Lf casual/social m+ and/or raiding guild

Hi everyone. I’m currently looking to reroll my class and switch servers aswell. I prefer to play alliance but am also open to horde. I can also fill any class your guild needs if necessary. Basically I just want a group of people to play and enjoy the game with that are friendly. I wouldn’t mind joining a more serious guild as a social rank either but I would definetly have to work up to their type of content since I plan to regear and learn a class. If your guild just wants an extra friendly face around between content I can do that too!

If this interests you or if you have any questions feel free to post below or add me on discord- Angelo#2651
thanks for considering!


The Foreshadowing is a laidback group of people who just like to have fun on Sargeras Alliance. We are casual and easygoing but are also like to go as far as we can in raids. We are non-toxic. Basically we just want people who know how to play there class and learn from mistakes (because mistakes happen). We like to have fun and joke around while we are playing. Our raid times will be Tuesday/Sunday 7-930server. We are looking for some healers and DPS (a monk would not be a bad thing) We are kind of in the process of building back up. Life has kind of hurt our membership lately. Currently 6/10N SOD If we interest you feel free respond to this post or contact me in game bnet is Crazyirish61#1337. Can also Contact bnet DarkPaladin#11380

Thank You for your time.

eam Hades of < ILLICIT > : 8/10 Heroic SoD

:timer: RAID TIMES: Tue/Thu from 6:00pm - 9:00pm PT

TEAM HADES of < Illicit > is seeking casual mythic minded raiders to join us in Patch 9.1. Hades starts off in Heroic level content and then progresses into Mythic as far as they can. Hades achieved 8 /12M in Nyalotha and 3/10M in CN. Current Progression: 8/10 Heroic SoD

Hades Roster Needs:

Priority Role Spec Special Note
Very Low Melee DK, Monk, or DH Off-Spec Tank
Very High Ranged DPS Any Highly would like a Warlock

Note: Melee spots will be competitive. Having a ranged alt is a bonus.

:small_blue_diamond: AOTC Castle Nathria preferred.
:small_blue_diamond:Must have some record of successful mythic raiding or CE experience.
:small_blue_diamond: Would prefer to have successful logs in the role you are applying for.
:small_blue_diamond:Able to meet benchmarks for a player of your class/spec.
:small_blue_diamond:Be thoroughly prepared for a new fights by:

  • Watching assigned videos on boss mechanics prior to raid time.
  • Researching your class/specs preferred talents and gear for each fight.
  • Coming to raid with the appropriate consumables.

:small_blue_diamond:All healers are required to have a mythic-capable DPS spec or alt.
:small_blue_diamond:Players will be expected to completely keep up with daily/covenant quests to ensure they are min/maxed for raid.

This is the second of our two raid teams. More relaxed but with progression still in mind. If you are interested please reach out to the following contacts:

Raid Leader: Addina - YassyFresh#1204
Heal Lead: Quick - QuickESQ#1651

Good luck with your search! There’s so much out there. We are very casual and social, although I would love t o get a team of key pushers together someday <3 We’re also a bit older and fairly independent. (I never realized that independence could be a bad thing when we get pleasure in helping, and rarely is there a holler for it!)

anyways… we’re small, quiet, always rebuilding, but looking for mature ,positive energy to grow a family we can trust and communicate with. We have no joint goals- but I may start recruiting casual dungeon folk for my twitch to kill. I miss that competitive edge sometimes. It’s your playtime, so you gotta get what you need out of it too <3.

I sent you a request on Discord too but heres our guild

Gates of Dawn is a casual Saturday morning raiding guild looking to fill out our roster for heroic progression. We raid 8am-11am EST and do M+ through the week. Currently we are looking for Healers and DPS.

Heals: Druid

DPS: Monk, S Priest, Hunter

while all others are certainly welcome!

This is a casual group and while we would like to get AoTC, we know that with our once a week raid schedule it might not happen.

Reply here or DM with any questions and I’d be happy to answer them.

Btag: Ruqua#1111
Discord: Ruqua#9062

Hi Dooblio,

My guild, Reunited (Horde on Mal’Ganis), is always looking for casual/social members.

We are a 3/10M raiding guild with a large number of casual players that just don’t have the time, or desire to beat their heads against mythic bosses 7 hours a week.

We do a lot of non-main raid activities, like alt runs of normal and heroic, guild rated battle grounds, mythic plus, achievement runs, torghast, regular bgs, arenas and more.

We would love to have you as a casual member.

We’re on Mal’Ganis - reach out to me at kat#3105 on discord if you’d like to join us :slight_smile:

Hey! Hope you’re having a good weekend! I run a semi-casual guild on Kirin Tor called we raid once per week on Sunday evenings and run M+ throughout the week, generally putting groups together through discord.

We’re a group of working adults 30+ years of age for the most part. We’re LGBT friendly and all around non-discriminatory.

If this sounds like something that appeals to you please shoot me a message my btag is Del#11381 or my discord is Del#6863

This is our official recruitment post if you’d like to check that out as well: [A][US][Kirin Tor] <missunderstood> 1 night aotc guild is recruiting

Hey there Dooblio,

[H] Mac N Cheese is a casual raiding guild on Zul’Jin that is currently looking for a tank for our main raid team. We run Monday and Thursday 8-11 est. We are a small group of players that like doing mythic keys and downing bosses. Currently progression at 8/10 normal 2/10 heroic.

If your interested, please feel free to add me and we can discuss details.

Alliance Guild located on Kel’Thuzad

Raid days/times: Wednesday/ Thursday 7-10 server time (9-12 eastern for reference)

Needs: 1 Tank(s?) Healers, DPS, (RDPS?)

Druids, Shaman, Mage, Warrior, Warlock, etc. Anyone will get a fair chance no matter your class or spec. Yes even you Feral.

We are an AOTC/Casual mythic progression guild. We are laid back and focus on community and building the bonds we have had since the birth of our guild back in legion.

We might be casual but we love raiding and strive to push ourselves to get as far in mythic as we can. As the GM/RL of our guild I try really hard so my friends and members can succeed. We have a lot of our members/raiders living their best life back in the ol nostalgic TBC atm. Which I totally understand, but it has left us short handed for right now. Which has motivated me to push my self and try and get as much success I can for my team and our guild. I really want the people who are taking their time to raid with me and trust me as GM/RL to succeed.

Please comment if you are interested. I am sure we can figure out a way to communicate.

Thank you all for your time and I hope it doesn’t end up as a TL;DR.

Bubonict#1987 B tag