly going “you a meanie head to me”. Or try and rally like-minded know nothings to give you fake internet points to try and feel better about your plainly wrong position.


Dude, you keep proving your limited knowledge of tanks, and how they work. Hush.


Nothing I said was wrong there.

You also haven’t been paying attention as Ion is very petty. Pathfinder exists because he didn’t get his way - removing Flying. Pathfinder still exists in bfa because he’s petty and hates that players want to Fly in bfa content.

You can’t fly in the Maw even now because he’s a very petty man. If SL didn’t tank subs then there would be Pathfinding in DF.

Void Elves exist as Ion is petty and was tired of hearing about Alliance High Elves. He gave fans what they wanted but not in spirit or true to form. That’s why fans still want High Elves.

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I am happy MotFW is being made a passive again, now if the Dev team would stop being stubborn with SMF for warriors and make it passive as well.

This is why I can’t take you seriously.

I have valid points but you’ve chosen to ignore them while stating that you cannot be civil.

Just find it funny that some troll not even posting on a DK is just to refute you who is a DK, and has even previous experience and knowledge of Shadowlands. The dude just doesnt want to accept the truth that his logic is wrong. He’s confirmation biased himself to oblivion.


After sourcing your info I find no lies here. It’s all accurate.

Even more personal insults.

I get it. Being proven wrong mist sting but the way you conduct yourself is shameful and uncalled for.

I don’t even know why this topic was made. DKs are great for gap closing. Like in bfa they felt gimped after wraith walk was no longer baseline but SL felt ok.

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The WoD exodus after he declared no more flying after WoD is why he backtracked then put in insane Pathfinder/Flying requirements for Legion, BFA, and SL.

That’s how petty he was that he couldn’t remove Flying and fans pushing back against it so hard.

Unfortunately, a majority vote says youre wrong.
It’s you against the rest of this thread here man.
No one has agreed with you.

A little critical thinking would make you come to the conclusion that maybe you were wrong. But you refuse to be open minded about anything, regardless of points being made out to you.


What majority vote? It’s just a handful of you who all, not ironically, cannot remain civil.

And no one has agreed with me? Some have in this topic but like always you ignore anything that contradicts your toxic views.

Oh, that wasn’t sarcasm. Apologies if you missed that over text.

Ion is super petty and salty towards a lot of the community. He only likes the top 1%


My applogies.

I don’t think he likes the top 1% either as they have expressed things they would like to see changed at the top.

Like the general consensus that Thundering currently is evil with the affix choices.

You have several tanks here telling you that you are wrong. You are the forum equivalent of someone who didn’t go to college arguing with several scientists about who is right.

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Okay…? The fact that they believe Death’s Advance is comparable to a Charge or Leap destroys anything they’ve said.

And more personal insults. You just cannot help yourself, huh?

There is a saying I live by. Don’t know who said it but it is one of the wisest lessons I take to heart.

Don’t argue with idiots. They’ll drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. You are right that he has got it in his head from wherever that mobility must be this top secret ingredient that sets good and bad tank specs apart. He wants to decry past season data when it is every bit as relevant today as it was then.

I’m clearly far more knowledgeable and experienced than he is but I’m not going to just waste my time with his deflections. He’s allowed to have dumb thoughts and opinions/“facts”. No skin off my nose in him thinking/believing things that are wrong.

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you know when a room of people who play the class tell you you are wrong maybe you should listen to them and admit you are wrong.

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