Idea to replace Raider IO

Alrighty here we go. I’m not really interested in the “git gud” or “it promotes toxicity” yadda yadda yadda arguments. Personally I’m offended at how many system in WoW are dependent upon outside addons, like high level raiding, Weak auras, M+.

I think its just stupid to be reliant on various addons because the mechanics of the game are such that you have 1000 different things going on in a fight and you have to target and interrupt a mob at a specific time in sequence. And good luck doing that using the default ui!!

So here is my idea in regards to Raider IO. Reduce the # of M+ levels to get max reward to 5. Scale difficulty as required (a 5 would be the new 15). Make it so you can only participate in the next level IF YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE PREVIOUS. Kinda like you are going up the ladder, but you cant skip any rungs unless you completed it before in the current season.

Make it dungeon dependent too. So if you have done a 4 in dungeon X, you cant do a 5 dungeon Y.

This way you have a system baked in the game that in order for a player to even participate in the content, they have to have done the previous. This is also the reason why I say use 5 as the max reward level, because going up to 15 in this system would be painful as heck.

To mitigate the problem of not being able to play with friends if you are at different levels. Your key can have the option to scale down (will still keep its max level too) to your friends level so at that point you can level up together to get the max of the current key.

What do y’all think? Feedback? Improvements? What can we do better?


I think this is an awful idea that prevents people from playing with their friends.

no thanks.


good lord. So only five levels of difficulty… that’s a big middle finger to the people capable of playing with more skill than a potato.


Addons are awesome.


Or, you could just be in charge of your own group, select who you want, and not worry about it at all.


This is a horrific suggestion.

Raider io should simply be implemented into the game by Blizzard, like they did with gearscore.

This is a major yikes


Love the name on that server especially, terrible idea though bud.

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+5 just for max reward, it can keep going higher.

Blizzard should hire the Raider IO guys and merge the system into the game.

Put in some more statistics as well.


Raider io replaced gearscore, gearscore simply abbreviated the type of vetting that went on before LFD (you still have green pieces? Your hp is under 20k?? Trash)

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I like the concept, OP. I don’t know how you’d do it without preventing people from grouping with their friends–and that can’t happen–but I do very much like the thought process you were getting at.

I would like to see a ladder type of system for M+ progression. I don’t know how it could be done, but I like what you’re thinking. :slight_smile:

Yeah I was thinking that too, maybe having the option for a key to have “unlimited charges” and you can scale down its level of charges (without reducing its max value) to get to where you friend is at and level up together with them?

The important thing is to reduce the amount of max M+ levels to get the best reward to 5, because this system would break under 15 levels for each dungeon. Remember in terms of difficulty a 5 would be the new 15 and you can still continue to rise in the ladder from there.

With a few tweaks, you have the makings of a good system.

  • Remove the seasonal reset. Once you unlock a higher difficulty, you have it.
  • Remove the timer and chests.
  • Make drops work like regular mythic dungeons, just drops from bosses & mobs with a weekly lock-out. Though it’s still open if that should be once per difficulty or once per dungeon.
  • Remove random affixes each week, make each of them unique to the dungeon and difficulty setting. Also no “seasons” where these end up changing.

To note, I rather despise the Raider IO system… and especially the behaviours which it enables. Those need to be excised from the game more than the system, quite frankly.

Changes which make the behaviours promoted by the system irrelevant is probably the only realistic approach at this stage… apart from burning down the entire game, which is a tempting option these days.

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Absolutely not. First, someone doing a 15 in season 3 is nowhere even close to doing it in season 4, the routes change, the affixes change, the pulls change. Second the timer is the best part of m+.


So your plan is to make m+ as static and boring as possible with no opportunity for change ever, and will just become 100% a chore after the first week? Because if you don’t think it will be a chore, look at every other piece of content in game that is repeatable and doesn’t change - WQs, visions, assaults, etc. Boring.

Don’t hate something because you don’t know how it works. And btw it doesn’t enable behavior, that was always there, you’re just suffering from recency bias and trying to find a place to put the anger you have from not being accepted into a +10 when you only had a 5 done in that dungeon lol


I despise Mythic+ in its current iteration.
Tried it during Legion, and I was entirely unimpressed.

Once you see the forest from the trees, you find it’s no so different.

One and done.

I like it that way.

Perhaps it would force Blizz to make good content instead of relying operant conditioning and randomness to make players think it’s interesting.

Because the moment you step back and take a look from afar, it looks like the same garbage in, garbage out.

I know EXACTLY how it works.
It’s why I despise the system so much.

Don’t make assumptions.

I despise the system on principle, and the same with the behaviours.
As such, it’s not even worth trying to see if got any better since Legion.

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I’ve been on this battle ground before. Those that benefit from this current system will bite the heads off of anyone who wish to change the current system in any way for whatever reason. Even if the proposed change would make their lives easier, they will dismiss it because it robs them of their own personal advantage.

At this point I just want to see a overhaul on the group finder system, better auto sorting for faster group location and the ability to post myself on a list of people looking for “what ever” group is available.

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I don’t like when blizzard (or anyone) is overly restrictive like this. We want more player agency not less.

Raider io basically does this already. It will tell you what people have done and you can see in-game what level key they have completed for the dungeon you are about to run.

A lot of people love it, I’m sorry you feel that way.

You like content that stay the exact same and never changes so you do the same thing over and over and over?

I mean you clearly don’t… if I’m hiring someone for my business, should I just tell all the applicants they don’t need a resume or experience and I’ll just be selecting someone randomly? Does that sound like it would work to you? Because raider io is just a resume.

You despise the ability to build a resume as a player to show your skill and experience?


It often feels that way with any proposals to change the existing systems. They don’t want to change that because it robs them of that advantage and whatever they derive from it.

This is a game, not a job.
If you’re thinking that way?

EVERYTHING has already gone to hell.

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Would be nice if we had a forum io to prevent players who have no demonstrative experience in a certain form of content from tossing in their opinions that should not hold any weight.

like… I don’t do arenas, you don’t see me all over the arena forum acting like I’m some grand expert gracing the arena people with my input.

no. we don’t want changes made because we enjoy the content, and don’t want it destroyed because some dude who doesn’t even run it thinks it should be trivialized.