If you don’t like SL, it’s time to quit WoW

You’re spectacularly patronising.

Here’s a clue: just because you’re happy with what they’re serving up currently, it doesn’t mean everyone is. Just because you’re happy to play Instances of Warcraft, it doesn’t mean everyone is.

Complaints about SL are valid, and numerous.

Tauren feaces.

Wow’s been “for me” foe a DECADE now. It’s this current direction that isn’t for me, and you “just quit” types, acting like members of a boy-band fan club eagerly lapping up whatever dross is doled out to them, are not being helpful.

How about YOU just quit, and let us have the WORLD of Warcraft back?


Stop complaining about complainers…

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Last time I logged in there was a big world in WoW. 5 zones in fact. Did you not see it? There are tons of side quests that were not required in the main campaign. They are there for your immersion.
Each covenant has campaigns in the world. WQs are in the world, callings can be done numerous ways.
How are not having fun in SL???

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Not even tupac is this simp…


Honestly I think any competent and talented dev team could put together a fantasy mmo these days that rivals if not surpasses WoW these days. And you bet if that happens I’ll likely enjoy the hell out of it.

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A large portion of people who play well do not give a crap about story. You don’t get to decide what other people enjoy.

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No. Leave me alone. I never forced you into this thread. You could have ignored it.

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“If you don’t like it LEAVE!”


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Hey, wasn’t responding to you. This was for someone else complaining that they wanted the world back in their WoW and apparently SL has not provided that for them.

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That has been said since Rift. WoW still is here.

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Yeah for sure but WoW was considerably more fun than Rift and even today’s version of WoW back then. This game is getting very very old and the formula is clunky now. It wouldn’t take much honestly to unseat WoW.

hell the only reason I’m playing it is out of boredom and in hoping it actually gets more interesting eventually as well.

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Welcome to my point. SL is fun! It’s a great expansion! WoW has never been perfect.
Ashes of creation may be good, but I will wait 6 months and listen to others about it, like BoD. It fizzeled out.

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Stop hating SL, it’s actually a good expansion

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Yeah ashes might fizzle, and many others as well. But a few might actually stand out and be just as good I hope.

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No its not.

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I didn’t even say anything about SL lol.



Oh, so you like SL?! Yeaaa!!!

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nope worst xpac since wod.


Its average expansion to me. Not as bad as bfa but leaves a lot to be desired. Sure they got rid of bfas problems, but have created new ones in their place. We need new management.


Not even close, but thanks…for reasons I guess.

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