ICC BUFF needs to drop

Oh no you mean the WotLK authentic buff that came in original is coming exactly when blizzard had already said it would? What a surprise.

When it comes to wrath and everything about it, I throw logic out the window and put on my kiddie boxing gloves. I despised everything about it and what it and the ā€œwrath babiesā€ did to future iterations of WoW - despite me having quit by the time it launched.

If all guild leadership or majority of members in all guilds decides to keep the buff on, then Blizzard did the right thing. If nearly everyone was keeping the buff off, then maybe we could have this discussion on whether or not Blizzard should have done it.

My suspicion is that more than 99% of the ICC raiders will leave the buff on. I think this goes along with Ion saying recently that he realized it was better to deliver a game that makes itā€™s players happy and enjoy playing, rather then sticking with traditions for the sake of tradition, when it makes the game less fun.

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So youā€™re just throwing an illogical hissy fit, got it. Say less next time.


It wasnā€™t the Wrath babies that killed WoW. It was the folks who loudly complained about the Wrath babies, to the point of Blizzard making Cataclysm openly hostile towards the Wrath babies, that made them all quit, and lead to the downward spiral in WoW.

The only proof needed is how many subs the Dragonsoul patch brought back in which was friendly to Wrath babies, then watching those players immediate departure when MoPā€™s initial raids were once again inaccessible to the Wrath babies.

If Blizz continued to cater to the Wrath babies, making the game more accessible to casuals, which was their brand in breaking from EQ, WoW would have been sailing high for a few more expansions than it did.

IMO, it was the EQ babies, who coming to WoW after their game imploded, complained too loudly about WoW not being EQ, which caused WoW to become less friendly to casuals, which caused WoW to follow EQā€™s implosion.


Wrath babies is a cringe expression. I played since Vanilla too and I hate what the game eventually become but put that on Blizzard, not the players.

When it comes to Wrath Classic I take off the gloves because it could have been a great experience. Unfortunately the Classic Team decided to butcher it. Putting in an authentic buff that existed back then however isnā€™t one of their mistakes. You can debate the timing, fine. But insulting people because thereā€™s easier (eventual) access to pixels in a video game is someone who needs some perspective.

And the above person is right. Blizz ignored the casual masses and crafted the game for the elitist tryhard e-sport crowd. That was the death of WoWā€™s popularity.


Dudeā€™s going on about how Wrath is baby easy mode when WoW from the beginning has been casual!Everquest


100%. You can tell Vanilla was built for casuals because the original player base of the game struggled to progress through MC and BWL, which are roll-over easy. Thereā€™s no way you can tell me vanilla wasnā€™t specifically designed for casuals with how easy the boss fights are.

I take no pleasure in admitting this, but the family member that introduced me to WoW, raided in Vanilla into Naxx as a Balance specā€™d healer with a mix of agility, strength, and intel gear. They were balance spec, 'cause they liked to quest and farm as cat, so figured it was a ā€œbalanceā€ between healing and solo play. On my newbie hunter they told me that armor was a great stat to stack 'cause it will help keep me alive.

Vanilla through Wrath was built for casuals and thrived. Cata swerved to placate the ever whining try-hards and we can see the results.

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Are people arguing against that? Blizzard said that way back in Vanilla. This was THE casual mmo.


Correction. Iā€™m throwing a logical hissy fit.

Maybe you donā€™t enjoy ranking, others do. its why people play online games, to play vs others.

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Well, lots of thing contributed to where WoW it is today. But Wrath was the first xpac where there was large amounts of people quitting - leaving growth relatively static. Which ever side youā€™re on - the casual or the try hard side, I donā€™t think there is a wrong or right answer. But Wrath introduced a ton of QoL improvements - it really put the pedal to the metal to the path of casual retail today.

To be fair, I do think that catering to casuals is 100% the way to go, even though it may not be my cup of tea. If you look at the majority of content in WoW it is catered to the casual. I mean, 5 man raids? Epics raining from the sky. LFR, Dungeon Finder. Itā€™s literally an arcande game.

I also think peopleā€™s definition of what they find unattractive to Retail to be different. Some donā€™t like the easy mode leveling and dungeoning. Some donā€™t like the lack of class identity. Some donā€™t like being unable to ā€œbeatā€ the game easily.

For me personally, I donā€™t like ā€œeasyā€ QoL content. When I say, Wrath turned WoW into Retail, Iā€™m talking about the say 80% of Retail which is largely casual.

You are playing with others, itā€™s called your guild.

Friends of EQ friends to me: ā€œHey dude, thereā€™s a game out for noobs like you. Stop MuDding and play that instead.ā€

little did they know that the eq noobs would go to wow and kill bosses for toddlers in mc & bwl and then when they hit a boss that was too hard for toddlers they got it nerfed within 6 weeks by complaining on the forums :rofl:


Hereā€™s the thing. How can people say they catered to the e-sport crowd when the overwhelming majority of the game is catered toward being casual and QoL? LFR? Easy epics? Different difficulty modes? Dungeon Finder? Almost everything is catered to the casual. Blizzard did the right thing in making most of the content casual. They also did the right thing in keeping parts of it for the e-sport crowd.

If you think about it, the carrot on the stick was having cool gear. Now, everyone gets to have cool looking gear. Now everyone gets to feel powerful. No one feels special. Wrath is when WoW started bleeding subs - with the ā€œgrindy try hardā€ crowd leading the way.

Iā€™d say Blizzard did everything right. The majority of the game was and is all about QoL and seeing the end game.

Buff drops when Ruby Sanctum comes out
and not a day sooner

Bad news for you then bud, already has a date and will be coming regardless of how you feel about it.


I donā€™t care since you can toggle it off

Considering you still havenā€™t even killed sin, looks like you need all the help you can get.