If you don't like RDF, you can not use it. RDF will not be the retail/cata decline!

obviously charax is one of those who did so he thinks that was everyones experience. that and being a lazy player he continually talks about just targets him as one to the sweaty try hard elitist gatekeepers who chase min/max, bis, and server first. was probably 80 in a day and half after launch for lack of sleeping.

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If RDF is added I will need on every single boss drop/boe regardless of if it’s an upgrade for someone for my vendor/disenchant-spec. I will never see these people again so why should I care? On my server Discord there’s a dozen blacklist posts a DAY for people who ninja items in heroics. Now imagine a world where people can ninja from randoms without getting called out for it.

so youre officially, in a text response, ADMITTING that youre just a troll dbag who would rather RUIN eveyrone elses game than to allow them to choose how to play their game, all the while still having the ability to play the game your way? good to know your a gigantic tool and a great example of the ANTI rdf crowd.


Stay mad. If the game allows me to do something, blame the game not the player. All need every drop will be the RDF meta after a week or two.

I don’t preach about community at all. Nor am I throwing a temper tantrum. I am simply stating that if blizzard wants to add an enchanting mat farming queue I will happily use it.

Why are you trying to convince the playerbase? Believe it or not, we don’t develop the game. We have our own opinions one way or another, but we don’t make decisions.

Go to the feedback forum and post to them.

because the player base is what decides on community. all these anti rdfers claiming LFG is what creates community and rdf kills it, and then along comes an anti rdfer whos first instinct isnt to be a decent player, its to be the toxic human being the anti rdf claim rdf will bring to the game. but someone with that mindset is obviously already a toxic player existing in an LFG world.

the playerbase is the ONLY thing that can create community, not a tool. and community… by the devs own admissions is mostly in guilds and discords.

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Oh I 100% agree, just no reason for OP to convince us that we need RDF. Honestly, on Grobb we have GREAT community regardless of tool.

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This just proves RDF doesn’t make you toxic, you already ARE toxic. The fact that you claim there’s a dozen blacklist posts a DAY on your WrathC discord proves RDF doesn’t have a thing to do with people acting like douchebags.

I only remember ONE single ninja from OG Wrath and it was in VOA - a server exclusive group.


RDF makes it easier for people to act toxic. Furthermore in todays wow RDF will be FULL TO THE BRIM of bots whos entire goal is to need on whatever it can before its kicked by the group, if the vote kick even ends up working in the first place.

The flip side to that is groups of people abusing the vote kick. With no consequence and shards being worth gold we will clearly run into a situation where people in groups of 3 remove some one from the group before the last boss to lesson competition.

RDF is literally the start of the anonymous toxic dopamine addicted player. Saying “see theres toxic people so rdf wont change that!” is ignoring the fact that those people are more toxic today because of systems that generate quick dopamine hits (dopamine feedback loop) being implemented in the past. People today have been trained by these systems to look for the fastest dopamine they can get, and if you are in the way of that get ready for a withdrawal filled backlash.

RDF is not good. It just speeds up the cycle and teaches people to be less patient.

And yet in FFXIV people are helpful and friendly in random groups. Yes, they have a system like RDF and it WORKS.

RDF does not cause toxic behavior. Nor does it increase it. As another poster pointed out, people are already acting like douchebags in dungeons. So either you’re a douche or you aren’t.

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Or maybe, just maybe, people that play FFXIV are not as competitive as people in wow and the community is more about cosmetics than the wow community is.

AND MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, the GMs in FFXIV actually do their jobs and look into toxicity reports.

So yeah, go ahead and put RDF in but only after hiring GMs that actually do their jobs.

What a bunch of bull.

Yep, real tough to find players in Vanilla to dungeon with that this is why mage boosting became so popular lol. Get out of here with that.

True. Thats why everyone stopped playing retail. Who would have thought blizz would make classic servers to get those players back and then try to add changes to key features to immitate retail.

I agree that Blizzard is a big problem here. The FFXIV devs have set up systems that reward you for helping “sprouts.” You can also get rep from other players who are in the duty finder with you.

It pays to be nice, it can hurt you when you aren’t.


Dead wrong.

My highest level is 74 and I have a ton of alts between 45 and 65. I never focus on playing FotM. I am enjoying levelling (dungeon and questing) with several different classes/specs for the variety.

I probably should get something to 80 and somewhat geared before Ulduar launches lol.

A player like me probably would benefit from RDF efficiency more than most tbh.

People needing excessively would definitely increase with RDF. I wouldn’t be the one that would do that and would either drop group/kick players like that.

Still, it would be annoying to have to deal with players like that via RDF.

Yeah ok so then I agree that wow could have RDF if they implemented systems to combat its inherent lean towards creating an anonymous toxic environment.

Police bots and reports quickly and efficiently,
incentivize people to help others rather than steal,
If they put a reward at the end of the dungeon (bag of goodies, extra xp) instead of how they have done it, make it so the longer the dungeon takes the bigger the reward so its a direct time = reward rather than the faster you get something done the more rewards you receive.

Do stuff like that first and then we can talk about RDF but wow has never done that so their iteration of RDF promotes toxicity, hands down fact.

Yeah it was. That’s why people back then asked for a better way to find dungeon groups. It’s why blizzard spent the time and money to create rdf. It really doesn’t seem like you played vanilla or classic vanilla.


My armory shows I played Vanilla and I did play Classic Vanilla/TBC and currently WotLK.

Players boosted because “they were bored levelling again” and just wanted extra end game toons. Not even worth arguing this point further with you honestly.

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