0.X% drop rates need to be removed from the game entirely

Mate, this is the same OP throws ad-homs to anybody who doesn’t dragonflying or threw a fit at anybody who doesn’t think “it’s going to be lit”, as well threatening to report me for harassment because i asked how GW2 style flying adds to the game simply because looking at his videos doesn’t adequately explain it. :point_down:

Thailla’s not far off honestly on what she said, especially since she’s correct that what Hewer is talking about is not a flat 0%. People would be more respectful towards OP, if he respected people simply correcting him.

Correcting somebody is not being offended.

Telling somebody that their being ignored atfer their being corrected, is.

…Or throw ad-homs at people instead of explaining why you think their wrong. :man_facepalming:

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