Idea to replace Raider IO

Until that gets nerfed also.

You need to build your group because you need to make sure you have certain abilities spaced out. And its different for different affixes.

When I create a pug, I invite differently on fort/teeming weeks than explosive weeks.

Absolutely not.

I have never advocated for removing content in WoW that others enjoy. I have always said one of WoW’s strengths is that it can be helpful to a variety of players, a variety of skill levels.

It has the easier content. It has midrange content. It has challenging content.

None of those should be removed.

It has time involved content, it has quick content.

None of those should be removed.

Meanwhile, I constantly see people saying that challenging content should be removed/nerfed down to a level where the average player can complete the hardest things in game. On the hardest difficulty setting.

This doesn’t even happen in single player games.


The addon gives you more than just the score. But yes the score is only part of the picture.

I use the default UI for the most part and I don’t have a big issue with 15s :V

Not gonna get a lot of draw on content if people don’t expect to be able to win

Unless it’s not giving any gear or currency rewards, then it’s going to matter if it gets nerfed and said rewards are easier to obtain.

This I also agree with should they add a PVE Rating.

I enjoy helping people too. I’ll often go run lower keys and give some tips to the guys running them on routes and strategy. But it is not fun teaching someone when you’re trying to push content. It’s just frustrating and infuriating when someone dies to something they should know the mechanic to in a +19. Io helps to prevent this by ensuring the people you’re running with have xp

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No one should be obligated to help others with 100% of their time.


SoloQ M+ sounds absolutely awful.


Gotta agree with this. Imagine doing shrine with triple demo lock, all of whom have never done the dungeon on higher than +5… yikes

I advocated for expanding on the Flexible technology idea using a group size slider, seen here:

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The lack of tanks is a problem, But it’s one that is mostly a problem in pugland. Tanks - especially skilled tanks - don’t like tanking for disorganized groups.

And, this goes back to the “M+ was designed for organinzed groups” thing. If people would simply use tools other than LFG to find groups, they might find a better m+ experience.

on paper it would. But I think it would also make talented tanks even less likely to pug.

look at all the “stop pulling for me” arguments we see here, then compound that by having 1 extra dps in group not playing as a team. idk. As a tank, 1 more dps just sounds like 1 more headache in a pug.

Then, they’d have to restructure the amount of damage required to kill everything in every dungeon in the game, the amount of damage everything does to us (since an extra person has to be covered by the healer), the mechanics (frequency of kicks, for example)

it’s not that I think it’s a bad idea, I just think it’s infeasible. But I’m not a game developer.


The only change needed is to have the information available in the base UI. How many you’ve run at what levels and what times.

Same for raids. How many boss kills for each boss per difficulty.


Right - which isn’t necessary. If everyone is ok with pulling extra weight to run at a higher key, then let them. In this scenario there isn’t a problem - but with your system, you’re forcing them to run at a lower level.

Like I said - there really isn’t any value being added.

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I’ve given up on pulling punches with people who dislike raider IO and want to bring in their own proposed system. Perhaps the only thing that makes sense to me is having some form of RiO integrated into the default WoW UI.

At this stage, I’ll be honest. I like raider IO because it is a great tool that filters out all the inexperienced players that I have no interest in hosting in my keys. I also run Elitism Helper which privately shows me how much unnecessary damage players are taking.

…long story short, any tool that helps separate the garbage players from the good players is something I’ll support. Bad players need to know they are bad. It is the only pathway to improvement. And if they get defensive and choose not to improve, that’s on them.


you do realize that simply following this advice right now would get you a high enough IO score as to make worrying about your score completely irrelevant right?


No thanks. We don’t need any more time-gates in the game. Good players are easily able to skip several levels of M+ and jump into higher ones even with mediocre gear. I don’t want to have to spend a bunch of time doing low keys before I’m even able to queue for higher ones.

No reason to be condescending :wink:

The rewards for M+ cover too much in ilvl to be spread well between just 5 M+ levels, so either It’d make the issue worse since one of the reasons raider io came to being in the first place, because people have gear they don’t “deserve” making ilvl a bad metric to determine skill. Either that or it won’t reward higher tier players enough.

Doing it based on “just climb keys” is way to simple to work as well, as people would just buy 5 keys and essentially be at “max score”. You even tried to subvert this with making it dungeon dependent, which doesn’t work with how people farm gear. quick example, Under this sytem is I could buy 1-5 Kings Rest for that sweet sweet 2hander on my warrior once, if it doesn’t drop then people would need a better scoring system to filter me out (so they’d probably still use raider io). Since technically I’m “entitled” to join their group based on this new system, even though I have no clue what I’m doing as melee dps in King’s rest.

If raider io would be replaced it’d need to be another overarching scoring system, with the only way it being better is being integrated it into the game and essentially making it like the pve variant of arena rating.

Except the content I enjoyed – or more specifically, the flexibility in the rules to do what I enjoyed – HAS ALREADY BEEN REMOVED.

It has been replaced with garbage content whose sole purpose like it’s funneling me towards the endgame content, the vast majority of which I do not enjoy for a variety of reasons. It’s annoying repetitive and grindy, the people are unpleasant, and overladen with predatory operant conditioning mechanics.

I didn’t see you rallying against the changes which affected others’ playstyles, you have only defended your own.

Specifically, in regards to dungeons, what has been removed?