If you don’t like SL, it’s time to quit WoW

That isn’t the point of the thread. He is trying to stop people from giving feedback that will take away from his game. He literally wants everyone who doesn’t like the things in the game he does to leave. I actually have never seen people do that in such an open manner on this forum until this expansion.

It could be just him posting multiple times though because I have seen this crap before.


I did to someone else many posts above. I started with “PvP vendors”
Edit post 107

I’m going to agree with you on the Maw. The Maw is iffy on function. You’re correct, it should have been called Uroboros, and that’s actually kind of thematic too! But yea, I dread going to the Maw. Just feels like I’m running around for half an hour chasing bonus objectives that randomly pop up. That has it’s charm, but it’d be a lot funner if we could mount from the start. No excuses though, I could go get that new mount they have in Torghast now, but I’ve been lazy this week. One day!

I am not, I have one account and am only posting on one toon.
You don’t like PvP raids dungeons or Torghast. Stop posting in this thread, you don’t like WoW. Leave us who like this game alone.

One zone with some extra Classic like challenges isn’t a big deal. What content could you not do if you ignored the maw completely???

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I think it was to me :slight_smile:

And i really want more of that feedback. If you go through my post history i am more than happy to say what i appreciate about the new game.

Hang on, let me link the most recent post on it:


I think, bottom of my heart that ion is a great dev. I think he’s in his head trying to solve the problems the community had with bfa (but i also think hes drawing off of a narrow range of opinions that are myopic). I just think people who come to the game saying ‘i love it’ should take a tiny second to think 'i wonder if these convenience changes which turns this game into a world of instance-craft might like to perhaps look at us terrible players (like preach did around 6.1 by the way) and say ‘oh, my games awesome! Thank god my games awesome. Id hate to be someone who didnt raid though…’ and spare even the tiniest of thoughts for our gameplay instead of demanding we all mass unsub. Because we’re probably gonna. And that sucks (not only for you when the pendulum swings back, but also for us when we just dont feel it the next time we get burned).

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I am going to share some information with you. One of the surest ways to get a forum vacation is to tell people to shut up or try to deter them from posting here and you are doing that repeatedly.

I never said you had more than one account, I just wouldn’t remember you from thread to thread. I just know I have heard people trying to do the same thing openly as you are doing a number of times on this forum over the last couple of months.

There are multiple challenges levels in 4 large content areas of WoW. If you can’t find fun there, then you don’t like WoW that much.

I raid m+ and pvp (pvp not by choice but it’s the best way to gear)

But m+ and raid isn’t giving any loot. This is not an exaggeration.

My subs cancelled I have until March due to
Being a 6 months subber.

The game has become spin the wheel on the weekly vault at this point.

Did ulduar TW raid 25 man and it was dropping loot like it’s supposed to and walked out with 2 upgrades which felt satisfying.


Riiiight. Silly me. I guess i should unsub? See you when you’re moaning about the game catering to casuals i suppose.

That’s just it, I don’t feel like I have to do the Maw at all. It doesn’t bother me, it could just be better is all.

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How much time did the Devs spend on raids dungeons pvp and Torghast???
Covenants, soul binds and conduits??
If none of this is appealing to you, then you could be playing many other games and posting in their forums.

No guild, and I’m not about to run the RaiderIO gauntlet of rejection.

I’m not a pvp person. I’d be a liability to any BG I was in, as I learned when they forced us into them in MoP.

Oh, so anotgher “just quit” then?

Is it so terrible to complain about the direction of the game, and how it’s REMOVED features that a huge number of players used to enjoy and engage with?

Sorry bud, but “it’s not your game anymore” is painfully elitist.

Yep, that exactly. And really, these people (some of whom I’m 100% sure are Blizzard employees) might wanna be careful what they wish for.

It reminds me strongly of the mysterious and sudden spike in anti-flying posts right after Blizzard started seeding the “flying is skipping content” and “we regret ever adding flying” talking points. Then, as now, it might be seen as a tad paranoid to suggest that Blizzard is trying to guide the narrative on the forums via posts like the OP’s above (which really does read like a PR flyer from corporate). But it makes you wonder…

Wait, you mean that if you want to play in the WORLD of Warcraft, as opposed to spamming instances all day, you “don’t like WoW”?

“Just quit” twice in 5 minutes? A new record, surely.


That’s pretty much how I think of Ion too. Dude is great. Not perfect, but great. And he listens. That’s kind of incredible to reach a developer like that. But yea, instance craft I can see being a real problem for some players. We can air out the criticism and suggestions and see what happens. Nothing wrong with objecting to a particular game system ( or even philosophy ), especially if it just flat out doesn’t work.

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Organizing enough people for raids take time and patience and the loot should drop generously for that. Blizz should up the loot there I think.

I don’t want mythic dungeons raining loot again, it was so bad, it became the only intelligent way to acquire loot. Pvpers just ran mythic plus all day instead of PvP all day to gear for pvp.

Play an alt.

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I so want him to give positive feedback instead of trolling for notoriety, it legit hurts my heart.:’(

Definitely not asking for a loot piñata. But it’s common to do 5+ m+ runs and walk out with nothing.

It’s just really unrewarding. And after many times of that happening I just lost the will to keep running. I knew it was time to unsub when I sat in Oribos doing nothing and was like eh and logged out


Obviously not an employee then.

Progressing your covenant is all in the world. Enjoy. Play 4 classes for each covenant. Enjoy.

If not, yup, WoW ain’t for you. SL is 90% great, give some time to iterate as they have for 15 years.

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And especially if you take even the most modest time to offer information and details why it doesnt currently work (bonus points if you can pinpoint expected and obvious pitfalls, and explain how they could avoid them). You know, CONSTRUCTIVE feedback about the game itself and not just crass assumptions about the wide and diverse playerbase.

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That low chance reminds me of Legion. It wasn’t horrible but SL could slightly up the % or do a badge system or 35 per lvl of difficulty, with a weekly max.

There are 11 other classes with 3 specs each, try an alt.