Idea to replace Raider IO

Yeah I do that when running M+ too, it’s not a perfect system (nothing is) and compared to what you can complete with a carefully formed group you would likely be a few key levels behind by using soloQ due to the limitations you describe, and that’s ok.

The thing here is that this is not removing anything from us who like the current M+ system but just adding to it, it would not affect us who like to play with a group of friends nor those who rather do groups “by hand” (well I guess it would reduce the pool of people applying to keys but that’s about it).

I think the “nerfs” this would require are the same type of nerfs we saw trough BFA where some dungeon mechanics were adjusted/tunned because they were way too out of line, if a Dungeon/Affix makes certain class “mandatory” then the problem is with the dungeon/affix.

Dagnabbit. I just realized how the OP is trolling. I wouldn’t have seen it without this comment. Thats the system right now to build IO, all his change would do is force players to build their IO.

Masterful Bait OP. Hats freaking off man. I don’t get taken in very often, that was awesome.


The option for interesting solo challenges, in both raids and dungeons.
Brought about by the insane level-based damage scaling introduced in WoD.

Can you give me a specific example of a solo challenge that was previously present in raids and dungeons?

There’s a laundry list of issues, but yeah, even if you based it on an MMR system, so 2k IO players would be paired with 2k IO players, anyone whose played any class based PvP game will understand that sometimes you just lose in the loading screen.

If you played Overwatch, even with forced 2-2-2 (so you weren’t stuck with 4 DPS who refuse to change), and there’s an enemy Pharmercy, if you don’t have a competent Hitscan, that game is just over. 3x Demo Locks in Shrine would be a great example of that. The actual game itself is just a formality, everyone knows how it’s going to end from the beginning.

“SoloQ M+” is probably the worst experience in this game that I could actually think of, right up there with Mythic level LFR.

ahhhh damnit… i wrote the damn response and i didn’t manage to clock the troll.

bravo OP 10/10

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I’d just leave the second I queued in to any triple caster shrine.

When I was doing carries last season, getting those cloth stack shrine carries was a bad, bad time. Do-able, but a LOT more work than a non-cloth-stack group.

Haha, well in regards to rewards I’m personally hoping the iLvl bloat and growth rate will be squished as well in the next xPac.

If they did it like any other ranked soloQ system, the penalty for quitting would be much worse for the penalty for losing, so realistically you’d probably be forced to sit there for 40 minutes as you wipe endlessly on the second boss or the trash afterwards.

That’s why I said his idea doesn’t add any value. It only forces people to play down in situations where they wouldn’t want to; carries and playing with friends/guildees.

Perhaps the pulling issue can be solved with a boon on current level dungeons. The boon that make’s any mob pulled by a dps spec hit that dps with a massive hit that only the tank is immune to.

This way any dps that pulls get’s spattered across the ground like pavement pizza. It should slowly train dps to not do that.

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I had to read your name like 6 times to keep my brain from calling you MargaritaPizza.

OP is trolling at a master level.

I would hope. I do kind of doubt that though, since Ion’s point of making large gaps in power between tiers/difficulties “players need at least a 15% increase in power to feel the upgrade”, so they feel they need to have sizable power increases.

I do think they’re slowing down gear acquisition though, which maybe means they can ease up on power creep between tiers. Depends on how geared average player is at end of each tier on that though.

Fewer videos for dungeons, tons for raids:

And no, coming in there now and decimating the fight in under a minute as the boss tickles you does NOT count. It should be an encounter with interesting mechanics and a challenge to deal with.

Only ONCE have I seen this type of challenge captured in “current” content – Kruul:

… which, coincidentally, has been outright removed.

That is the type of fight I want in WoW, and they’re gone. The only thing left is the bastardized version where you crush it with overwhelming damage.

An older method of play I enjoyed, what I did in WoW’s earlier years (Vanilla and TBC), is the kiting method:

This too has been killed off.

I am not sure what you are complaining about.

Are you saying there is no longer an option to solo difficult previous raids?

I can promise you that option still exists.

Read the damn post:


I read it.

And you are. Once again.


I am saying there is still previous raid content to . That is soloable and challenging.

Maybe if you actually played the game you would realize that what you are apparently asking for already exists.

Lol I do pride myself on being a master troll, but this time I’m not. I understand that if you run a M+ one level up at a time your RIO score will be at a level where it should get you into anything.

But the core of my argument is the rejection of these external addons that parts of the game are reliant on. So, in order to remove that dependency of RIO on the current M+ system I’m proposing these changes.

It goes to another core issue I have with blizz, where I feel like they design content with these external addons in mind (Ion or another dev mentioned something of the sort in a interview). I feel like content should be designed with the default ui and systems available in the game. Anything else created by addon devs should just be icing on the cake. The reliance on external addons to do content becomes a barrier to entry (regardless of RIO score). Its poor form to design content, assuming players will create external addons to do that content at a enjoyable level.

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Let alone the current system has a 35 IL gap from 0-15 so every level is going to have to be noticeably more difficult than the previous to warrant a ~7 IL jump between.

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Lol that 15% statement he said seemed so arbitrary. I’ve played ALOT of MMOs and I’ve never felt anything like that.

Plus if thats the case how does he justify squishes in the first place? By that logic isnt he making us all “feel bad”. Seems very strange and hypocritical.