If you don't like RDF, you can not use it. RDF will not be the retail/cata decline!

I guess there has always been a subset of players who wanted retail tools added to classic and original wrath tools deleted. But I doubt the majority are like you who wanted a retail version of wrath.


I find it quite funny (and also obviously dishonest) that you’re pointing the finger at me for wanting “Retail tools” when the LFG tool we currently have is literally just a more functional version of the tool we had back in the day that still agrees with the game’s original pre-Activision design philosophy. And yet in the same breath, you beg Blizzard to implement a change that pushed WoW further down the path of being a sterile, soulless lobby game while we all looked on in horror.

You really do belong in that guild. :rofl:

give RDF please

literally no reason not to have it


RDF surely was one of the things that ruined the game. So no thank you.

You claimed to be, “quite happy with the direction Classic has gone so far and continues to go.” Then you’re happy that Mercenary Mode from WoD was added and the loot boxes from Cata were added.

I’m just asking for classic wrath to be a recreation of original wrath. I’m not sure how rdf made wrath a lobby game. I logged on and went out into the world to quest or farm. Then I asked in guild if anyone wanted to do dungeon x. I couple of friends would join and then we’d join the rdf to fill out the last few slots. I played with my friends more after rdf was added than before.

Did you use the rdf? Did you just sit in dalaran while you waited for the dungeon to pop or did you go out into the world to quest or farm? Did you join the queue alone or with friends? If you mostly joined rdf queue solo why? Didn’t you have any friends or a good guild to join the rdf with.


Which is true. Overall I think playing the first three eras of WoW again on official Blizzard servers has been fantastic, and Wrath is no exception to that. And I’m particularly happy that, in a world where changes are being made, it seems like they’re trying to avoid making some of the mistakes that were made in the past.

I’m not sure how anyone could earnestly take my overall satisfaction with the game’s direction to mean that I personally and specifically endorse every single thing that the WoW team has done. But in this case, I think we both know you’re just making a paltry attempt to knock a strawman over.

I’d be fine with that myself. So implement it after 75% of the expansion’s content has come and gone and let’s call it a day.

Like I said, there’s always been people who wanted classic released with retail features added. I wanted no changes. If when classic was announced if blizzard had said it would be original Azeroth with some parts of the original game left out and they would be adding things from Cata, WoD and other expansions you’d be fine with it. While I wouldn’t have played Classic


Keep pushing over your strawmen to your heart’s content, I couldn’t care less. :rofl:

The only people you’re going to convince with this sad, desperate attempt are those who are too dense to see through your thinly-veiled dishonesty.

Jeez you’re pretty dense. No one ever convinces anyone of anything here.

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