If you don't want this for WoW you are huffing lethal amounts of copium

This level of flying would add so much to the game. Please adjust your expectations accordingly.


I just wish WoW players would try something for once rather than immediately flying off the handle.

And yes, obviously Blizzard has missed the mark in the last two expansions. But Legion took a bold step with artifacts that people enjoyed at the time, so I’m willing to give the flying a chance. It looks fun as Hell.


That made me laugh a bit.


I’m good with whatever but I don’t want to fall to my death because I stink at flying XD I’d be very pleased with the same flying but faster like 500% speed when I fly in the same direction for a few seconds.


I did not even do that on purpose, but now looking back I got the same laugh.


Stop making sense! It’s not allowed here.

But seriously the GW2 mount system is incredibly fun and I almost never want to get off my mount. Really happy to see Blizz mixing things up and making mounts more dynamic.

I think and hope that you probably just glide down if you lose all your momentum.


Yeah, the new flying system has a MASSIVE amount of potential if executed properly. Blizzard is now showing that the game, despite being old, CAN be updated to have more modern mechanics that are actually engaging and that is incredible.

People really need to just give it a bleeding chance.


I am worried about my arthritis. I hope the new flying isn’t hard on my hands.


If Blizzard can pull this off obviously noone has any problems. but We know Blizz and them actually pulling this of correctly is pretty low.

If you can do all those things that was shown in the video on the first day of Dragonflight, come to this post and bloat, if not accept people were right being cynic about it.


The moment they said Dracthyr could Dragonriding with themselves made me start thinking they want to add this flying to the rest of the game. Having played with this kind of system before, all I can say is if they pull this off I will never touch another flying mount again.

The only thing left for me is…okay, I love flying. But something WoW has never done and I kind of want them to consider it is climbing. After playing Legends Arceus, having a Pokémon to climb up to the highest point and then leaping onto my flying mount to soar and dive bomb throughout the zone is immensely fun. I would like to do the same in WoW, be able to scale up a mountain and then leap from there.

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Like what? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

How exactly it adds so much to the game?

“Oh wow, i can … do loop-de-loops and fly under a bridge and all this other stunt stuff…”

Funny, because when they do, they (the people who tried it and didn’t like it) get written off with excuses if they don’t like it or have criticisms with it… :thinking:


I’m just imagining it with proper dev time. They could make flight dynamic for all flying mounts.

A dragon would fly differently from a gryphon, which would be different from a helicopter, which would be different from a serpent…

It could be so amazing with the proper dev time spent on it. I’m hoping that Dragon Riding is a first step to set the system up to be expanded later.

Yessss that would be so good. I’m hyped to see what kind of things dragon riding will allow us to do when it’s fully leveled.

Y’know, there’s a fine line between “I think this will be fun” and “I demand that you be forced to do the things I want”.


Hell, even just the other dragon mounts for a start! Imagine a lot of people dusting off Tarecgosas’ staff in that case.

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Love the GW2 flying system, absolutely hate the devs are trying to pass this off as some brand new never before seen idea they came up with on their own

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They haven’t tried anything new in years.

Covenants and Azerite were botched systems built around the Legion artifact.

Torghast and Visions were a failed attempt at recreating the success of the Mage Tower.

The last time they truly attempted something new and innovative was Legion with the artifacts; they’ve been trying to recreate the thing they already had since. This is new, and I’m absolutely going to spend even more time flying than I already do if executed well.

Of course, Blizzard’s executions of systems have been nothing short of embarrassing, so it remains to be seen if they do this well.


This is a matter of opinion. Just because you and some forum posters didn’t like this expansion or last doesn’t mean Blizzard missed the mark. I personally loved BfA and is one of my favorite expansions because I don’t wear the rose tinted nostalgia goggles and say Vanilla-Wrath were the best. Sure, those 3 will hold a special place to me and most of my fond memories were during those days but actual game play, BfA was awesome.


I mean you could say that about anything involved in the new xpac though.

Why am I forced to complete the new dungeons and raids to get better gear? Why am I forced to level in the new zones? Etc etc. Like if somebody hates a new system that much then maybe don’t play this xpac.

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