Yeah… We want the real High Elves. Not another halfway mark. That would be spiteful.
Ion clearly doesn’t play the game as the Silver Covenant are NOT Blood Elves or Void Elves and they hate the Blood Elves. It’s literally reinforced numerous times in every expansion the two races are in that they HATE each other. Void Elves also don’t call themselves High Elves and are always talking about the Voices and tentacle jokes. Not High Elven at all.
So no. That’s just Ion being spiteful as he never wanted High Elves on the Alliance because of his “vision”. Yet he caved and allowed Void Elves which was him being spiteful by giving the Alliance technically what they asked for but at the same time NOT what they asked for.
That’s why people still want High Elves as Void Elves were rushed in, with no lore or build up at the last second, and were Ion’s way of being petty towards the playerbase for wanting High Elves since Beta and never letting up.