Ideal, but fair depictment of Races- Round 1, Night Elves

I think we are actually in more agreement than you think. In the book Wolfheart Varian didn’t want anything to do with the Gilneans, and effectively told Genn to go to hell for leaving the Alliance and putting up the Greymane Wall in the first place. Malfurion actually had to vouch for the Gilneans and Genn and stand by and support them to get them included back into the Alliance.

Here you have two Humans that were not diplomatic, and the Night Elves being so to bridge the gap. Humans and Night Elves not being the same.

It’s just the opposite of what you are suggesting. It doesn’t have to be the Night Elves who aren’t diplomatic to be different, if the Humans aren’t diplomatic first (and thus being diplomatic is being different from the Humans).

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Im getting the feeling that you havent read it.
A man’s deeds are everlasting. Whining, and cowardice are a big deal (that Nithing word is hovering again.) And while there are no absolutes, if you complain incessantly, its what you will be known for (or if you whine to a goddess) for the rest of time (which is far beyond “one more adversity.”) That is self betrayal. And you are right, I tend not to like the elves on these forums. They tend to come at people in groups for the slightest disagreement, I find it abhorrent.

Whining isn’t cowardice. You can whine while actively doing something in spite of fear. But even still, no one is expected to be perfect, and adversity of one’s own heart is an adversity to be overcome. True that cowardice is detestable in the faith, but in it lies the opportunity for redemption. It’s not so cut and dry as your make it out to be, and we are getting off topic anyway.

The Point remains that Kaldorei culture and lore is rooted heavily in Celtic and Norse Paganism. I have proven as much in my original post. Maybe you do not like the Kaldorei player community, but that’s hardly anything to do with the narrative inspirations blizzard has used for the Kaldorei as a race. Odinism being one of those inspirations.

Yet, here you are, the one whining about one interpretation of the Kaldorei. This is what you will be known for.

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Im not whining lady, Im coming at you for trying to make Nelves seem like Odin worshippers (i supplied a pretty heavy contrast i believe.) And at this point its happening because you are muddying the waters, claiming to understand “Odinist philosophy” and trying to push my buttons rather than actually discuss things.

Also, read my posts, “whining and cowardice “ means they are two separate things, i didnt put whining\cowardice. And what ive been saying is far from perfectionism.

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They worship Elune, who’s directly inspired by the Wiccan Goddess of the Triple Moon, which is drawn from Odinist philosophy. That is an objective fact that you haven’t been able to disprove, and have only revealed a gross misunderstanding of what Odinism is and a failure to adhere to Odinist Values and Virtues.

I advise you refrain from speaking about something you know so little about, and allowing your personal feelings get in the way of truth, which is that Night Elves adhere to an Odinist philosophy by Blizzard’s own design. Which is made clear by their Idol of Wisdom being a Valknut, and the presence of the World Tree and Elune being an off-shoot of a modern Euro-pagan deity.

There is nothing ideal or fair about this discussion anymore.


Oh so I am disproving everything you say? I appreciate the status update. Actually ive been pretty assertive, and I dont appreciate these claims you are making. Arguing isnt complaining, however desperately you wish otherwise. You claim I know so little, but you havent bothered to listen.
And no Tyrande sure hasnt.

I have listened and have determined that you are wrong. I disagree with you, and you A. Misunderstand Odin and Odinism. B. Do not adhere to Noble Virtues or Values. C. and have a personal bias against Night Elves.

So I am inclined to reject your opinions.

Way to sully my character in a way that gets you respect from no one. And is largely baseless with the exception of C.

Why do you guys HAVE to play the prettiest races anyway?

I am not fishing for respect. I am simply stating why I disagree with you.

You are the only one here taking this personally.

That’s subjective. Night Elves are very tall and very muscular, which some people like, but most people don’t.

I would say more people are attracted to humans and blood elves.

But I have wasted enough time debating with someone who has no intention of being civil or sharing ideas. You are fueled by your own bias here, its little more than that.

Wow buddy, you are one using words like “gross ignorance.” And while you may claim that Im the only one taking this personally, the 20 comments you have made about my ignorance and baiting me that I dont follow Odins way prove this to be false.

You just wanna make a big deal that I tend not to like players who play elves, and I think your above “discussion strategy” is a pretty big indicator why.

Ignorant is not an insult, nor a bad word. It just means you lack knowledge on this subject.

I think a negative predisposition on Night Elves is something to be mindful of when engaging in a discussion about night elves, yes.

Dont be evasive, you know exactly what you were getting at. And just because I tend to not like the players doesnt mean I cant like Malfurion.

Do see what you did there? Trying to overblow a dislike for certain rude players and then attributing it to the in game race itself?

Who you generalize as Nelf players…

Did you forget how you started this conversation?

You came right at the take with attacks against night elves… presumably because of your negative predisposition for night elf players. Who are not all a monolith and act the same way.

At this point, I am going to assume you are trolling.

So? You started with “gross misunderstanding.” Dont minimize your part in this, Im the guy you are talking to here.

Just because I think you are wrong doesn’t mean I am attacking you lol.

That lol says otherwise, and so does your reproachful tone. You arent fooling anyone. Quit being manipulative.

H’okay. lol

Geeze this is the second time this thread has been derailed by two people having a fight. Can you not?


I think they’re physically incapable of such a feat :frowning: