Idea to replace Raider IO

Oh no it does, the system will still continue to scale. So a +7 would be = to a +20

Just using smaller numbers as a baseline because the system is dependent on doing the previous level prior to entry.

Different affixes, different seasonal affixes, timer makes it so different routes might be optimal, etc etc.

Do you find it enjoyable to do something with an idiot who has no idea what he’s doing? I don’t…

Raider io is your gaming resume.

The only feature of RIO that I’d implement to the baseline UI, is being able to see peoples progress with a mouseover, kinda like how RIO tells you which level of keys people have done, and how far they are into raid. Kinda like how M+ and Raid progress is displayed on the armoury, but obviously a bit more condensed.

I think the scoring, and thus the general gatekeeping should be kept in the hands of addon makers.

Not because I think gatekeeping is inherently bad in WoW, just that it should be community driven.

I think your idea is decent for pugging but limits people who want to play with their friends, or maybe a it’s a fresh alt that your gild wants to gear up and are willing to carry.

The way I would implement the concepts you describe is by not changing M+ but just adding a soloQ option, which works similar to how you describe: You get rating based on the dungeons you have completed (and at what level) and based on your rating is the level of dungeon you can Q for, this system would not require keys but you only get soloQ rating trough this system (so people can’t buy carries to get soloQ rating).

You would be grouped with players around the same rating. There might be problems like getting all ranged DPS and not having enough interrupts, so might need some sort of smarter algorithm to make the groups.

You can then probably add some way for alts to not have to go through it all again, something like if your main is higher rating then maybe your alt automatically starts only 25% behind (in rating) if doing the same role or maybe 50% on a different.

Sorry - this guy said it better:

I don’t mean to be rude - but the point overall is that what you’re suggesting doesn’t actually ADD any value to what already exists. It just prevents players from making choices to the point of keeping friends from playing with one another if someone isn’t caught up on the “ladder”.

Oh absolutely. You’ll never hear me saying r io is perfect, it’s just the best thing we have. All it really needs is a way to tell what dungeons they’ve done on what level, and how many times they’ve done them.

Personally I like the score because it’s an indicator of what I’ve achieved. But I can definitely see the problems caused by the community with it.

Something like being able to check progress in-game like how the armory displays it (though obviously a bit more condensed) would be fantastic.

SoloQ eh, hmm very fascinating. I’ll have to think about that.

I did update the original post to address playing with friends. The solution was to scale the key down while retaining its max to level up together. Then after a few runs, take on the key at its max level.

Yeah, I think I rather have an approach that doesn’t change what we already have but instead adds options to it, so the people who already enjoy it don’t get punished.

A Queue system will always lead to massive nerfs of content. There is a reason why anything with any sorta challenge will always be based around group building.


The regrettable nature of MMORPGs is that each new system added affects the rest already there. If the care was taken to minimize the effects and curb the negative behaviours they create, it would be fair to leave it alone.

I’ve seen every system, aspect and facet of the game which I enjoyed be removed one-by-one ever since the end of MoP. The aspects of the game and parts of the community which I could ignore before have been pushed to the forefront and can no longer be avoided.

This game is no longer the “World” of Warcraft.
Hasn’t been that way for a while, BfA was just the last nail in the coffin.
It’d be better off being called “Warcraft: Dungeon Crawler”.

All the changes I’ve proposed are to make a system I’d personally be interested in trying, that much is true… but what else can you do when there’s nothing left in the game you once loved but can no longer enjoy?

If not for the lingering sentimentality and my own unshakable instinct to try and fix things which I perceive as “wrong”?

I would have left a long time ago.

First off, thanks for looking at the merits of the argument instead of just debasing it.

A dungeon experience which scales up is probably better suited for the “Mythic+” label, to be honest… while the current system could work as a time-attack variant alongside it. The problem is that you end up with two systems which work drastically differently and it would be inevitable for one system to cannibalize the other.

However, the one angle I do consider is that the time-attack variant does NOT need an internal system. It can be externalized and the competitive players are free to make-up their own rules as they go. At most, a “best time” could be tracked for each character.

Speedrunning in many other games functions exactly like this. If players really want a competitive ladder, they’re free to make their own outside the game as they see fit. I see no need to make it an internal system, as it just sours the experience for everyone who doesn’t want the competitive aspect dominating their own experience.

To the proposed idea.

Yes, it would demolish the existing system in the process.

What can I say? I enjoy teaching people.
… provided they’re at least trying and not being pointlessly stubborn.

There’s often more satisfaction helping someone get over an obstacle for the first time than simply beating it for the umpteenth time.

All of your changes are based on saying “whoever enjoys WoW differently from me is wrong, and their content should be removed. Only things I enjoy should be in WoW”.

So just be upfront. You don’t want to tweak m+. You want to destroy content others enjoy.

I find this incredibly egotistical.

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I agree with this.

Says they guy who complains about the current system but hasn’t tried M+ since legion?

I don’t think a soloQ with rating would necessarily lead to that. Under this concept you are not expected to have that high of a success rate.

Even if it did, it doesn’t matter, it’s infinitely scaling content, nerfing it only means people can push higher now.

Gatekeeping is not done by specific players so much as it is done by a very bad tank/healer/dps ratio. Everyone’s progress is in some way blocked by the available amount of tanks. It’s a giant bottleneck that get’s you even if you make your own group.

And with this bad ratio it creates a situation on which available tanks don’t wish to run with groups with low IO score’s and instead aim for high IO scores for a better run. Thus creating a catch 22 situation with a high time investment hump to overcome. It can certainly be overcome, that no one is arguing. But it does make for a difficult catch up, especially if your time off is not consistant.

The lack of Tank’s is a huge issue here. Thus I keep pushing for one tank, one heal and 4 dps. because I feel that would allow a greater percentage of players thru.

That’s what you’re saying to me right now, is it not?

I see, so to help guildies or run with friends the key would scale down to their level while retaining its max, then you can run up the ladder together to the max of your key and beyond.

As for dis-incentivizing people from leaving keys, that would be a hard one to tackle. Maybe just removing the punishment of your key dropping down a level if you fail to complete a dungeon?

You cant fix toxic or being self centered. The issue is they have run out most of the people who used to help people. So it becomes cliquer every iteration. And only way in is solid group of friends who play or some carries to get you started. System used to keep the frat alive is really irrelevant…

I’m starting to think that the people who make IO rants have no friends.