Ignore the Ripcord pulling pushers

see how dumb this is?

while you guys are acting like casuals are being victimized for their armory, the basis of this dudes argument is “CUZ TRYHARD” and none of you are going to argue anything he says

Don’t worry, it’s a gacha. They tried the same crap to me. Apparently I am leaving this game for SWTOR? Even if I said that… opinion change all the time.

Hasn’t stopped people from flagging it, which was my point.

I’m glad you had fun. People who played endgame content were running Maw of Souls 900 times a week and getting benched for getting the wrong legendaries first, all while not being able to play any offspec for the first 6 months. It was god awful.

OPs post is pretty troll like. OP already admitted to not even playing the game in another thread.

No argument there, but neither of those are a key feature of an expac. Covenants are.

I was just using glyphs to illustrate that they learned the lesson that mixing player-power with cosmetics. Sorry if I wasn’t clear.

-.- I said I am not playing it currently because I don’t like the way it has worked sense corruption was added. I am only currently subbed for the forums. Stop smoking the fel-weed.

we know that

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Thread xyz trying to divide the community about covenants.

This is fun.

Maybe we will get more of those throught the expansion, I can’t wait for everyone to get their hand on Shadowlands and to realize the problems everyone with beta experience and with game experience know will happen.

You can’t change people, people will just more denigrate with covenants. min/maxers don’t care they’ll make 4 characters. So this is truly only penalyzing casuals players that want to push content to a decent level and they don’t realize it yet.

You think gatekeeping is bad right now? Be prepared for worse.

Maybe by next expansion we can all be Horde because “meaningful choice matters” xd

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I mean that’s the exact same thing that I just said.

Not really being a victim. I look at it as making the game better.

I want more power to go back into Guilds, to do that. Group Finder needs to stop replacing guilds. Making building the right groups harder, and not able to get info on players as easily. It would put the power back into Guilds.

No it literally is not, you are accusing me of not playing the game. I do play the game, I am just currently not playing. You are twisting it.

This is how tryants end up getting the metal cheese slice to the neck

No, you just said you don’t lol.

you think you’re the only one getting false flagged lmao

the entire original pull the ripcord thread got flagged for being a real life threat 3 times

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I mean, I remember. I ran quite a bit of Maw too.

I said I wasn’t going to get involved in this again, but I just gotta correct this one point, because there’s some historical revisionism going on here that is missing key context about the situation -

We just came fresh off WoD, an expansion where we had no reason to do anything. People were very eager to consume content. M+ was our first helping of this “infinite grind” system. We weren’t burnt out on it yet as a community. Maybe the folks who played the beta were, but the wider community was not. It was fresh and new and while the grind was bad in a certain this idea that the expansion was reviled for it… it’s laughable. It’s straight up laughable. People were happy to have a reason to actually play the game.

Beyond that, I guess I’ll refer to my post about my final word on the topic.

I have played literally every expansion, although I skipped a large chunk of the current one. 8.3 just sucked butt.

So…you don’t play.

How does that translate to not playing. You are trying to invalidate my opinion because I take a hiatus? Kindly go sniff some other dogs butt okay.

And how did all of this happen if you were “on and off” ???