ICC BUFF needs to drop

Huh? The buff rolled out in March 2010 in the original version, well before Ruby Sanctum.

It’s coming December 5th this time, and I’m positive it will be a while before Ruby Sanctum opens up.

Honestly you sound like you are trying so hard to be an adult. Just because we want an easier game doesn’t make anyone childish or closer to being a child. I go to work, bust my but there and come home and want to chill with the homies killing bosses.

Smashing my head against a sub 1% clear rate boss just uh isn’t fun for me. Sorry it is for you and there are game way better suited for it or you can turn the buff off, but all I’ve ever advocated for is something that was already done in OG wotlk.


the real hard mode is trying to get the people who want the nerf to tell you why they put the boss on hardmode and then complain its hard, they say the option is there to turn off the buff but the option is there to i dunno, do normal but they don’t


I don’t really raid, you need to get a life & stop taking an old game so seriously man
you might even have a modicum of fun then

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u have to look at it from his perspective, he has had an entire 6 weeks of being pulverized by titans of the world of warcraft game like lord marrowgar and gunship, hes tired now and wants his bottle (free 284 epics)


I’m at the point where I don’t really want to respond to them. I actually feel bad for those types of people. Imagine having so little going on in your life that you’re actually upset when other players get better access to the same content as you in some video game. How do you not sympathize for such a person? Though I bounce between sympathy and amusement.


sounds like you bounce between the graveyard and rotface normal mode too

edit: forgot my :+1:


A re-released video game at that. It’s not like this is the first go around or that a the buff is a surprise. It’s been public knowledge that they said 8 weeks in an interview and these people are having a breakdown that it’s implemented.

Surprise for dinner tonight we are having dinner as planned. :frowning: I wanted breakfast time to throw a fit

Then all the name calling to circle around and act like we are the childish ones. Like make up your mind are you an adult or child. Adult’s do not have the need to call each other names to win arguments.


anytime a question gets asked its gets dodged, here, let me try with you

why do you go to a boss, and you see it has a hard mode, and you turn that hard mode on and die, and then you come on the forums to complain about it instead of just turning it to normal?

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Don’t know who you are asking specifically, but I’ll answer it for you. Because the 264 ilvl loot doesn’t progress my character and in a game driven by gear progression, I’d prefer to do the option that progresses my character. Now hit me with your GATCHA it’s all about the loot.

I didn’t design the game. Would be different if I did, but since I can’t change it all I can do is ask for OG wotlk things. Like the buff.

EDIT: Thanks for responding kindly! I’d like to strikeout my comment about GATCHAs, but I guess wow forums don’t have strikeout, just so used to the hostility here.

well you are honest I respect that, the other pro-nerf people have been running in circles trying to answer that question, for some reason they really don’t want to say “its about character progression”


Hey chief, don’t use the buff and it might as well not exist.

So it’s not really about its impact on you. It’s about you can’t handle how others play the game. Also, your argument is that soo many players enjoy the challenge without the buff…yet you can’t find 24 other people to do it with you? :rofl:

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you didn’t answer the question, why can’t you just say you want the epics like noobiepriest did? obviously i found people who want to kill the bosses, i killed hlk on week 1

its just really weird that an adult like yourself who is so cool and hip can’t admit that he just wants the items on the game and has to dance around that fact all night long, the game is an mmo, its literally about character progression, idk why we have to do this dance about “the community seeing content” and such


Well, he doesn’t even play the game. He plays the forums and has over 10,000 posts just whining about all kinds of things across multiple characters. Contradicts himself, and lies about everything. Here’s one example:

The hypocrisy this guy displays is flabbergasting:

Please consider postponing it to at least Dec 12 so it’s at least 2 months since release.

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is he also the other guy? the dk? kelliste? or is he just cut from the same mold?

If you are upset over the buff then you are bad.

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Gm’s should check the account of every single person showing hate toward the incoming buff because it’s high likely all of them are selling raid items for real cash or selling it for gold then selling the gold for cash.

-There is zero reason to be mad over the buff being implemented when it will never effect your guild (since you can disable it)
-There is zero reason to be mad if other guilds will use it since this world of warcraft has tons of thousands and no point in being worried about what others are doing since it won’t effect you by any means.
you run gdkp’s and sell gold for cash
you sell ticket and sell gold for cash
you must be Real money trader to be this mad about the incoming buff.

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Buff should drop at 30% in the last 3 months prior to Cata.

This is a massive mistake on the part of Blizz, in an expansion where I actually think most od their decisions have been solid.

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Its dropping at 5% and scaling up just like announced, you can get over it.