Ideal, but fair depictment of Races- Round 1, Night Elves

People really don’t like Night Elves… there is something about the race that is polarizing. People either love Night Elves fanatically, or hate them with burning passions.

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Hey, I made bratwurst the first time. Not my fault nobody enjoyed it. And that one of the fighters was a ghost.

No, i do understand where do you come from. But still.

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People can think whatever they want of them, but don’t reduce yourselves to petty arguments that end up completely off topic. I hate Forsaken but I keep the argument civil because, guess what, they’re fictional characters in a game.


Don’t tell me. I wasn’t the one who came in here and started trolling the place.

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But you were the one who kept engaging with him. “Don’t feed the troll” is as important a rule to the internet as rule 34.


I am not a troll.

I feel like whenever anyone disagrees with your view on your fan favorite race you automatically feel that they have a distaste for night elves. have you ever considered that in a world with so many interesting races that each have a complex lore that yours may not be the uber god badass super race you think it is and that in fact other in game races are just as capable?


In my opinion. No. I think Night Elves are the best.

I do, however, acknowledge the not everyone likes the Night Elves, and that’s okay. Just don’t expect me to change the way I feel about them because you do not feel the same way.

Also, unlike the conversation you and I had, this was not a conversation about power level. This was a conversation about the narrative influence for Night Elf culture and philosophy. Which is a less subjective topic.

Considering the personal and directed attacks that have come from both of you, then you two do have a distaste for Night Elves. I do not put that on anyone else, only people who have explicitly said as much, such as yourself and Fisthook.

Hey now. Akiyass declares that even I’m not a Night Elf fan, and I do think the Night Elves are a uber god badass super race.

Actually, I said you don’t know nelf culture.

Mostly because you made the claim the Kaldorei could be accepting of undead, which is pretty bonkers to me.

You said both:

Which matches up with what Galien was saying:

And I love the Night Elves. I was just pointing out you have your way of viewing the Night Elves that doesn’t require disliking the Night Elves to get on your bad side.

I had forgotten the context, seeing it now I am inclined to stand by that statement.

The acceptance of the undead would be undermining of preestablished Kaldorei lore and culture. I don’t think one can be a fan of Night Elves and also be willing to see the defining facets of their identity erased.

again I don’t dislike night elves I dislike when any race is portrayed in a dishonest fashion I.E the night elves have the best warriors, druids hunters mages, rangers, shaman and waffle house on azeroth. Your arguments are usually really bias and it tends to push people’s buttons when they have to continue to explain to you that the average night elf citizen is not more battle harden than the warriors of a warrior race like the orcs, or that Malfurion did the heavy lifting for the vast majority of the kal’dorei resistance.


Here is the thing, all this stuff is subjective. None of it can be proven or disproven.

So I can say Night Elves are the best at all those things and I can’t be told it is not true. Does that make it true? No. But that is what I believe, and there is nothing that says otherwise.

If I recall correctly, you claim Blood Elves are the best mages. Even if that isn’t true, lets assume you think that. There is no way that can be proven or disproven. That is a subjective thing, and your own interpretation of how Blood Elves have been presented. That doesn’t make either of us right or wrong.

This, however, can be argues. Because we know that the War of Thorns was fought with a mostly Civilian force. In fact, Terran Gregory himself made the claim, that the season orc veteran captain we see in the Darkshore cinematic “No single Night Elf could do all that.” has a limited experience with only fighting civilian Kaldorei.

Sure, Malfurion did a lot during the War of Thorns, that doesn’t change the fact that Kaldorei civilians stood toe to toe with elite orc warriors, as said in A Good War, Elegy, and Terran Gregory himself.

That’s not a bias opinion, that is definitive lore that has been stated by story devs.

And in the wake of you learning that, you went ahead and created a rage thread about Night Elves and Night Elf players… And yet you claim to not have a negative predisposition regarding nelves?

I mean, come on.

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It’s not dishonest when it’s what the lore literally says, as per Elegy:

    Even those generally regarded as civilians—tailors, food merchants, innkeepers—had learned over centuries how to fight well enough to defend themselves.

See Akiyass’ post right above yours. It’s not about someone liking or disliking the Night Elves, and it’s not even about someone’s opinion on any other race in the game, it’s that Akiyass has a very specific view of the Night Elves, regardless if that fits the current canon or not.


I mean, I think it does fit the canon quite nicely.

In the case about the civilians as portrayed by Elegy, yes. But that’s a pleasant coincidence, not your stance on canon, to which I was referring to:

That is true to the canon as well.

Hmmm come to think of it, it is rather interesting that it is Malfurion always being the diplomatic one. He seems to be the Thrall of the Night Elves. He always wanted to talk things out first, while Tyrande was being the aggressive one. This was apparent in WC3, the parallels between Malfurion and Thrall are there.

The rest of the Night Elves, including his teacher Cenarius, were aggressive. Having said that I still wouldn’t think having the humans be non-diplomatic and the Night Elves diplomatic either. Then it would run the risk of a Orc to Tauren parallel. The only thing worse than a sidekick is being the sidekick to a sidekick.

Now if they can juggle between diplomatic and savage cool then. Thst would be tricky for Activision Blizzard it seems.