Dragons are basically mortals as the aspects gave up their powers, but as far as I know, they aren’t going extinct. I think it would be great to make them into a playable race.
First, we have to look at the various forms. We have whelps, the female casters w/ 4 legs & 2 arms, the males with similar bodies, then the type that walks on 2 legs and usually twirls a 2h weapon, and drake form, and dragon from.
We have 5 aspects to choose from plus 2 or 3 other aspects which could be unlocked. The 3 additional are Twilight, Void, and Nether. All 3 of which seemed to have a bad start but the game has noted to have redemption. Twilight, I don’t recall specifically, but they’re not all gone.
We need to split the 5 main types up with the classes that we have, excluding DHs and maybe DKs. No, I take that back, the undead dragons would be exclusive to DH dragons.
Blue would be Mage & Warlock
Green would be Monk and Druid
Red would be Paladin and Priest
Bronze would be Rogue and Hunter
Black would be Warrior and Shaman
Undead would be DK
There can be cross-over as mages deal with time in some spells, so bronze could also be mages. I know there’s more options that could mix. Green could also be Shaman because of nature.
Then the other types, Twilight, Void, and Nether.
Twilight is a tough one.
Void could be priests and rogues
Nether could be warlocks, Demon Hunter
Flight forms should be obvious, but just in case.
Basic flight is whelp
Fast is drake
Epic or 310, more of an enhanced drake such as the mounts from Deathwing with the horns.
And once you unlock fast flight, you should be able to use either form, but you could carry as the larger drake.
When you choose your faction you first choose which race you want to play as. Worgen and Undead don’t count. They’re technically NOT a race, they are a cursed form of Humans. The DK dragon would be an exception.
You then choose the color of dragon you want, and select the class option available to that color.
The racial for the dragon race would be that they can temporarily fight in Dragon form. Think the Alliance quest in Blade’s Edge Mountains where we worked with Sabellian to take on the Gronn. He went full dragon form for the final fight. Horde didn’t get that option. Obviously we’d have to scale the size down to something reasonable, but it would still be fun and neat.
The dragons are a part of the world and I think we should be able to play them.