I think there should be a group size slider for all content

So I saw this thread the other day, about how Visions scales to be solo or group friendly and how they carried over that technology into Torghast.

Maybe the problem isn’t make everything queuable. The problem is forced grouping.

I personally think there should be a group size slider using the Flex system. LFR, Normal, Heroic, Mythic(+), at any size, 1-40. Expand this to older content as well outside of Timewalking holidays.

So you can go in and kill a Mythic endboss on your own. Or push solo high keys. Or get a 40 man Mythic+ experience.

I do want to address the Fixed Mythic 20 issue. While yes, tuning for a fixed size is good, it’s too big a required group size as some forum goers have pointed out.


Many forum goers have also pointed out its not too big.

Its fine.


Depends heavily on a guild’s size, yeah. It’s subjective though, which is the point there.

Everything is subjective, which doesnt mean everything in game needs to be variable.


Would be awesome. Then I can throw all my characters in my guild and not have to deal with people.


And on the other end of the spectrum, I can group up with people I can enjoy being with.

It’s a win-win.


You typed group size slider. I read boob size slider.


Happens to the best of us.

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If all content could be changed from soloable to groupable to raidable, it would make all content drastically easier and more simple.

The fewer people participating in the content, the less mechanics you can add in. The less creative you can be with that content.

If all content has to be designed with “slider set to solo”, then all content has to be designed around the bare minimum (mechanic-wise) to ensure all classes can complete it.


An example of the mechanics scaling with numbers is the old 10/25 man system.

I’m going to use Ragnaros Heroic (Firelands) as an example.

During the intermissions, he summons a group of fire elementals that nuke the raid when they reach Sulfuras un-killed. In 10, this amount is lower to compensate for less people/DPS. In 25, there are more.

I get that.

But it also means you can use a less variety of mechanics. With 25 people you can assume there will be a certain variety of classes. Lets say something like BoD raid, where a priest could MC adds.

In 10 man content you can not assume there will be the same variety of classes. Now you are more limited in what you can bring to the table, from a mechanic design standpoint.

You have to design the 25 (or 20) man mechanics around the limitations of a 10 man raid.

I hardly dabbled in Dazar’alor raid outside of LFR for just Azerite, but that sounds like Champion of the Light.

When I first read “You need a priest to MC this”, I was thinking Blackrock Foundry Blast Furnace Mythic.

Boss mechanics don’t need to be complex in number to be engaging on a per-phase basis. Visions is proof of that, people have died due to mechanics piling up in complexity.

I am not saying complex in number. I am saying complex is design.

Visions mechanics are incredibly simple in design. And limited in what they can be…since all classes need to be able to complete them.

You’d never be able to have a fight need more than one tank if all the fights have to be soloable. Even then, the mechanics have to be simple enough that a single shadow priest (for example) could do it.

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No thanks. Group content doesnt work solo. Large group content doesnt work for small groups. You’re a few hours late.

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Scenario: A Five Mask Run.

Rexxar knocks you into a proc’d hallucination, stunning you. You run disoriented, taking sanity damage from Burning Bridge and being hit by Void Quills, losing Sanity. That’s engaging, IMO. It keeps you on your toes.

lfr should be a solo scenario

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You mean “wait for titan buff to proc, burn rexxar, ignore all other mechanics”?

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If I could just solo kill relevant mythic bosses, why would I ever do it in a group? Much easier to manage one person correctly doing mechanics than 20.

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Like you said, it’s based on variable. What if the Gift buff is on CD for the RPPM cycle?