Frustration with VElves and Nightborne

Just a different kind of Night Elf fan. I started out back in Vanilla and wasn’t really into the Night Elf stuff, I just wanted to play a Druid - and didn’t want to play a Tauren. So from Vanilla through Wrath I played as a Night Elf that had left home to see more of the world and get a broader view of things. That was to say, I played World of Warcraft for the World rather than any one specific aspect of it. It wasn’t until Cataclysm that I connected with the Night Elves after playing through the Kalimdor revamp and falling in love with the Night Elves kicking tail and taking their land back. And have been in live with the Night Elves through Cataclysm, Mists, Legion, and BfA ever since.

If you can imagine, I was not happy with then results of the War of the Thorns.