If you don't like RDF, you can not use it. RDF will not be the retail/cata decline!

They were bored leveling again because they had to do it all by solo questing. Solo questing to cap isn’t fun. And it wasn’t to have extra end game toons. Most people never raided on alts. They had one, maybe two end game alts. They leveled the rest just for fun.

You haven’t got a clue how to argue anything honestly.


Will be. It already happened.

Mmm-hmm. I just don’t bother arguing with people that want to be disingenuous.

Move along.

f u. You don’t have to reply to me. In fact I’d prefer you didn’t. But I’ll post to who ever when ever I want to.


If you prefer that I don’t reply to you, no problem. I will put you on block to keep you happy.

No loss on my end given the ridiculous posts you direct my way.

See ya!

Go ahead, block me. No loss on my end either given the ridiculous posts you direct at everyone you talk to.

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Hi Miregrim!!! How ya been? How’s retail been? No not trolling, sincerely asking you.


The terms were different and you’ve missed a lot of my other post on how the rdf topic has evolved. I’ll do my best to catch you up to speed and respond to your post.

Classic wow wasn’t just started though. It took taking matters into our own hands and playing on highly populated private servers to catch the attention of the shareholders. Don’t think for a second Blizzard really wanted to do classic servers. Blizzard has always been the, “hot, new fresh, trendy, cutting edge of gaming” kind of company and they’ve been known to be very vindictive. Of anything, I’ll argue they want classic to fail. Need it to fail so thry can put the last nail into this coffinin of an idea that old is cool. Besides if the older expansions out shine the newer expansions its going to make Blizzard look incompetent and they won’t all that. So classic had to be sabotaged. There’s no logical reason that really fits why they’d leave rdf out. All your counter claims seem valid… except the fact they don’t want classic to succeed. You are a great example of a way to improve classic wow. That and getting rid of bugs and bots and tweeking class balance. But none of those are getting fixed either.

I don’t buy into that conspiracy type of thinking. No business wants a game that makes a ton of money to fail. Classic was free money. Almost zero development cost. And $15 a month from those who play it. And there’s always a possibility that some classic players will come back to retail when Classic Cata comes out. I just don’t believe that anyone in the company wants to lose that free money.

You need to learn how corrupt the world really is. I have a feeling you’ll get there some day.

I know how corrupt the world is. People are greedy and selfish. That’s why I don’t believe they’d try to kill their cash cow. No one knows how many play classic. The most common estimate I see is 600,000. I won’t claim that’s correct but if half that, just 300,000 play classic that’s 4,500,000 dollars a month in subs. You really think blizzard wants to throw away 4.5 million dollars every month with almost zero development time. That’s just crazy talk.

I mean I wouldn’t have thought they’d want to throw away millions of subs in retail multiple times. But they’ve consistently doubled down on bad decisions after being proven said decisions are bad.


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Was it absolutely proven the decisions were bad? When they saw the drop in subs they guessed the reason was that the dungeons were too difficult. So they pretty quickly nerfed them. Even if we assume that it was bad when there was massive complaints when they removed flying they didn’t double down. They backtracked and added it back in.

Well no they didn’t add flying back in. They added something back in a super passive aggressive way that’s only going to piss off people. Same with dungeons, instead of just going back to old design they repositioned dungeons completely in how they fall into the game. They doubled down on borrowed power grinds in BFA and SL(no idea if that’s still a problem in DF)

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Subs are secondary to micro-transactions in their eyes.

It does seem odd to drive away subs though. But…apparently their egos mean more to them than greater success of the game. And obviously there’s zero accountability at the company. So it’s no surprise that arrogance and disdain for the playerbase has spilled over into Classic.

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Yeah it’s hard to think anything else at this point. It shouldn’t be hard to understand that more subs directly leads to more micro transactions.

Seen a lot of businesses where the people up top have absolutely no clue of the actual loss of potential at the ground level.

Middle management are usually really good talkers. Great BSers, and as long as a target number is hit, that’s really all that matters. Which ties into my earlier comment that there is zero accountability at Blizz.

Players may know the game sucks and designers are making terrible decisions driven by their own arrogance and driving subs from the game…but do you think stockholders have any idea? They see their lovely pie charts showing all the revenue being made. Record profits.

So really sub numbers aren’t that important. If they have half the subs, but those subs are whales and they end up making more money thanks to micro-transactions…that’s what they’ll do.

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The shareholders are greedy and selfish. The devs are arrogant, spiteful, and vindictive. Yes i believe some devs woukd want classic to fail just enough to push people back to retail because they’re more prideful of their current work.

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doubtful being classic still gets them that sub money.

If that was the case, the devs would’ve kept older expansions up even after newer expansions were released. Obviously you don’t realize how far aligned Blizzard is with the dark side.

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I mean, if your point is that you’re going to beg and wait for a decade for dungeon finder to be implemented, knock yourself out. :rofl:

It’s the way they market the game to us. But it’s not why the product was created. Conflating the two concepts is an express pathway to being suckered.

What have they lost, exactly? Definitely not money, as we’re currently riding out the very highest population numbers Classic has ever seen since launch. Or if by “lost a lot”, you mean certain qualities in the game, then your perspective is controversial at best. Many of us are quite happy with the direction Classic has gone so far and continues to go.

You seem to misunderstand the implications of the situation. People spent a decade begging for old WoW to come back, and Blizzard ignored them, and would’ve continued to ignore them if it weren’t for the money. There is no money in it for them if they choose to implement dungeon finder. There is no indication that the people who want it are A: numerous enough to make a real difference or B: willing to stop playing the game over dungeon finder.

The moral of the story isn’t that they listen to their audience. It’s that money talks and that what the audience wants is secondary to revenue.