Idea to appeal both sides of M+ leavers

You can just ask people. Like “hey would you be willing to stay if we don’t blast this? Or are you planning to leave if we don’t time?” It’s not like you’re inviting humans who can communicate with you about their expectations for the group or anything.

I understand your pain.

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So something that might no longer be on the forums or so buried it is hard to find?

The thing is, I believe there was talk about wanting them when we first saw the drakonids that serve as soldiers and guards for the flights.

Thing is this might be one of those things that was mentioned long in the past, Blizzard made the choice to do something but had to wait till the “right time” to do it.

I am not asking you to apoligize or shut up, just realize that at some point someone likely asked for the things being put it, it might have been you, it might have been me, it might have been someone different for both of us.

The issue with suggestions and Blizzard is they get things from all angles and have to determine when and how to implement them, if the even decide to do so.

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Too much not being considered with this type of log. The recent log on the right of everyone’s works plenty fine. I appreciate you trying to find middle ground, but what we’re doing now is better.

Yes, the burden of proof is on you. You made a claim, prove the claim. You’re not obligated to prove anything to me. But as soon as you make a claim and use it as an argument, and fail or decline to even try to prove it, don’t be surprised when someone like me (and I don’t) doesn’t believe you.

Jan 22 “The 'Leak': New Race - Dragonkin!

Nov 20 Allied race Dragon/Dragonkin?"

Sep 20 “New Playable Race: Dragons

While not a ton of posts such as others there have been some over the years. Found these plus a few more rather quickly by just searching dragon.

Ummm, sure, people thought a drakonid type race would be very cool, where you could transform into ANY of the beloved mortal races. This was especially true since Au’ra was so well received a few years ago in FFXIV. But let’s not pretend the androgynous skinks hold a candle to what people had envisioned from a transforming dragon-based race.

Maybe you think like that(probably) and are self-projecting, but you have no basis to accuse other people with different backgrounds, experiences, knowledge and gaming sphere that you know nothing about.
Modern Blizz actively diverts from player expectations/wants and needs regularly, it’s been egregious for years.

Also, just grow up- you’re getting so off-topic and huffy in a discussion thread, jiminey christmas…

Well, forgive me for seeing something that amounted to “don’t bother offering ideas/suggestions, Blizzard does not listen anyways”.

Oh, I know, but the thing I see tends to be more like “we asked for x in a y way, we got x in a z way”. People might have been specific in the way they want things, but when Blizzard deviates from that at all, they raise all kinds of ruckus. Does no one think that Blizzard sees things like “playable dragons” or, in this topic, an addition to aid in finding leavers while doing M+ and then takes the ideas and puts their own spin on it?

People keep saying Blizzard does not listen, but fail to recognize that if looking at things in a more generalizes way, they do listen but decide how to do things based on programming issues and other factors.

There’s a lot to think about though. The current system as it is should just not downgrade your key. Let the group fall apart and let the keyholder just try again. If it’s SO hard they can’t beat it, they can manually downgrade it.

I also think we should get partial valor for partially completed runs to compensate for leavers – but I’m sure someone will find a way to abuse that (like leaving mid run after you got the last 50 valor you need, etc) I just hate the feeling of being in a PF for 1.5 hours, wiping on Stradama because some hunter and the healer have no spatial sense, they bail, and then we get nothing at all ---- but that’s also just the pug life.

That would be fine but first you need to get Blizzard to track keys that are incomplete. Then you need to differentiate why they left, being the last person in a group that is breaking up really isn’t your fault. And leaving a key that is clearly never going to be completed really should count against you either.

There are more than “didn’t complete” that would need to be collected and I don’t think Blizzard thinks it is a big enough issue to care about.

Aye, including how some might try to work the system to avoid being negatively impacted (alt+f4 instead of dropping for instance).

It is these small factors that we might have no idea on how to handle, but Blizzard would have to work with the code and everything to make it work, without breaking something in the process.

I still don’t understand why Blizzard/some players refuse to accept that simply failing the Key is punishment ENOUGH.

If you get to 2nd boss in PF, you keep wiping, and ppl leave… LET PEOPLE KEEP THEIR KEY.

They have to REFORM THE GROUP. Run it again. Still do everything it takes to time it.

All of this takes MORE TIME. THAT is the consequence of failing and THAT IS ALL THE PUNISHMENT YOU NEED.

And if people just feel iffy and want to start over … LET THEM. That’s THEIR TIME investment. Why is that bad??


longer, people have wanted the humanoid dragons as playable models as long as they have Nagas and ogres.

Just add a concede button that the group leader can press. If all members agree the run would show as “conceded” instead of “incomplete” which doesn’t look nearly as bad. If anything it’d be a signal for good judgement.

It’s kind of weird that there’s no formal way to end a key anyway.

I think leavers should be penalized, but only if they are the first to leave.

Because that’s intrusive and some don’t want to be watched while they play.

Folks you all are over engineering a solution to a problem.

Just q in another grp if it wasnt your key, run as a guild with friends, be elitest with pugs you inv, or (and this is last resort) just buy a carry if you are worrying about your key depleting.

The simplest thing is to just remove depletion, but that had abuse written all over it so itll never happen

We dont need menus, systems, and big brother watching over us. Ppl hate alrdy blizz score and being rated, how do you think ppl will act when this skynet crap mischaracterizes your run and penalizes you specifically.

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You came up with 2 threads from 2 years ago, and one that was based on leaked information about the current state of development. How does that compare with high elf threads in the same time period?

People should have the right to leave abusive and toxic groups without punishment.

If I was held hostage in a toxic group and faced punishment for leaving and punishment for staying I’d turn off chat and make the toxic people suffer.

I will spend hours wiping the group until people leave first.

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Actually it’s just a sign that this game and it’s direction is not a crowd sourced effort. I don’t think I’ve ever seen more entitlement than in this community.

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