ICC BUFF needs to drop

Ok thanks I’m still going to share my opinion about it on a public forum.

They do

< s > < /s > without the spaces

< stuff > can also be used to get around the /10char in posts (had to edit in spaces because my derp parsed epic and used invisible text as a bad? good? example of hidden text.)

Can do all sorts of ɟɟnʇs.

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I’ve said it’s the gear (character progression) and at times more interesting mechanics (Festergut has more things going on, for example) every time that question is asked.

Your character dead ends in normals (especially if you could do the previous tier’s hard modes), and the kills stop being satisfying quickly. If there was no better gear in hard modes, then people would largely be more fine just sticking to normal.

Since there is better gear, and that’s the only way to keep progressing the character, it’s nice to have a 4th difficulty option of “harder, but not bleeding edge” to achieve it.

I’m actually cool with the fact that the bleeding edge guilds had a head start. I just don’t think it should be the majority of a phase before the rest of the player base gets a more realistic shot at the bosses and gear. This goes double with the fact that if the best players want to have the original difficulty, it’s still there. They can even use the buff to speed clear their farm fights, then disable it for more progression time on ultra lich king.

I’d even be cool with limiting invincible to no buff like what happened in yogg 0. It’s an incentive, but not a character progression one. I don’t think that should be gated to a tiny % of players.


You’re free to turn off the buff until then.

i don’t think reducing rewards is a positive thing, i’d rather an extra tier token for 0% than less for 30, if someone kills HLK regardless of when they do it they should get invinceable, taking away a cosmetic mount is kinda mean + its kinda iconic while an extra tier token is fairly forgettable long term

That would also be fine. I don’t mind a small amount of extra loot for the no buff crowd.

My biggest issue is when it’s BETTER loot that’s limited like that. (The odd singular item here and there is fine though, even though I hated the distribution method, not getting a 50/50 cloak didn’t break anyone’s build or make character progression feel stalled)

To those that reply with “don’t turn off the buff then” seems to not understand that no one does that and no ones will either because there’s no rewards for doing so, it’s futile to suggest to turn the buff off. Boundaries have to be set by the dev otherwise no ones cares.

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Then you obviously don’t really care about the challenge and just want to control how other people play.


Why? It wasn’t in the game when it was current content. Why would they add it now?

Obviously it hurts his ego. He doesn’t want people to be close to what he is in progression.

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the game isn’t going to be fun at all if the raid tier is a complete pushover especially when a ton of guilds are still progging, no one will turn off the buffs the raid groups don’t want to handicap themselves for no loot incentive. my guild just recently beat heroic sindragosa and heroic putricide and it is a very average guild this raid tier really doesn’t need a nerf it’s onpar with the difficulty of classic raid tiers like SSC


You had 2 months to get the kill with no buffs. Times up.

It really is that simple. Either turn off the buff or don’t. The choice is yours.

It’s not our problem if your raid doesn’t have the self-control to turn off an optional buff.

Bring on the buff! I want those GIANT crits injected directly into my bloodstream. Big numbers are better than small numbers.


If you already cleared 12/12 hc then good for you even though that’s 13years late :rofl:
But if it irritate you to the point to show so much rage that other guilds will have a buff to help them clear or save time then you need to seek help asap Please visit psychologist asap before it’s too late.

in the end…this is just a re-release of 14years old game! it meant to be fun for various type of players who have limited time and don’t want to be no lifer, who don’t want to be meta slaves, and you have no rights to force those players to play by your rules!

anyway the buff is coming as promised so stop being Mad & get over it.


Nah, it’s about flexing and showing how elite they are. It’s all they have. :face_holding_back_tears:


Look at this guy thinking getting ICC gear is an achievement or something to be ultra proud of in any shape or form, as if it was something hard to do like getting Retail Mythic raid gear week one.

Nobody care about your self inflicted difficulty and chores so you can feel good and special about getting gear in a 14-15 years old MMORPG.

The guy probably feel special about beating a 14 years old raid and want everybody to do it the way he did it since he’s a gatekeeper and or do not want to see other people with ICC gear since it will make him feel less (Special) and in his eyes those people do not deserve the gear.


its so easy it needs nerfed so that we can do it on normal


Why do you care if you already cleared heroic?