It’s not passive anything. I’m directly countering what you are trying to pas off as arguments. You also are opting to not counter what I said and instead are trying to deflect.
Which I understand completely because you are wrong and have no actual argument. You can live in a world where you hyper overvalue mobility and feel it is the godly source of power that alone dictates players ability to time keys or not…but facts don’t care about your feelings and wishes.
Eh, dosen’t bother me, paladins are way WAY more in need of mobility than us.
Besides my niche is more around pulling things into me than pulling myself into others, it feels way cooler. But I also wouldn’t complain about less mobs being immune to the pull. Not a dealbreaker or that big of an issue but I’d appreciate it.
They really are giving your class an amazing gift.
DKs will watch with envy as you leap into battle while they slowly walk and tell the DPS to wait.
With the right talent choices we can actually have plenty of mobility this expansion …
You literally threw in a snide comment saying I wouldn’t mnow something despite knowing nothing about me.
The fact that you can’t see what you’re posting for what it is really shows what type of person you are.
I’ve yet to insult you yet you cannot help yourself.
I’m talking about death knight, for one. They’re at average if not slightly above average mobility with their movement abilities. They’re not seething because this doesn’t affect them.
For 2, paladins have been notably low mobility for a bit. Them getting to catch up to an area where they can comfortably get with the pack is not a downgrade to any other class.
You’re obviously a troll who made a bait thread to have people argue and when nobody did, and called you out, you got mad. I’ll now be flagging this topic and moving on with my day, have a good one.
This is why it’s a team game - you have Evokers and Priests in your group that can help. Play the game.
I never said Paladins didn’t need this. They did.
Death Knights need a gap closer too. Death’s Advance is great but it just cannot compare to a Charge or Leap.
And here comes the personal insults.
Why can’t those like you ever remain civil?
You show how much you know by what you say. You’re ignorant at best and not listening your betters who are telling you how it is.
And once again, you still ignore actual points and instead just try and pass yourself off as a victim.
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This will be my last response; they have multiple grips to pull enemies to them. For ones that avoid that, they have WW. Have a good evening.
Nothing to add but even more personal insults and ignoring most posts.
I’m shocked, I say. Shocked.
If the Death Grip fails to pull for any reason it should pull the DK to the target.
Wasn’t your last post your last?
So you’ve personally insulted and lied to me.
For shame.
even with the spider boss in the raid
no pulling lol
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You’ve given me nothing TO actually argue against other than your very obvious lack of knowledge and practical experience.
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That would be great if it did that.
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i think that happen once and players hated that
So that’s the excuse you’ve given for your constant personal insults, passive aggressiveness, and ignoring my posts?
Quite predictable.
heck i would love it if it was a talent option like torghast had
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