If you don't want this for WoW you are huffing lethal amounts of copium

Hey, I’m all for trying this new system. Looks kinda fun and what I wish I could do while flying now.

My only hope is that it is fun and our older flying mounts will be upgraded to this system somehow (I just recently got kau’fon and the valarjar stormwing and would love if they could pull of these sick moves and tricks)

I can see them adding this to older mounts if it’s well received.

I do care. I collect mounts, I don’t want my winged Invincible mount to be on the ground for 2 years because Blizzard said so. And they basically have confirmed that flying isn’t happening for the other mounts. They NEED to change their stance on this or its just gonna be a bust.

Source: https://www.wowhead.com/news/flying-in-the-dragonflight-expansion-dragonriding-replaces-flying-in-the-dragon-326774

You literally don’t know that. I for one am willing to put my collection aside for a while and see what the new system has to offer. If it’s anything like GW2 it’s going to be incredible.

“Blizzard has confirmed that you will only be able to “fly” in the Dragon Isles using the new Dragonriding system. Your broader mount collection will act only as ground mounts in the new zones.” I do know this actually this is what they have said themselves.

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I don’t think people have an issue with a new type of flying, it is just that history has shown us that there will be a catch, and that catch will probably mean not flying for weeks and then there will be time-gated stuff that needs to be unlocked. :roll_eyes:


Oh but Kiwi, don’t you know? …It adds to the game. :wink: /s

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Most players do want that.

Don’t assume the people making deranged posts represent even a small percentage of the community.

I don’t care if they add this
Just keep the old flying too so i can gather herbs quick, is really that much to ask?

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Dragon flying: 3 seconds, 2, 1, “your flight time this week has been expended. Please consider using the in game store to buy more flight time!”

Not saying this is happening, but it DOES feel like a blizzy thing to do.

If they do some lame, timegatey nonsense to it, I can see that being bad. But we literally know nothing about the system besides the fact that it will be available from day 1, it will feature momentum based speed boosts, it will be faster than 310 flying, and you can upgrade it further by using it to reach special glpyhs in the open world.

Tbf though, Blizzard never seem to do those sorts of things, aside from WoW Tokens… :thinking:

Ehh, fair enough.

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I am reminded of “dont you people have phones?”

It does seem like blizz is moving towards a mobile future.

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Why does it not make any sense? The Dragon Isles were clearly designed with dragon riding in mind, which has mechanics not featured with regular flying, I.E. physics and abilities that enhance your speed. Adding regular flying over that would kill its purpose as a feature because regular flying doesn’t follow the rules established with dragon riding.

Nah man forget it. Nothing in WoW should evolve. We should use the same stuff we’ve had in the game since vanilla. Who cares if Dragon Riding is more fun, faster, more engaging, or useful. I want my glorified no clip flying back. That is super fun you see? It lets me do my world quests easier. /s

Because it doesn’t make sense. It really doesn’t.

As for Its purpose as a feature, what is that exactly? Again, I have no problem unlocking normal mounts using the flappy lizard but the idea of an expansion where the main mode of travel is designed this mode of travel sounds not fun.

Again, though we do not know yet. You said the “Dragon Isle were clearly designed with dragon riding in mind” - but you not yet know how well that design works yet. It may work well, it may be a complete failure.

What I’m seeing so far (which I fully admit is not the whole picture) makes me leery. Does this system mean we cannot tab out while holding position flying to check wowhead? Does it involve periods of resting between certain areas only accessible via this method of travel?

There are just too many unknowns (and Blizzards history of doing things half way before releasing).



Why are you tabbing out while flying? That doesn’t sound very engaging.

You’re right. We don’t know anything about it, and I’ve even said I think a healthy amount of skepticism is completely warranted given Blizzard’s track record.

However, I have to imagine that, given how level design often works in tandem with mechanics, the Dragon Isles will likely consist of environmental puzzles for us to solve, or certain places being just out of reach unless we can gain enough speed to propel ourselves upward high enough; Things that are intentionally designed with dragon riding in mind, or things that would be rendered pointless if you could just float up on your mount with flying as it functions in-game right now.

I don’t think there is some deeper meaning here nor do I think it’s odd. I think what it amounts to is that Blizzard has created a system that they want players engaging with, and not in the “You have to grind AP or else you can’t play most of the content in this game” kind of way, but more of a “We’re designing this new traversal system that rewards you for experimenting with its various travel methods”. It is reasonable to expect players to engage with certain facets of the game that you design.

It could be a complete failure. It could be a total success. We don’t really know, but what I’m really saying is that it’s not farfetched to see why they would exclude flying from the Dragon Isles if they are designed around dragon riding.

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To answer an email, to check how to do a quest on wowhead, answer a text… there are a number of reasons to go AFK or tab out.



And my main issue is I want to be able to use other flying mounts - once the flappy thing is unlocked. Which, may happen at some point but we just don’t know.
