If you don't want this for WoW you are huffing lethal amounts of copium

Something tells me that model was doing more damage to their bottom line than they could handle going forward.

Dragonflight right now is the Kraft Singles(cheese product) of flying.
They can’t call it flight, and didn’t in the presentation, because it doesn’t qualify.
We are getting Flying product

I’m not really in the mood to swallow their Flying product and I hope they get enough feedback to let them know it’s not an acceptable alternative, the two should not be mutually exclusive things in the Dragon Isles.


Do we have enough info to really know that yet?

I’m not stating that it’s for sure good, I’m not saying it’s for sure bad.
I’m only stating that there is not enough public information to have an informed opinion one way or the other.

Yes, they said officially we can not fly on our existing mounts in the Dragon Isles.
That is enough for me.

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Bro, you are missing out if you think noclipping to point A to B is all flying should be about.


Bro, Just showing me just videos of people flying about doesn’t tell me what it adds. I’m not talking about hype. I’m asking, what will any of this add?.. …What will this genuinely add to World of Warcraft? Or do you just want to do loop-de-loops?

Explain this in your own words.


I am basing my opinion on the official statements and words used by Blizzard themselves.
" Special Moves

As you grow in skill, you and your Drake will master new maneuvers. Fight against exhaustion and the pull of the earth, and soar above the Dragon Isles.

Talented Rider

Continue to improve your Dragonriding skill at max level by hunting down ancient glyphs and advancing your new Dragonriding skill tree."

These are the things informing my opinion.
Official information and not just oohing and aahing at the trailer and fancy words.

That tells me that it has the potential to be good.

Whether or not it is good will come down to the execution.

My want from flying is baseline mobility. I want to go to point a to point b in a relatively short amount of time.

Dragonriding seems to answer this (and we don’t know the extent, but they did stress “point a to b” in the deep dive).

What are features from regular flying that you’d like? Your regular flying mount is a reason, of course.

I like GW2 flying because it feels immersive. It allows me to interact with the space that flying in WoW just doesn’t. Noclip flying feels old and dated and more functional than really a big hoorah.

Exactly, have you seen how that’s gone in the last few years?
I was optimistic about Torghast’s potential. It turned into a mandatory feature for crafting Legendary gear and only some classes and specs got to have fun powers.
Blizzard has not had a stellar track record lately.

It’s an easy win. Until people log in and find that max-level world content has been reduced to a handful of daily quests split between two caves, some Argent Tournament “vehicle” gimmicks, and a few token “kill 10 things” quests.

Or they just continue to make more Quel’Danas/Isle of Thunder/Nazjatar/Maws where flying mounts don’t work either way…

Where did i say i like it, or hate it?.. I’m simply asking to explain his claim here… :point_down:

Immersion is subjective.

…What’s wrong with functionality exactly? :man_shrugging:


Hopefully you get better soon!

That’s just plain messed up that you’ve avoided it that long only to have it ruined.

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How abut actual flight and not just a glorified no clip at 310% speed. This adds momentum based flying to the game. A style of flying that can get you to speeds WELL over 310%. Zoom zoom. Having your mount interact with gravity and gain speed as it dives is something that should have been in the game a long time ago. If you don’t see all of the potential this adds to the game for community events like races, and hang time challenges, let alone all of the skill based challenges blizzard could add to the game through this system you’re the one missing out not us.

Blizzard pls keep doing what you’re doing with DF.

That may be.

In terms of gaming, I’m a believer in “don’t knock it till you try it.”

And I haven’t been able to try it yet.

This thread is proof people don’t want a fun game. They want an easy game. They won’t be satisfied until WoW is played through a menu on their phone or something.


How about you answer my question instead of avoiding it like the plague? What and how does GW2 flying style adds to the game?

…Okay, how?

…So faster travel then?

Because you’ve literally never told me the potential it adds or how it adds to the game. The onus is on you for explaining how it adds to the game.

…Don’t we already have that with Darkmoon rings challenge?.. and World quests that allow you to sort of glide your way though rings?..

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Go play GW2. You hostile.

They’ve already failed.

Instead of implementing it in a way where all our flying mounts are affected and it affects the old world, like all expansion SYSTEMS, it’s a way to gatekeep players from actual flying and bottlenecked into one freaking continent. Failure at launch. In the words of Woody, that’s not flying, it’s falling with style and just like artifacts, HoA, and Torghast, it’ll be abandoned after this expansion when dragons are no longer prevalent.

COPE harder WoW playerbase.

Just tell me how it adds to the game. It’s literally not that hard. :man_facepalming:

How am i hostile because i asked a genuine question because these videos tell me nothing?..