If you don’t like SL, it’s time to quit WoW

There is so much that is good with this expansion, so much that is better than BfA, that if you are here complaining about SL…it’s time to leave these forums and game forever.

You do not like WoW anymore.
I am okay with that. The problem is with you, not WoW.

I have burnt out on WoW before, but I knew it wasn’t the game, it was me. I needed a break; I came back later and loved it all over again.

There are many other games to play, so go.

Unless you are a nefarious agent who works for another game who wants to sow dissent.
Or you are a troll who enjoys seeing people’s reactions more than playing a video game.

SL is quality. The Devs are trying and succeeding. Perfection is a goal but is never attained. SL is so much better than BfA, if you are still angry… just…leave.

The game has been here 15 years! There are no surprises about the fundamentals of how you spend your time in this game. If you use “waste of time” in your complaints, go outside, exercise, teach, build, coach, become a foster parent, read a book.


EDIT 1: at 522 responses, my OP has 63 likes and a counter to me about expressing opinions has 115.
This 115: Do they like SL, are having fun, but some things annoy them. They want some things to change but overall are enjoying their time, pushing mains, playing alts, but want express their criticisms? Then great, sorry for triggering you with my spicy title, but it helps get attention.
Are some of 115 nefarious agents who work for other games and try to create a negative perception about WoW no matter what the Devs do? Sometimes after reading people’s responses it seems the most reasonable explanation.



I aspire to the job title, “Nefarious Agent.”


Way ahead of ya.

Enjoy your hollow, diet-coke expac.


Telling people who are frustrated with a game to quit is only going to have you be yelled at.


Or maybe people are voicing feedback and complaints about the game that are 100% valid because they are opinions? Maybe?
Go gatekeep somewhere else.


WHy the bleep bleep are you in forums if you love the game so much. Go bleep play the game.

Stop telling people who have complaints on what they should or should not do. You are not paying for their monthly.

I demand you stop playing from today for 2 years and then love the game. See that doesnt work, it your choice , you pay you play, post or w.e.

Easy to be a hypocrite. If you dont like what you see on the forums, there is a very easy solution, dont open the thread.


I have played WoW since Vanilla, every expansion. SL is good. If you insult the Devs, you need to quit. So much is right about SL.


i come to u all today ot tell you to quit stopt elling blizzard to do better


Well be prepared for angry and frustrated people to shift their attention to you because you called them out.

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I have been reading many complaints. They are wrong. Most complainers throw bombs and not specific complaints. Other specific complaints just come off as “I don’t enjoy this game anymore.”


I wholeheartedly agree. There are still some grossly incompetent decisions that made it live, but for the most part its very enjoyable. For me, its the community that’s terrible at the moment and its mostly centered around M+.


I don’t think I am a hypocrite. I think it’s good advice. SL is good, if you are angry, then leave.

So, in YOUR opinion, you think people should just quit because - again - your OPINION … the game is “good” …?

The problem is them, not the game … cause you say so?

Am I missing something here?


Saw the thread title and said to myself, “I bet this guy has a garbage item level and hardly even plays the end game.”

Looked at his armory

Suspicion confirmed. Plays 30% of the content but speaks on the whole of it as if they were a knowledgeable sage.


Just keep in mind maybe some people preffered the previous expansion or a certain way the game was. It’s fine for them to voice their disagreement as the forum is the place for this.

I do remember being a newbie on the forum and I made a suggestion like ‘hey could we bring back the mage tower tints, i really want the ones people had in legion’ gosh that thread turned into a mess. :stuck_out_tongue:

I still like WoW though a fair bit of the guild is also seeing the game as a bore so it’s having a negative effect on my perception too.


Or more accurately you pay but you dont get to play like everyone else because you started three weeks late and Blizzard , “for literally the first time,” has decided to time block content on an acct by acct basis.


I have quit the game. My time runs out on the 18th. Waiting for ‘Classic’ BC release and I’ll be here for that. But not for SL.

I think the more accurate statement however isn’t that SL is good. It’s that you enjoy it. Because I certainly don’t think it’s good. And both of our opinions on that matter are valid.


Been enjoying SL so much, I can’t stop playing other classes. I want to try so many aspects of SL with different classes. It’s the first season, people don’t have to play only a main at the highest levels of competition. Who says I haven’t done other areas of content in previous expansions? In Wrath I was in a raiding guild, not interested in that any more.

And if you are a Mythic raider, or M+ enthusiast or a pvper, then you would realize so much is better about SL than BfA.

You’ve said a lot of words to basically agree with my original statement–you’re giving ultimatums about an expansion you’ve hardly even experienced yourself at end game to know down from up.

Just stop posting



I am gonna stop FEEDING THE TROLL.

but again HAHAHAHAHA