And more personal insults despite being in the wrong.
I can see now that you’re just venting. Got some personal stuff you’re working through? Is that why you cannot be civil?
And more personal insults despite being in the wrong.
I can see now that you’re just venting. Got some personal stuff you’re working through? Is that why you cannot be civil?
Has the best slow in the game, can outrun anyone provided they do it right since they cannot be slowed beyond 70% of base movement speed, and have grip, a ranged physical stun which goes through BOP and Slappy Hands.
They’ll be fine.
They couldn’t fill a room, friend.
And no DK in their right mind believes Death’s Advance compared to a charge or Leap.
They like it for ignoring mechanics.
you think you are keeping your pride intact when all you are doing is making yourself look pathetic lol.
That Slow isn’t equivalent to a gap closer. They serve different purposes.
You sure like to interpret things the only way you want to see it.
I believe we call this delusion of grandeur.
I’m sorry that you feel that way but I understand why you’re so uncivil.
I’ve been perfectly civil and you have yet to actually counter the things I say. You just want to live in this world where not agreeing with you means we’re bullying you. I get it. You want an echo chamber where people agree and validate you. I’m not one of them. I, as a DK, am not “seething” because the most mobility-challenged tank is getting help in that department. I’ve not equated DA to charge because they aren’t the same spell.
I tank on everything and I can assure you, as someone with ACTUAL experience, I miss DG FAR more on my warrior than I ever do miss charge on my DK. Are there times I’d LOVE to have charge and/or heroic leap on my DK? Absolutely but I can more than make do with the tools I have and DA especially is especially god tier and ever superior to charge ESPECIALLY in the raid.
But hey, you go on and believe charge is what makes warriors god tier S++ tanks. Ignore SL S1 where they had all this mobility and weren’t…it must just be because nobody actually thought to keybind the spell…we’re all just numpties and if we could go back in time, clearly history would be rewritten for warriors to be tops then.
DK doesn’t need a gap closer. It has more than enough utility involving making things come to them.
Perfectly civil?
You’ve constantly insulted, belittled me, and been super passive aggressive.
Now you’re currently patting yourself on the back with the other users here that are acting just like you.
We also have a talent that buffs the speed of Death’s Advance, and another talent that gives DA a second charge. We really aren’t hurting for mobility this expansion, not at all.
I personally would argue that DA is BETTER than a Charge or a Leap, the built-in immunity to movement debuffs feels like cheating sometimes, especially on Sennarth where it allows us to completely ignore the pull mechanic.
Doesn’t need? I don’t agree.
They can get by without it but it will always be a gap that they cannot close.
He’s too far gone at this point.
Waste of time typing to him.
So glad to see that you’ve thrown the white flag.
I’m so glad that you’ve finally come around.
Right, but if you’re casting something then you’re already there.
Don’t confuse refusing to give you are more time or attention when you can’t be bothered to do nothing but make deflection accusations and conveniently ignore actual arguments to what you claim to be points as you “winning” the argument. You aren’t debating in any sense of the word and simply making a claim and going “lalalalala I’m not going to answer you until you respect and treat me and my point as if it was valid” is not a winning tactic.
Can’t stop yourself, can you?
Are you; as a DK; yes or no; able to pick up the adds in the vault egg lady fight?
I didn’t say DK’s had the best mobility. What I said; if you bothered to read the posts; is that the mobility they do have is enough to get the job done.
I never once said that their mobility wad better than anyone else’s. I said that its satisfactory for the job they need to do. Which it is.
Oh, that fight is not good for DKs.
DKs are better off just tanking the boss as they just can’t grab the adds efficiently.
A warrior is a much better choice… but they’re also the better choice for the boss.
Ah my mistake, I meant to say I didn’t know what OP was on about. My mistake. Also, DKs are great for Diurna imho.