Ignore the Ripcord pulling pushers

Did I say that? Honestly don’t recall. If it was it would have been a long time ago and my opinion changed. That happens sometimes. Have not played SWTOR in years, although those voice acting in that game was pretty sublime. Would love more of that be here.

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And yet oddly in 4 months on glyph sales alone I ground from 95k to 5mil for my Mount.

Someone knows about glyphs. :stuck_out_tongue:

what’s infuriating is when perfectly valid reasons get presented for not wanting covenants and these are the replies to them

How many times do people say over and over and over that it isn’t always about bEiNg oPtImAl (which also, like wtf is wrong with you guys turning wanting to be good at something into a bad thing???) and is also about pure enjoyment? covenants to a lot of people are just not enjoyable. it doesn’t matter if you think their reasons for not finding them enjoyable are valid, and it doesn’t matter if you think you can just handwave away their concerns because you think they’re trying to be optimal.

at no point in the past were covenants necessary to achieve an RPG feeling .WoW has always been an RPG. this idea that it’s overwatch without covenants is entirely contrived, and it’s no surprise that the 4 people I said keep perpetuating this nonsense are all in this thread posting at the same time

**** mogs (Saltstone etc, can’t believe that word is censored) have a niche following too but I wouldn’t base an entire expansion around them as a core feature.

i’m pretty sure i’ve seen you say you didn’t even play legion.

legion was absolutely despised at its launch. yes, demon hunters were cool, but artifacts were such a massive chore and legendaries completely ruined any semblence of class balance and class design and it took a lot of repairing to make it into the expansion it was remembered for.

No one said Legion was bad. They said the first half of Legion was bad. Its almost universality agree’d upon fact. Venture outside your bubble and browse many of the several community reddits and discords and see what the fans really think.

You had fun during that time. Congrats. The massive amounts of people that unsubbed during that half did not.

Blame ion for the load-out overwatch thing. It’s a meme mostly. He said it then the rest of us just nodded and agreed. But I do agree it’s pretty annoying for people to chastize people for wanting to be the best they can. It’s fine if someone wants to min/max honestly. It’s just annoying when they push that onto others. People shouldn’t have to min/max to get groups. That is just stupid. Play what you want so long as you do it well what does it matter?

the only reason min/maxers can dictate groups is because they make the groups. it’s up to people who don’t want to min/max to make their own groups.

but like, it’s so far from only min/maxers concerned bout covenants that that doesnt even matter to this thread

he didn’t have fun during that time, i found the post

he only played legion “off and on” and didnt even list it as one of the expansions he enjoyed. WoD was the only one he said he had a “really good time” in

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Real life getting in the way of playing as much as I would like = didn’t have fun? Big brain logic.

This whole universality agree on fact thing is bs. The loudest said it was bad.

Legion was OK from start to finish. It had its rough points, but lets not pretend like them caving in on legends fix the expansion. You just being silly.

u were asked which ones you enjoyed. you didnt list legion as one of them. you only listed it as one you played off and on

Sounds like you got busted and are trying to save face.


You guys thought you busted me too because I had alts with different achievements… the only thing you busted was the myth of that system being at all accurate.

there is nobody that remembers any type of majority positive feedback from legions launch. nobody. anybody that is trying to suggest such a thing right now is making it up to suit whatever bs they’re trying to currently argue.

legion was considered horrible at its launch.

it’s a literal quote from him. click the link.

what is wrong with some of you guys lmao

Not spiteful or maligned enough to get deleted when flagged, repeatedly.

spite isn’t against the forum rules wtf lmao why would it get deleted

And also proving a point that using the armory to build groups and to shut people up. Blizzard needs to change it. But that is just me.

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Yet it is mainly the tryhards that are raging they cant be good at everything anymore because this is an MMORPG and Ion confirmed it, the way you were used to playing the game is no longer ALLOWED and it has been removed unless you go ultra tryhard and level 4 of each.

For tryhards maybe most ppl love the fantasy and getting new abilities from them, but I know the tryhards try to spread negativity

And we cna also ignore anyone whining about borrowed power because borrowed power is here to stay

You can literally read my posts in that thread, I didn’t say I didn’t like Legion.