I'm sure Death Knights must be seething

Paladins are getting an amazing gap closer.

Meanwhile, DK…

Heck, in Raids that spawn adds that need to be picked up and fought away from the Boss the DK is a liability. Either they are the boss tank or find another tank as they can’t get there fast enough to grab the mobs that convienently are immune to Death’s grasp.

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No issue with mobility and tanking heroic raid, so far. In fact, DA is actually pretty amazing for ignoring alot of push/pull mechanics.


As you slowly run to the pulls while the over eager DPS make it their mission to pull threat away from you before you get there.

Nothing more frustrating as a DK than having to run to pulls and the DPS pulling the pack away in every direction as they can’t wait for you to blood boil and death and Decay the pack. So you’re forced to Death Grip in just to get them over where they’re needed.


I have a reverse leap


Between two charges of Deaths Advance, Wraith Walk and the ability to pick up mobs from range with Death Grip, Gorfiends Grasp and DnD, DK’s do just fine picking up mobs.


Wraith Walk will always be inferior to a Charge and Leap.

Death’s Advance at the very least let’s you ignore mechanics but as a gap closer it’s inferior.

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I didn’t say they were the best at it, but they’re certainly not hurting either.

Wraith Walk works just fine.

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meh, I dont care they got it…I am happy they at least gave us a nice dmg increase, thats a huge deal for me.
Altho, would be nice to make us move better…without any extra buttons to push, just speed up our running or something…we have the one movement spell, but its short lived, and too long a cool down to really do much good

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Not as a gap closer.

Especially when DH and Warriors are flying around everywhere and pulling the room before you slowly run up to the first pack.

Then there are the mobs that are immune to being pulled or your group Tapped them so you can’t pull them.

…what are you talking about? DKs alreayd have a gap closer, its called death grip, hell they have abom which is a stupid good gap closer in pvp.

Ion giveth and Ion taketh away.

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Immune to Death’s Grip.

That Enemy is Tapped.

You need Death’s Grip up as your DPS unleashed on the pull before you got there to D&D and Blood Boil.

and its HYSTERICAL. lol.
Hilarious when some melee runs up to something and boom…you steal it right from their hands :rofl:


Yeah an heroic leap and charge can also be countered as well when you are stunned, feared, or rooted mid animation, all gap closers can have immunity to them in some way or form.

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DK has plenty of mobility, so:


Hardly. DK can taunt 3x in 3s or so and has no issues moving around.


If the dps in your raid are pulling before the tank gets there, then your raid leader needs to have a serious chat with those people. And possibly not invite them to the next few raids if it becomes a recurring issue.

And like I said, DK’s might not have the best mobility out of the tanks, but that doesn’t mean they struggle with these fights.

The abilities they have work just fine.

Ps. It seems like you’re in this just to argue and rile people up for no reason.


Still better gap closers and those can be cleansed or by not standing in the mechanics.

hey…Ive been meaning to ask something about PvP.
so all my characters have engineering and the cool tinkers.
Do they disable Eng stuff like Nitro Boosts in those rated PvP matches?
Ive never done one…only BGs.

Those DPS are just playing like the Tank has a Gap Closer.

A DK has no Gap Closer that can compare to the other Tanks.

Nah, I’m just factually correct. If that riles you up then I guess the truth hit too hard for you.

DnD is 30yd and instant. I mean, I’m not going to complain if Blizz wants to give dk’s more mobility, but these issues you’re describing sound like a you problem.