Oooh, i should add to a random “i quit” thread that no one from blizz will ever read. Some constructive feedback:
Things i enjoy:
- youre taking risks this expansion. And you’re sticking to them. I appreciate that. You need the data once and for all on who this game is supposed to target if it wants to stabilise its sub base (and perhaps then grow from it). You need to know if raid or die works once and for all. You’ve tried a few times before and pulled back. So i’d like to see you commit to it so we can definitively say ‘who’ this game is designed for. Stay the course!
- I mentioned this in another thread. I love the return of pvp as a legit gearing system. Its been genuinely great fun pvping again and having an actual power progression reason to do so.
- I love the covenants themselves. Each are completely unique. I love they have their own feel, look and storyline.
- When you see the raw power and pace of the catch up system, its genuinely remarkable. You havent been given enough credit on this in forums. I can, if i want right now, spend the next 6 levels sitting in bgs on my ww monk (who will obviously switch to mw for bgs). At level 60 she will have a tonne of honor. I can then burn through a few callings/dungeons/torghast/bgs for renown catchup (plus intro weekly quests) get her to rank 5, do the pvp upgrade and immediately kit her out in 184 gear. Then shes in an amazing place to burn through renown catchup to hit high level covenant gear within the week. I mean, thats startling. We arent even in the ‘catch up gear shower phase’. This is the system at the start.
- Speaking of. I love the upgrade system. I love that any non LFG player can reasonably expect to be in around 200ilvl gear before 9.1 drops. That makes a huge difference in world questing and torghast climbing. It even makes a difference in the maw where you might hit perdition hold and think ‘i can take these guys!’ Its just excellent. (edit1: to those people who say ‘why do you need decent gear for world questing?’ this is why! It opens doors in the SOLO game you’d never imagine you need to open because you’ve already got this gear from the content you do!)
- Torghast: I love the idea. I love the potential and possibilities throughout the expansion as a source of genuine experimentation. Please, go wild! If it breaks the game, it breaks the (edit2: very narrow and self contained) game! Have fun with it. Its one of the best new features you’ve added for solo players. Go nuts with it!
- Flying in 9.1. Tied to renown. Im sure you have another annoyance up your sleeve once 9.1 drops, but i love that you’re not messing about until a year into the expansion to give people flying (once they complete another massive rep grind). Im sure it’ll be locked down for any new ‘suddenly discovered’ islands in 9.2/3. But im hopeful you’ve finally seen sense on not gating returning players behind a massive rep grind wall as their ‘welcome back to azeroth!’.
Hmmm… i did imply criticism (constructive)… But i dont wanna. I want to go out happy. You can read my extremely long and very critical posts in my ‘activity list’ if you like. Right now, i’d rather say what i like about the shadowlands changes.