The 'Leak': New Race - Dragonkin!

Greetings everyone! :grin:

Lets for a moment consider that the supposed ‘leak’ isn’t all BS - The ‘leak’ suggests that Black Dragons will become a playable race.

Personally I’d love if all of the Prime Dragonflights (Black, Blue, Bronze, Red & Green) became playable a race.

Now a lot of people argue obtaining new races such as Allied Races are usually too ludicrous of a list, so imagine to earn each Dragonflight as a race you simply need to obtain the Dragon mount of the Dragonflight’s colour (So Black Dragon is easiest). You could:

  • Transform into ‘Yourself’ (Justifiable since you already got the mount).
  • Would urge players into doing past Dragon-related content.
  • Soooo much Roleplaying could be poured behind your chosen Dragonflight.

If such case was done, what Dragonflight would you prefer, and why? And if you’re a roleplayer - What would your character’s story be? :open_mouth:


As a collector of everything this sounds good to me :+1: Lots of new heritage stuffs


From a writers perspective too on the WoW lore Dev team - It would be such a flex for Wrathion to open arms to all Dragonflights to join under him. lol

Imagine, suggesting should he find a means to restore a semblance of their power it’ll be shared upon them all, and succeeded in taking in various flights under his wing - He’d do what Deathwing & Netharian never could: He’d create Chromatic Dragonflight.


That was a typo in the leak. The new race will actually be pygmies! Those little buggers from Cata.


Kill it with fire. Nay, kill it with Dragonfire.


If I could be a black dragon Shaman… might actually play again.

(Though not as quickly as if I could be a Worgen shaman)


Hjmm, I wonder if we do have a dragonkin could we transform and carry someone?

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I’m going to predict that all the leaks are wishful thinking, and they’ve been secretly working on Legion part 4 and we’re going to get another Shadowlands sized new zone and new dungeon set with all the exact same systems renamed and reskinned again. Most of the development time that would typically be slated for 10.0 development was set in a period of extreme internal strife. I feel like there’s a high chance someone got the ball rolling on squeezing the Legion lemon one last time.


I dont really care about new races to be honest except if its a Dryad from Night Fea covenant. They would be great druid.

What I would really like to see tough is Racial fashion vendor.
Like they sell multiples pieces of cosmetics armors and Weapons of that race.

I would love to see more Tauren armor and weapons. Void Elves weapons also. More outfit with nightborne aesthetic like in Suramar. That kind of thing.

We see lots of orcish,elvens, undead, human, troll. looking armor but lots of others races feel left out


Can I be half Pandaren half Dragon half Gnome?


That’d be a cool feature to add.
Would be humorous to have a Dragonkin riding on someone else in Dragonform.

Black Dragon: “RIDE, TO BATTLE! YAR, YAR!”
Bronze Dragon: “I swear Jerry, sometimes I miss the days we were allowed to kill eachother …”


If I had to pick a Dragonflight, it would prolly be Blue or Bronze. The ability to play a Dragon would prolly bring in a lot of people though. It’s one of the things that’s kept Istaria alive all these years, and why I still pay a sub for it. Well, that and lairs…

That said though, I doubt as if Blizzard would straight out make Dragons playable. It’s far more likely that we would get something like Aerakyn (halfbreed Dragons and Elves) from EQ2, or Drakkin (Humans unfused with Draconic magic) from EQ1. Which would still be neat, mind you.

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I made a Blue Dragonflight Character ^^ He is a Blood Elf with blue eyes and I made a macro to use the leggo staff from cata to turn into the blue dragon as flightform. Its pretty funny


I feel a lot of people would yeet their wallets @ Blizzard to make their Mages either Azure/Blue or Bronze Dragons lol (I’d be one of them! :joy: )

I think I might want to make my warrior a Black Dragon. Gosh, there’s so many aesthetics to fit with each of the Dragonflights - having them all would unlock so much money $$$ potential for Blizzard lmao.


Oh, the legendary one? Tarecgosa’s Rest I think it was? Yeh, that’s a neat item. I really wish they would make the transformation effect a mount or skill you could use, but c’est la vie.

What does the black dragon flight have that’s special again? I know blue has magic and bronze has time.

Either way I know it’s a not for sure leak I’m still getting a wee bit excited about the whole thing as is.

You can via a macro. You just need the staff always in your bag.

What the macro does it switch weapon trans into dragon then switch weapon again. So you in ‘‘mount’’

Thats what I did/do on him.

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Yeh, I’m aware of the macro, but it’s still more tedious than if they had just made it a mount/skill. :frowning:

A dragon based mail armor class where each spec corresponds to a dragonflight would be all right, but a player race, especially as described is like what a 13 year old who just discovered weed and Black Sabbath would think is cool

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I want dragon wings as a cosmetic option.