If you don't want this for WoW you are huffing lethal amounts of copium

I shouldn’t have to. It’s obvious how much more interesting it makes flying around. You’re mad as hell, boy. Go play a game with good flying you’ll see, damn.

Then you’re incorrect then.

Sorry, maybe instead of avoiding a very simple question, you… answer the question on how it adds to the game since you’re insistent with it. :man_shrugging:

That comment was ruder then anything i’ve ever said or done to you mate. I’ve asked you a simple question, and this is what i get?..

Mate, i’ve played many games with the sort of flying your talking about and i still don’t see how it adds to WoW as you’ve claimed.

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Everyone has this magical idea of what it’s going to be but I can’t help think of this quest: https://www.wowhead.com/quest=60858/flight-school-up-and-away
as the most recent example of how WoW servers can’t handle this type of game play.
Then I think of this one:
And also this comic:

As if to mock me, I got d/c’d jumping off my mount into the Heart of the Forest on an alt…

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That could end up being a double-edged sword though… if players take notice, the things that haven’t happened because “sorry old potato engine” will start be demanded.

Have you ever played a game with a bad feeling movement system vs a game with a good, responsive movement system? One can argue all they want that movement is movement, but every gamer can FEEL when a movement system is bad, and it’s one of the easiest ways to ruin a game.

A physics based mount system can add to the game by making flying more fun feeling. Simple as that. A lot of people try to boil flying down to simply getting from point A to point B, but making the experience more fun can make a big difference.

This can also open up:

  • Flying challenges
  • Mounted combat -or- dismount attacks (GW2 does this)
  • Flying as a major feature in a boss fight or zone meta
  • Adoption towards other mount systems (i.e. better water mounts)
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Simply asking. Lots of people are loud about how one is better than the other while neither are giving any specifics.

True! I just like how my mount in GW2 can take full advantage of being nimble.

Nothing at all! It’s like bread is very good, but bread that is toasted and has butter on it is also very good.

Your whole attitude in this thread has been toxic and aggressive as hell. I don’t owe you anything chap. How about you go be mad somewhere not in public.

To be fair, they should be. Well, not necessarily demanded but definitely suggested.

Blizzard needs to catch up with more modern games in several regards. Stagnation kills mmos.

flying done right.

It also adds something with actual dynamics to the game, which has been incredibly rare in WoW. Almost everything has worked on fixed numbers… even things like knockbacks are faked using parabolic arcs instead of actual physics.

and where’s everyone going to be? i know some will love it but i’ll never support if i wanted it i would play gw2.

You should play GW2. It’s a good game, too.

Ye gods no! Wows vehicle combat is booboo

Does Rockstar games on the RAGE engine count?

Yes and Yes.

I much rather the movement be… well responsive so i can control the character.

I’m more concerned about the functionality behind it tbh. If it’s both fun and functional, then sure.

Thing is, there’s a reason why flying is no-clipping in WoW, and that’s because it’s based off of how swimming works… and i’m not sure if you noticed but WoW has hiccups in it’s collision from client to server. If i clearly avoided something, only a half second later to be hit with a debuff or be hit or act like i’ve collided with something, that’s not fun. And i don’t find it fun to fall though a solid object because the server or client was half a second behind either. You get what i’m saying?

In a single-player game, or if that isn’t a problem, then that wouldn’t matter a whole lot though.

My problem with OP is he’s asserting the claim without using his own words and thinks these random videos (that aren’t even design to be a compelling agrument of why we need this) are a better substitute then just simply explaining. It’s no different from somebody using an Asmongold video as their substitute for their opinion. Anybody can do that.

That would be like if i make a thread and i went like…

Legit, he actually threaten to report me over me simply asking “How will it add to the game” after he gaslighted me for trying to ask, how it adds to the game… :point_down:


Yeah, how dare i ever asked him “how does it add to the game”… :man_facepalming: /s

Now this i am geniunely interested and wanted to be part of the game and can see how it will add to the game. :slight_smile:

Neither really isn’t any better, both people can have their preferences. I prefer functionality, but if fun or immersion doesn’t hamper that or makes it better, then sure.

This has nothing to do with what we were talking about previously. Stick to your own topic.

I’ve simply asked you to explain yourself. That is in no way “toxic” or “aggressive”. Infact, avoiding my question while gaslighting me is aggression and toxicity in itself.

Then i guess you don’t need to be correct then.

Also, threatening to report me over harassment for a simple question is a pretty crap thing to do ,especially considering you’ve done nothing but insult and attack me personally to call me the harasser.

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Me too :+1:
But I know who I am, and who I am is someone that doesn’t enjoy taking something I’m fine with and adding more work to it :laughing:
So I would be SHOCKED if I try new flying and like it over what we have now.

We’ll see if Blizzard can pull it off engineering-wise. if it ends up being bad, then the players will let them know.

I do want it!

What I don’t want is for my 500 other flying mounts to be relegated to the trash bin because they can’t fly because blizzard said so and said, do the mini-game that’s it! Dragonriding should unlock flying naturally as you progress the system and then if you want to fly like this you can and if you DON’T WANT TO you don’t have to, and your literal decades’ worth of mount collection isn’t rendered useless by a singular mount!

Please actually use your brains here people!

You are not here to argue in good faith, you see that is the problem. I am ignoring you from now on. I told you what it brings and you stuck around here acting like your opinion is the only one that matters. I have no reason to engage with you any further. If you respond to this post I will report you for harassment.

Once you’ve tried it out, let me know how it works out for ya, maybe then I’ll buy the expac. The ActiBlizz history of over hyping garbage is too fresh in my mind to buy the expac until I get the players’ POV.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


Who said they are never ever going to allow flying? Why wouldn’t you want to use the new system if they said it’s faster than 310 mounts. Come on now. All I am saying is give the new system a chance. If it’s anything like GW2 flying you won’t care. Trust me.