My Covenant Compromise Ideas

From launch Vanilla, BC, WOTLK (up to TOGC, where I quit the game because PvP was in the dumpster and TOGC was the final insult - although I semi-regret I didn’t stick through it to experience ICC), the SoO patch of MoP, WoD, off-and-on with Legion. Now about a couple weeks of BFA.

Pretty much most of it. I actually had a good time with WoD for the most part because I was raiding Blackrock Foundry with three different characters. I don’t play the game when I stop having fun or when I don’t think I’m going to have fun in the future.

Raid content? Too many to list, so I’ll just list what I didn’t clear when it was current when I was playing the game. I didn’t clear Naxx or Sunwell. When I came back to the game I’ve done what is now considered heroic content.

All that said, I’m not really sure what you’re looking to get out of this.

Dude, you’re not getting it. They’re brilliant decisions if you keep playing in spite of them, and other people who would also quit if you got your way also continue to play. You don’t like the specific meta of one patch, but someone else likes it. They don’t like the patch you like though. They’re just frequent enough to keep you both happy.